Chapter 110 110 Power!

"Where did you see me smoking?"

Pushing open the door of the ward, Lin Mo didn't rush in, but turned around and asked Father Lin.

"You bastard, you did it on purpose!"

Father Lin reacted immediately, pointed at Lin Mo angrily, and then took out his mobile phone to call the secretary.

"Chairman, what are your orders?" The secretary was downstairs in the hospital at this time, and immediately asked after receiving a call from Father Lin.

"Go and buy me a lighter." Father Lin ordered the secretary while looking at Lin Mo who had already entered the ward.

"But my Madam has ordered you not to smoke." After hearing Father Lin's words, the secretary replied tremblingly.

"Whatever you want, just buy it if you want to." Lin's father frowned dissatisfiedly. It's okay for Lin Mo to argue with him, but even a secretary dared to talk nonsense to him.

"Chairman, what do you want the lighter for?" The secretary looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with embarrassment, and then asked Father Lin.

"Grandma, you don't need to come to the group tomorrow, go directly to the finance department to get your salary." Father Lin shouted at the secretary angrily.

This made Lin Mo frowned slightly when he entered the ward, turned around to look at him very displeased, and made a silent gesture to him.

"My surname is Wang, don't think that with your sister protecting you, I would not dare to resign you. If it weren't for your sister, with your little education, you still want to be my secretary, don't you have any idea?"

After seeing Lin Mo's gesture, Father Lin's tone weakened a bit, but he still yelled at his secretary very upset, "Wang Dalong, if you don't buy me a lighter today, you won't be using it for work tomorrow. .”

"Sister, you saw it too, it's my brother-in-law." Wang Dalong, who is the secretary, is also Lin's father's brother-in-law, and the beautiful woman in front of him is Lin's mother.

"Give me the phone."

Mother Lin kept a cold face and took the mobile phone from Wang Dahai.

"Sister, take it easy." Wang Dalong sighed deeply for Father Lin, and then handed the phone to Mother Lin.

He had reminded Lin's father many times just now, but unfortunately, Lin's father didn't realize it, and even yelled at him, it's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin and not knowing a good heart.

At this moment, Father Lin was stunned, glanced at the phone call with a flustered expression, and asked tentatively, "Wife?"

"Why are you buying a lighter?" Lin's mother's voice came from the phone, asking him as coldly as ice.

"It's nothing, I just bought it for fun." Father Lin explained, blinking at Lin Mo in the ward for help.

But Lin Mo didn't intend to pay attention to him at all, and went back to sit down beside Chen Xinyu, and winked at him with a look on his face.

"Do you think I believe it?" Mother Lin sneered, apparently not believing Father Lin's words at all.

"Well, let me confess, I bought the lighter for smoking, but it's not me, it's the bastard who wants to smoke."

When Father Lin saw that Lin Mo was going to watch him play, he dragged him out without thinking about it and used it as a shield for himself.

Sometimes, the son is used to cheat.

"Nonsense, Xiao Mo doesn't have your stinking problem, don't even think about throwing the blame on him." Mother Lin said angrily after hearing Father Lin's words.

"Really, he forced the cigarettes to me. Don't be fooled by this bastard's illusion." Father Lin shamelessly told Mother Lin about Lin Mo giving him cigarettes.

Of course, he distorted the facts a little bit. Lin Mo did give him the cigarette, but he had the cheek to ask Lin Mo for a long time before giving him one.


Mother Lin still didn't believe it, she frowned and asked Father Lin, "Where is Xiao Mo, where is he?"

"In the ward."

After seeing Lin's mother change the subject, Lin's father finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then gestured to Lin Mo who was in the ward.

"Lin Tianran, it's all your fault. If it weren't for you, Xiao Mo wouldn't have had this incident today." Mother Lin became anxious after hearing Father Lin's words, and immediately yelled into the phone.

"Honey, have you seen the news too?" Father Lin asked.

"Brother-in-law, I told my sister." At this moment, Wang Dalong's voice came from the phone again.

"I knew how your sister knew about this if she didn't watch the news. It turned out that you told me the secret, so I won't be in the group tomorrow." After hearing what Wang Dalong said, Father Lin said cursingly again.

"Lin Tianran, don't put me on airs as the chairman of the board. If something happens to Xiao Mo, I will never end with you!" This time, there was no Wang Dalong's voice coming from the phone, but Lin's mother's furious words.

"He's fine, what can be the matter." Lin's father saw Lin Mo in the ward who had nothing to do, and his teeth itched angrily.

"Where is the ward?"

"3602, come here."

After hanging up the phone, Father Lin walked into the ward again, looked at Chen Xinyu on the bed, and said to Lin Mo in a low voice, "You son of a bitch, your mother is here, help me get through this later."

"What about the benefits?"


"Then why should I help you?"

"The smoke was originally given to me by you."

"It's what you want, what's none of my business?"

"You have cigarettes on you, even if your mother knows about it, she won't let you go."

"Where's the evidence?"


"What benefits do you want?" Father Lin took a deep breath helplessly, and then asked Lin Mo.

"Return the shares of the original group to me."

"All right, all right, I'll give it back to you!"

"I also want half of the shares in your hand."

"What do you say?"

Father Lin froze, looking at Lin Mo suspiciously.

"I want half of the shares in your hand." Lin Mo repeated to Father Lin what he had just said.

"You son of a bitch, are you trying to seize power?" After Lin's father realized it, he looked at Lin Mo with a frown.

"Old man, you should have retired a long time ago." Lin Mo said without giving any face.

"Okay, the tone is not small, I'm retired, can you manage the group well?"

Father Lin smiled, and was not angry because of Lin Mo's idea of ​​wanting shares, but looked at him with interest.

"It must be better than you."

Lin Mo replied flatly that the reason why he planned to ask Father Lin for shares was mainly because he wanted to speed up his plan.

"Just talk is not enough, what proof can you use?" Father Lin asked disdainfully.

"Is it enough to buy the Jiang Group?" Lin Mo replied, wanting to prove himself, the acquisition of the Jiang Group is undoubtedly the best proof.

"Who do you think you are, if you say buy it, buy it?" Father Lin rolled his eyes angrily after hearing Lin Mo's words.

"You don't have to worry about that." Lin Mo didn't bother to explain too much to this bad old man, no matter whether he gave shares or not, it would be a matter of time to buy Jiang Group.

"I can hand over the group to you for a period of time. As long as I am satisfied, I will go home and retire."

"Okay, you said it yourself." Lin Mo didn't refuse either, and immediately agreed to Father Lin's proposal.

As for Chen Xinyu, she just looked at the two of them quietly, with a cute expression on her face.

"Little Mo!"

At this time, Mother Lin pushed open the door of the ward and walked in. After seeing Lin Mo, she immediately came to his side, "Is there any injury?"

"It's okay for him to get hurt." Father Lin said with some jealousy.

"It's really okay?" Mother Lin looked at Lin Mo with a sigh of relief, and then hugged him tightly, "You have made my mother miss you these days, and I don't know how to go home and have a look .”

The scene in front of her just touched Chen Xinyu's heart, making her look downcastly at Lin Mo's reunion with her parents.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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