Chapter 558

In the reception room of Xianchen Film and Television, the seats are already full.

Those present here are none other than the executives of the film company who left the headquarters of the Magic Cinema Line not long ago.

Leaving from the phantom, they almost went out step by step, and got into their car tacitly.It wasn't until they met again at Xianchen Film and Television that they smiled and nodded.

It seemed that they had forgotten everything that happened in the shadow meeting room just now.

As a businessman, profit comes first, and it is false to say anything else.

They follow in the footsteps of whoever gives them money.

You can't make money for them, no matter how loud your voice is, they just pretend they didn't hear it.

All the people present, except for the eight people who were restless, were full of joy.

Having the opportunity to cooperate with Ye Beichen, and having the opportunity to put the film in future theaters to attract money, I am excited just thinking about it.

And those eight people were all worried and thinking.What price must be paid to satisfy Ye Beichen?

they do not know.

Just thinking of Ye Beichen's arrogance, they couldn't help but feel a little pain.

"Mr. Chen, tell me, Ye Bei... Will Young Master Ye meet us?" Zhu Chuncai asked eagerly.

Chen Miao frowned, and replied flatly: "I don't know either. However, Lao Zhu, I advise you to think about how to save yourself. Young Master Ye is not easy to fool."

Hearing this, Zhu Chuncai and the other seven people were all shocked.

At this time, Fang Ke'an also spoke: "Mr. Chen, look, shall we discuss the general idea first?"


Chen Miao was puzzled for a moment before reacting.

The "probably" in Fang Ke'an's mouth is for everyone to build a united front, and don't rush to give benefits one by one.

The more anxious you are to give benefits, the more likely you will be ruthlessly slaughtered by Ye Beichen.

However, Chen Miao pondered for a moment, then shook her head: "I think, since Young Master Ye asked Mr. Yuan to release the news, he should have a regulation in mind, right? Let's not mess around, so as not to cause Young Master Ye to misunderstand."

Hearing this, everyone nodded unconsciously.

What Chen Miao said was not without reason.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and everyone stood up quickly, ready to welcome Ye Beichen's arrival.

However, they were disappointed.

It wasn't Ye Beichen who came, but two girls—Xian'er and Rong Mengya.

Seeing the two of them, everyone's eyes brightened.

Although they had seen too many beauties, the uniqueness of Xian'er and Rong Mengya still attracted them.

Thinking of Ye Beichen having two beauties by himself, everyone felt a little jealous.

I saw Xian'er smiled slightly and said: "Everyone in the film and television industry, hello everyone, I am Xian'er, the general manager of Xianchen Film and Television. Ye Shao is not in the company now. I just talked with Ye Shao on the phone. Ye Shao means that everyone Go back first."


Everyone couldn't help exhaling softly, with disappointment on their faces.

Go back first?Could it be that he refused?

"Listen to me."

Xian'er frowned, and continued: "After you go back, you can sort out the movie information, including the title, starring role, genre, investment amount, and production completion time, all of which must be written clearly. After sorting out, send it to Xianchen for distribution The company. After we review, we will contact you one by one to discuss."

Speaking of this, Xian'er seemed to have thought of something: "By the way, what Young Master Ye meant is that since it is handed over to us for distribution, there is no such thing as a joint distribution. Regardless of whether it is domestic or overseas, the distribution right belongs to us. As for the box office share, For domestic distribution, the producer will be divided into 20 points for the total box office, and if it is distributed abroad, 5 points."


The eyes of everyone looking at Xian'er were full of shock, and they almost asked, "Are you kidding me?"

Leaving aside the issue of distribution abroad, after all, it is a fact that domestic films are not popular abroad.Moreover, Xianchen Film and Television has no ability to distribute their films abroad.

The crux of the problem lies within the country.

According to industry regulations, the producers can get 33 points of the box office share, and the guy from Xianchen Film and Television deducted 13 points from them, isn't it too cruel?

Xian'er didn't speak, just looked at them with a smile.

Her meaning is obvious, if you want to jump, just jump out and leave, no one will wait for you.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"I agree."

It's Chen Miao.

Chen Miao was the first to agree to Ye Beichen's conditions!
Everyone couldn't help wondering, Chen Miao is such a shrewd person, how could he stand up and suffer?
They hurriedly calculated it carefully, and suddenly realized.

They only counted the box office share, not the box office!

According to the current situation of "The Song of Immortals", the box office is 21 billion in 80 days, and they will be released for one month, and if you count less, it will also have 50 billion.

20 points is divided into one billion!

Moreover, at present, 20 domestic theaters have been cut off by the future theaters, and the box office peaked at only more than 33 billion. The share of 7 points will support [-] million.

There is a difference of [-] million between [-] billion and [-] million. To Ye Beichen, it is not a big gap, but to the bosses of these film and television companies in front of him, it may be half a year's profit!
No wonder, no wonder Chen Miao responded so positively.

"I agree." Zhu Chuncai shouted hastily.

"I agree."

"I agree."

Everyone agreed one after another, and no one raised any objections.

Xian'er nodded and looked up at one of them.

When Xian'er saw that person, he felt a "click" in his heart, and he knew that the situation was not good.

Because, he is Yang Sheng, the president of Shengshi Entertainment!

Betting against Ye Beichen, Shengshi Entertainment has always been a platform and a vanguard!
"Mr. Yang, you don't need to submit materials for Shengshi Entertainment. We, Xianchen Publishing, refuse to cooperate with Shengshi Entertainment."

Hearing this, Yang Sheng became impatient: "Manager Xian'er, you can't do this, and we, Shengshi Entertainment, didn't offend you."

Xian'er smiled calmly: "This is what Ye Shao meant. If you have any opinions, you can talk to Ye Shao."

Yang Sheng was unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Xian'er's gaze shifted to Zhu Chuncai.

"Which company boss are you?"

Zhu Chuncai was startled, and quickly forced a smile: "Hello, Manager Xian'er, I am Zhu Chuncai, general manager of Caiyuan Film and Television."

"Well, Caiyuan Film and Television."

Xian'er nodded, and said lightly: "Caiyuan Film and Television is on the list in Yuan Zongbao. Originally, it was reserved for investigation. But, I don't like your eyes. You Caiyuan Film and Television will not cooperate."


Zhu Chuncai suddenly panicked and stood there dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that he just looked at Xian'er a few more times with lewd eyes, and it would have such a consequence.

At this moment, he wished he could slap himself a few times.

"Manager Xian'er, you can't blame me, you look so..."

"To shut up!"

Zhu Chuncai wanted to flatter Xian'er, but Xian'er's complexion changed, and he scolded coldly, so frightened that Zhu Chuncai quickly shut his mouth.

Following Xian'er's scolding, several security guards guarding the door stretched out their heads, as if to warn Zhu Chuncai.

Zhu Chuncai didn't dare to act recklessly.

This one is missing, but on the other end, he just mocked Wang Huacheng and the others.

Zhu Chuncai wanted to die...

Xian'er snorted softly, looked up and glanced at the audience, and said, "There must be other people on the list reported by Yuan Zongbao. We, Young Master Ye, mean that if we cooperate, two points will be deducted for the first batch of movies released. After that Divided, as the case may be.”

Hearing this, the bosses of several other film and television companies who were worried were heartbroken.

Two points, according to calculations, at least 1000 million!

To ridicule Yuan Hesan would cost 1000 million yuan. Isn't this price too high?
They were dissatisfied, but no one raised any objections.

Continue to mock?

Either don't cooperate, or wait to be detained!
Ye Beichen and Xian'er were so strong that they couldn't resist at all.

Moreover, they were relieved to think that Zhu Chuncai was disqualified just because his eyes were wrong.

It doesn't matter if you are miserable, the key is that someone has to be worse than you.

(End of this chapter)

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