Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 100 100 You have a brain problem!

Chapter 100 100 You have a brain problem!

"What about the antidote, is it still useful for him?"

After hearing Qiangwei's description, Lin Mo looked at the antidote in his hand and asked her.

"If he doesn't take the antidote within three days, his whole body will fester and die," Qiangwei immediately explained to Lin Mo.

The medicinal effect of the Heart-eating Ant will not lose its effect due to the collapse of the human will, but will become stronger and stronger.

"Feed him the antidote."

Lin Mo didn't think much after listening to Qiangwei's words, and threw the antidote to the gangster in the distance.

"no problem."

Naturally, the gangster didn't dare to disobey Lin Mo's order, held down Chen Zhou who was already insane, and forced him to eat the antidote for the heart-eating ants.

"Hahaha, Immortal"

"You've been suspecting that I killed Big Brother until the end of your life, hahaha."

After taking the antidote, Chen Zhou did not return to normal. He was still yelling madly, but the pain of losing the heart-eating ants was no longer so painful.

"Let him go. Compared with death, I think letting him live like this is the real torture." Lin Mo ignored Chen Zhou, exchanged glances with Qiangwei, and left the abandoned factory.

The current Chen Zhou has completely become a lunatic.

Both Chen Xinyu and the Chen Group had lost their threat, so Lin Mo didn't need to waste his time on a useless person.

Compared with death, let him continue to live in a daze, this is endless torture.

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

"You take him back to the city."

Qiangwei nodded, and ordered the gangster to throw Chen Zhou into the urban area.

"This kind of trivial matter is left to me, sister Wei, you can rest assured." The gangster patted his chest and said to Qiangwei, and after watching her and Lin Mo leave, he smiled sinisterly at Chen Zhou a few times.

"Bastard, dare to call me a little bastard. Before sending you back, I will give you something exciting."

As he said that, the gangster took out a small knife and walked straight towards Chen Zhou.

At this time, Chen Zhou had long been immersed in his own world, talking nonsense nonstop, or laughing insanely, even when he saw the gangster walking towards him with the path, he didn't react at all.

"Immortal, you have doubted me until your death hahaha."


"Mr. Lin, do you think what he just said is credible?"

Back in the car, Qiangwei recalled what Chen Zhou said just now while driving, and then looked at Lin Mo in the rearview mirror with some doubts.

"What do you think?"

Lin Mo didn't answer Qiangwei directly, but instead asked her own opinion.

"The credibility is not high. His willpower is too weak to withstand the effect of the heart-eating ants' medicine, so he speaks madly."

Qiangwei shook her head, she always thought that Chen Zhou's words were made up by herself when she was already insane.

How can a living person disappear out of thin air? Chen Zhou's words are full of weirdness, which makes people have to doubt.

"You don't have to worry about this matter, send someone to watch him at all times." Lin Mo still didn't discuss this matter with Qiangwei, but asked her to send someone to watch Chen Zhou.

Although judging from his performance, it does seem that he has gone crazy, but it cannot be ruled out that he pretended to be on purpose.

"I will."

Qiangwei nodded, and didn't discuss Chen Zhou's matter with Lin Mo any more. She drove the car wholeheartedly, and arrived at the door of the milk tea shop after a while.

"Mr. Lin, the milk tea shop is here."

Through the rearview mirror, Qiangwei called out to Lin Mo who was already asleep.

"Well, you go back."

Opening his eyes, Lin Mo nodded, opened the car door and walked down. Qiangwei didn't stop, restarted the engine and drove away from the milk tea shop, heading towards the clover bar.

"Interesting, does anyone still steal milk tea these days?"

After Qiangwei drove away in the car, Lin Mo squinted his eyes and looked at the milk tea shop. At this time, the shop seemed to be robbed by someone, and the tools on the bar were randomly placed.

Walking into the store, Lin Mo soon found a figure sitting on the sofa drinking milk tea while looking at his mobile phone.

"Rare guest, why are you here?"

Lin Mo immediately picked up a tool on the ground, then walked slowly into the bar, and said something to the man on the sofa.

"You poor milk tea shop, do you not allow me to come?" Jiang Li's voice was very cold, and she didn't look back at Lin Mo at the bar.

"I'm curious what you are doing here?" Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth slightly, looked at Jiang Li on the sofa and asked.

Ever since Jiang Li was fucked by him last time, it has been a long time since he came to the milk tea shop to look for him.

Now that the entire Jiang family was almost under his control, seeing Jiang Li again now, he felt an inexplicable sense of pride in his heart.

"Can't you see, what else does your broken milk tea shop have besides milk tea?" Jiang Li replied to Lin Mo lightly.

"Sorry, the milk tea shop is closed today."

After listening to Jiang Li's words, Lin Mo smiled to himself and said something to her at the same time.

"so what?"

Jiang Li still didn't have any mood swings, her tone was still so cold, and she couldn't hear any emotion at all.

"Is it because I didn't express clearly enough?" Lin Mo looked at Jiang Li, and put the tool he just picked up back to its original position.

"Want to drive me away? You can try."

Jiang Li sneered, then put down her phone and got up and walked towards Lin Mo, "Guess what I'm here today for?"

"What does it have to do with me."

Lin Mo smiled dismissively, ignored Jiang Li at all, and started to clean up the mess at the bar.

"Lin Mo, what is your relationship with the eldest lady of the Chen Group?" Jiang Li asked Lin Mo expressionlessly.

Sure enough, just as Lin Mo thought in his heart, Jiang Li came to him for one reason, and that was his relationship with Chen Xinyu.

"Why should I answer your question?" Lin Mo shrugged, not caring about Jiang Li's current appearance.

"My patience has a limit." Jiang Li then said to Lin Mo coldly.

But no matter how he heard it, Lin Mo felt that this sentence was familiar, as if he had said it to Chen Zhou before.

"Jiang Li, you are too self-righteous, so what if I don't tell you?"

"I know if you don't tell me, you and Chen Xinyu have been hooking up for a long time." Jiang Li half-closed her eyes and stared at Lin Mo.

Now as long as she investigates a little bit, she can hear news about Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu.

The relationship between the two is no longer a secret.

Not only Jiang Li, but Lin's father and Lin's mother already knew about the relationship between the two, but it's a pity that they didn't take the initiative to find Lin Mo.

"So what, Xiao Yu and I are both single, so it's normal to be together." Lin Mo smiled and said something to Jiang Li very normally.

"Lin Mo, I should have told you that no one can be with her." Jiang Li's tone was a little colder than before.

Of course, that unchanging expression became even more gloomy, as if Lin Mo had committed some unforgivable crime.

"Jiang Li, you are the most problematic woman I have ever seen." Lin Mo also said to Jiang Li unceremoniously.

"Mr. Lin, here I come!"

Just as the two were confronting each other, Chen Xinyu's voice came from outside the milk tea shop. Her appearance broke the deadlock between the two, and they all looked at her.

"Mr. Lin?"

When Chen Xinyu walked into the milk tea shop, he happened to see Jiang Li at the bar, and looked at Lin Mo suspiciously, as if he was asking something.

To be continued

ps: Lao Qiu hereby congratulates all the college entrance examination students who have been admitted to the university of their choice.

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I heard that it’s raining, chocolate and music are more suitable for each other.

(End of this chapter)

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