Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 123 123 Tit for tat?

Chapter 123 123 Tit for tat?

"I appreciate my uncle's kindness."

Jiang Li's expression was still very gloomy, and Father Lin's advice seemed to be a threat in her ears.

During this period of time, Jiang took advantage of the gap between the fire of the Chen Group and suppressed the Chen Group with lightning speed.

What Lin's father said just now was nothing more than a warning to her.

After watching Jiang Li leave the study, Father Lin relaxed his body, leaned back on the chair and drank another sip of oolong tea, and muttered to himself, "You son of a bitch, you have to deal with it yourself."

Just like what I said to Jiang Li just now, Father Lin no longer intends to participate in the matter of Lin's group, and Lin Mo will be in charge of it. Therefore, facing Jiang's group, it is natural for him to solve it by himself.

in the living room.

Jiang Li, who just walked out of the study, looked very special, or she was the only one who didn't fit in.

"Let's eat."

Lin Mo broke the silence first, and deliberately said something to Chen Xinyu and Lin's mother in front of Jiang Li.


Chen Xinyu nodded, and looked awkwardly at Jiang Li not far away, "Miss Jiang, why don't you stay and have dinner together?"

What she said made Jiang Li and Lin's mother stunned, but Lin Mo got up and went to the kitchen to prepare the bowls and chopsticks for several people.

"no need."

Without any expression change, Jiang Li replied to Chen Xinyu coldly, and then planned to leave the Lin family.

"Xiao Li, it's so late, why don't you stay and have dinner."

Among them, Mother Lin may be the most embarrassing existence. Before Lin Mo broke off the engagement with Jiang Li, she had a good relationship with Jiang Li.

Before, she was worried that being too enthusiastic about Jiang Li would cause Chen Xinyu's dissatisfaction, but now it seems that she was thinking too much. As the most basic Hakka etiquette, Mother Lin still asked Jiang Li to stay.

"No need for auntie, I have already eaten before I came."

Jiang Li's face turned slightly better when she faced Mother Lin, but she still refused to stay for dinner.

"Whatever she does, come and eat quickly."

Lin Mo immediately said something to Chen Xinyu and Mother Lin, but he ignored Jiang Li who was on the side.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Li frowned suddenly, and looked at Lin Mo in the restaurant full of displeasure.

Ever since the group heard the news of Lin's cancellation of the cooperation, she had been holding back her stomach. Lin Mo's words just now were undoubtedly like a fuse that ignited her explosive barrel.

"Isn't the meaning obvious? If you want to go, go quickly."

Lin Mo didn't mean to be used to her at all, and pointed to her in the direction of the gate as he spoke.

"How do you talk?"

Mother Lin also frowned at this time.

Dissatisfied with Lin Mo's attitude, Jiang Li was still a guest after all, and there was no reason for the host to drive the guests away, so she comforted Jiang Li, "Xiao Li, don't take his words to heart."

"I wouldn't know him as well."

Jiang Li snorted coldly, then slightly raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Since my aunt has invited me, if I don't give face, it will appear that I am too uneducated."

With that said, she changed her mind and stopped refusing to stay for dinner, and walked up to Lin Mo provocatively.

"Sorry, there are no extra bowls and chopsticks."

Facing Jiang Li's provocation, Lin Mo also responded directly.

"What nonsense, there are plenty of extra bowls and chopsticks in the kitchen."

Before Jiang Li could react, Lin's mother interrupted him. Lin Mo seemed very speechless when Lin's mother repeatedly helped Jiang Li.

"Auntie, if someone really doesn't welcome you, then I'd better go." Jiang Li turned around and said to Mother Lin.

"Don't pay attention to him, Auntie will get it for you."

After hearing Jiang Li's words, Mother Lin turned to Lin Mo angrily, and then went to the kitchen to get another pair of extra bowls and chopsticks.

Looking at the bowls and chopsticks in Mother Lin's hands, Jiang Li smiled triumphantly, "Thank you, Auntie."

"You're welcome, Xiao Yu, come over to eat too." Mother Lin waved her hand, but still focused on Chen Xinyu.

Jiang Li is just a guest, and Chen Xinyu is the real protagonist in Lin Mu's eyes.

"Okay auntie."

Chen Xinyu nodded, and winked at Lin Mo when he came to the restaurant.

She had seen the scene just now, and although she felt sorry for Lin Mo for Lin Mu's favoritism towards Jiang Li, she did not respond in any way.

After all, from an objective point of view, she and Lin Mo are just boyfriend and girlfriend, not married. Like Jiang Li, she is just a guest.

The four of them sat at the dining table, seemingly as calm as water, but in reality there was an undercurrent.

As for Father Lin, after learning that Jiang Li hadn't left, he continued to stay in the study, saying that he wanted to practice calligraphy, but in fact he just didn't want to go into this muddy water.

On the dining table, Lin Mo picked up a rib and was about to hand it to Chen Xinyu's bowl, but Jiang Li deliberately knocked out the rib.

"Sorry, I didn't notice."

Jiang Li immediately pretended to be very careless and said something to Lin Mo.

"It's ok."

At this time, Chen Xinyu said something very generously, and was not angry because she knocked out the ribs that Lin Mo gave her.

But this doesn't mean that Lin Mo has no temper, and directly mocked her coldly, "Your eyesight is so bad at such a young age, I advise you to go to the hospital to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible."

"Well, I will."

Jiang Li smiled slightly. She didn't know why whenever she saw Lin Mo angry, she would be particularly relieved and happy from the bottom of her heart.

"There's something wrong."

Lin Mo scolded again coldly, but Jiang Li ignored it completely and smiled faintly.

Mother Lin sighed. As long as Jiang Li didn't go too far, she wouldn't take the initiative to stop her, and even protect her shortcomings.

Perhaps in her heart, she always thought that it was Lin Mo who had always abandoned Jiang Li, and that's why she was so partial.

If Lin Mo knew what Lin Mu was thinking, he might be so angry that he vomited blood. This is a typical case of being sold and counting the money for others.

"Miss Jiang, if Lin Mo has done anything wrong to you before, I will apologize to you on his behalf." Finally Chen Xinyu spoke, and she took the initiative to get closer to Jiang Li.

"Miss Chen was joking."

Jiang Li didn't take Chen Xinyu's words to heart, and responded politely.

She understands what is enough is enough, she can be unscrupulous towards Lin Mo, but Chen Xinyu can't.

Although she had hated Chen Xinyu when she was at the milk tea shop, but Lin's mother was beside her, so she couldn't show it.

"If Miss Jiang doesn't mind, just call me Xiaoyu." Chen Xinyu said to Jiang Li with a slight smile at this time.

"Xiao Yu, this title is not bad."

"However... I prefer to call you Miss Yu."

Jiang Li murmured at the corner of her mouth, she obviously said it to Lin Mo on purpose, especially the word Miss Yu.

When these three words came out of her mouth, the meaning seemed to have changed, with a hint of disdain and a bit of sarcasm.

"As long as Miss Jiang is willing, you can call me anything." Chen Xinyu smiled, but was not angry because of Jiang Li's deliberate provocation.

"Jiang Li, what are you talking about while eating your food?" Lin Mo said to her in a cold tone.

"Is there a problem?"

Facing Lin Mo's threatening words at this time, Jiang Li, like Chen Xinyu, had a brighter smile on his face.

"I suggest you go to the hospital to have a look at your brain."

"I will go, but I also suggest that you go to the hospital to see your brain."

Jiang Li nodded, and at the same time responded to Lin Mo.

To be continued

ps: My head really hurts, please subscribe!
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(End of this chapter)

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