The strongest god in the city

Chapter 551 Talk about it?

Chapter 551 Have you spoken? (fifth more)
"Young Master Ye, the online ticketing APP is not a joke. We are in this business and know the hardships very well. Not to mention investing a huge amount of money in development, we also need strong technical support and..."

As soon as Liu Jiaquan was in a hurry, he wanted to tell Ye Beichen about the hardships, so that Ye Beichen would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Ye Beichen interrupted him with a smile.

"Is it really that difficult?"

"Of course, it's too difficult!"

Zhao Chenguang took over the conversation and said: "It took our technical team three months to develop the APP, and it took another half a year to gradually improve the APP. Ye Shao, really, we advise you not to Do things you can't do."

Zhao Chenguang's tone was very sincere, and his purpose was obvious, which was to dispel Ye Beichen's thoughts.

At this time, several other people also opened their mouths one after another, stating the hardships of developing the APP, and they were just short of snot and tears.

Ye Beichen smiled and listened to the audience, and then suddenly realized: "Ah, it turns out that developing an online ticket purchase app is so difficult! Let me just say, the experts of Xingchen Technology have to stay up all night to finally complete it. It turned out to be so difficult."


As soon as Ye Beichen's words came out, everyone looked at Ye Beichen in shock, even Yuan Hesan was no exception.


The experts of Star Technology developed the APP after staying up all night?

What a joke!
Thinking of this, ridicule appeared in the eyes of Liu Jiaquan and the others.

"Young Master Ye, you may not be clear about it. It is relatively simple to develop a trial version, and it may not even be able to achieve basic online payment. Let alone get through ticket sales and access to offline pre-sales."

"That's right, Young Master Ye, it's better not to waste your time. You are a big money maker, why bother to spend your time on it? It's not worth it!"

A few people said what they said, and they almost called Ye Beichen whimsical, and Ye Beichen's Xingchen Technology was just a waste.

"Is that so?"

Ye Beichen smiled slightly, took out his phone, and said with a smile, "You say my app is a useless trial version?"

Everyone hurriedly took a step forward, looked at Ye Beichen's phone, and saw that there was indeed an app called Future Movies under Ye Beichen's fingers.

Could it be that it was really done?

Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Ye Beichen clicked on the app.

Just turning on the speed will make a few people's eyes shine.

Open the APP, and the first thing you see is to buy tickets for the movie.

At present, there is only one "The Song of Immortals".

Ye Beichen clicked on the icon of "The Song of Immortals", and then opened the ticket purchase page, reminding that the movie tickets will only be available tomorrow afternoon.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised, this has already opened up with the ticketing systems of various theaters!
With a smile on his face, Ye Beichen randomly chose a seat for tomorrow night, buying tickets and paying in one go.

In less than three seconds, the SMS reminder has been delivered.

Ticket purchased successfully!

At this moment, several people were all dumbfounded.

According to their experience, the Future Movies APP is indeed a qualified online ticketing application.

What kind of experts from Star Technology Company really did this just by staying up all night?

Seeing everyone's shock, Ye Beichen returned to the promotional page of "The Song of Immortals", and said with a smile, "I'll show you a more interesting one."

Under everyone's doubts, Ye Beichen clicked on the clip of "The Song of Immortals".

The next moment, everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, the surrounding scene changed, and the reception room disappeared!
What appeared in front of their eyes was the lush grassland and the extremely pure air, which made them take a deep breath.

A ray of sword light came from them and passed by each other. They clearly felt the strong wind brought by the sword light as it passed by, causing their hair to fly a few times.

And just now, they saw the girl standing on the sword light, and they seemed to smell the fragrance of the girl.

That's comforting!

The second female number in "The Song of Immortals", Shu Xin!

They were just about to look in the direction where Shu Xin left, when suddenly there was another flower in front of them, everything disappeared, and the reception room reappeared in front of them, Ye Beichen was looking at them with a smile.

Several people were all stunned.

They look at me and I look at you, completely unaware of what happened just now.

They finally experience the exaggeration that the Internet says.

It's not just an exaggeration, it's too exaggerated!

This is not watching a movie, it is clearly a five-second time travel experience!

So real.

These five seconds of experience alone shocked them deeply, let alone the whole movie?
At this moment, an impulse rose in the hearts of several people—the impulse to rush to the theater and watch a movie!
"Young Master Ye, how did you do it?" Liu Jiaquan said, full of expectations.

Ye Beichen didn't answer, but asked calmly: "Can your app make the film achieve such an effect?"

Hearing this, Liu Jiaquan's expression froze, and he quickly asked, "Young Master Ye, you mean that the effect just now didn't come from the video, but the function of the APP?"


Ye Beichen nodded.

Then Yuan Hesan interrupted: "Back then, Young Master Ye planned to hand over this technology to you. Since you refused to cooperate, Young Master Ye can only develop the app by himself."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of Liu Jiaquan and the others turned pale.

At this moment, they no longer needed to worry about whether what Yuan Hesan said was the truth or a lie.They just need to know that they missed out, and, never come back!

Liu Jiaquan lowered his head dejectedly, and sighed softly: "Young Master Ye, we can't do it, sorry."

After saying this, Liu Jiaquan bowed to Ye Beichen and left quickly.

Behind him, several other people also squeezed out a smile and left one after another.

"You can do it?"

Ye Beichen looked indifferently at the last person left - Zhao Chenguang.

Zhao Chenguang stayed, not because he could do it, but because he wanted Ye Beichen's skills!
Zhao Chenguang squeezed out a self-proclaimed gentle smile, and said, "Young Master Ye, we really can't do it, but I think we can cooperate in another way."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Ye Beichen replied softly, the sarcasm in his eyes flashed away.

Zhao Chenguang smiled complacently, and said, "Although Young Master Ye has produced the Future Cinema APP, it must be difficult to promote it. I think that Young Master Ye can entrust the Future Cinema APP to us, and it is best to cooperate with our company's APP. Unify into one APP. In this way, Ye Shao doesn’t need to worry about promotion.”

"Then, you can also use my technology logically?"

Zhao Chenguang sneered and said, "Since we cooperate, as a partner, it's natural."

"Oh, are you done?"

Ye Beichen nodded, the smile on his face suddenly turned cold, and he yelled coldly, "Get lost when you're done talking! You retarded bastard! Your face is bigger than the sun?"

Zhao Chenguang's smile also froze, and he quickly said: "No, Young Master Ye, our cooperation is beneficial to both parties."

What responded to him was one word: "Go away!"

 Done, go to bed.

  Starting tomorrow, fully prepare for the explosion on the 18th

(End of this chapter)

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