Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 134 Nine Orifices Linglong Heart!

Chapter 134 134 Seven Orifices and Exquisite Heart!
"Are you a little fox?"

After turning off the fire and collecting the juice, Lin Mo was just about to turn around and leave the kitchen, but he just froze in place, and the other party was full of charm.

People can't take their eyes away.

"Who the hell are you?"

The little fox pursed his lips and looked Lin Mo up and down with half-closed eyes.

"Can't you see, I'm your savior." Lin Mo then shrugged and said to her in a flat tone.

"Tell me, why did you save me?"

The little fox snorted arrogantly, and then continued to question Lin Mo.

"Seeing injustice on the road, draw a knife to help."

After Lin Mo made a few short sentences, the little fox rolled his eyes and looked at him with disdain, "You humans don't have any good things."

"How do you say that I am also your savior, is this your attitude towards your savior?"

Lin Mo curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

The little fox in front of me looks stunning, but it doesn't have the cuteness of the little white fox before, and it doesn't look cute at all.

Wearing his own men's shirt, with his collarbone half exposed, and his slender hair covering his side face, is this the legendary vixen who captivates people's hearts?

"Sir, calm down!"

"I can't repay you, I can only promise you with your body." The little fox walked towards Lin Mo coquettishly, as if he had suddenly changed into a different person, and then unbuttoned his clothes
Facing such a charming little fox, his chest felt hot, and his eyes suddenly became clear. The little fox in front of him was clearly still standing where he was, how could he... take off his clothes.

"A charm?"

After reacting, Lin Mo muttered to himself that he accidentally fell into the opponent's charm technique just now, but fortunately, he had a seven-orifice exquisite heart, which made him return to normal in an instant.

But who is going to return to normal! ! !
At any rate, you let the little fox take off all his clothes, and you almost saw them all. This exquisite heart doesn't understand his thoughts at all.

"Strange, how could you resist my charm in the mid-stage of foundation establishment?" The little fox was stunned, looking at Lin Mo in disbelief.

You must know her charm technique, unless there is some special magic weapon, or the cultivation level is much higher than hers, otherwise it is impossible to react.

Lin Mo's cultivation base is obviously not higher than hers.

It should be that there is some special magic weapon on him. Thinking of this little fox, he became interested again, and immediately came to him, "Young master, you saved the life of my family."


The little fox who was about to perform the charm technique was blown away by a ray of light from Lin Mo's chest without any precautions.


"Why do you have an exquisite heart with seven apertures?"

The little fox was completely dumbfounded, and only then did she understand why Lin Mo was able to resist his charm technique with his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Because he didn't use his cultivation at all, but his exquisite heart with seven apertures.

The fox demon family is famous for their charm technique. No matter who they are, no matter how high their cultivation is, once they fall into their charm technique, it will be very difficult to escape from their control.

However, there are yin and yang in the world, and they have their own principles of mutual generation and mutual restraint. People with seven orifices and exquisite hearts are not subject to any temptations in the world and can see all falsehoods. They are the nemesis of their fox monsters.

No matter how strong the cultivation base and charm are, they will be of no use when facing the master of the exquisite heart with seven apertures.

Just like just now.

The little fox wanted to repeat the old trick, find out the magic weapon on Lin Mo, and the delicate heart with seven apertures directly broke the charm technique, and the glow that bloomed hurt her.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Mo walked towards her helplessly, reaching out his hand to pull her up.

"Bad guy, get away from me!"

The little fox not only didn't appreciate it, but moved back very resistingly, not daring to touch him at all.

For her, Lin Mo's Qiqiao Linglong Heart is stronger than the deterrence of crossing the sky, it is the restraint from the blood.

"Am I that scary?"

Seeing that he was rejected by the little fox, Lin Mo touched his nose in embarrassment, but he still didn't continue to approach her.

"Who are you, and why do you have a seven-aperture exquisite heart?" Clutching his injured chest, the little fox stood up and asked Lin Mo.

Although the Qiqiao Linglong Heart is the nemesis of the fox demon clan, not everyone has it. It can be described as rare in the world, and it is the only one.

She also only learned part of the description of the Qiqiao Linglong Heart in the ancient books of the clan.

For thousands of years.

Only Bigan in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties had the Qiqiao Linglong Heart, and he was the only owner in this world.

In order to get rid of this nemesis, Su Daji, the ancestor of the fox clan, dug out Bigan's exquisite heart on purpose to confuse King Zhou.

Since then, the fox demon clan has never encountered anyone with an exquisite heart.

But today the little fox met, Lin Mo is the new host of Qiqiao Linglongxin, and their natural nemesis of the fox clan.

"I can not understand what you say."

"What is the exquisite heart with seven apertures?"

Lin Mo naturally couldn't admit it, and asked the little fox pretending to be puzzled.

"You really don't understand?"

The little fox was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo suspiciously.


He nodded, and wanted to try to get close to the little fox again, but just as he made a move, he saw the little fox avoiding him like a plague god.

"Don't come here!"

The little fox yelled loudly, and glanced at his chest fearfully, "You have a smell that I don't like, go away!"

"What if I want to get closer to you?"

Seeing that the other party was so afraid of his exquisite heart, Lin Mo thought of trying to play tricks on her.

"Bastard, you go away!"

The little fox couldn't resist at all at this time, so he could only keep backing away, and was soon cornered by Lin Mo.

Thinking of the little fox who had used her charms to seduce him just now, and now turned into a little sheep curled up in the corner, I felt a burst of pride in my heart.

"Little fox, you are not good!"

Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth and gently raised her chin with his hand. The moment the two looked at each other, the little fox looked at Lin Mo blankly as if he had been electrocuted.

"You. Don't. Go away and watch out for me."

The little fox then stammered and wanted to push Lin Mo away, but for some reason he didn't have any strength in his body.

Even though her cultivation base is much higher than Lin Mo's, she is not Lin Mo's opponent at all at this moment.

"Careful what are you doing?"

Lin Mo looked at the little fox with interest.

He didn't take her words to heart at all, so what if he had a high cultivation base, he was still stuck in a corner by himself.

Looking at the delicate face of the other party, Lin Mo couldn't help lowering his head to kiss Fangze.

And the little fox had no room to resist at all, he could only stare wide-eyed at him doing mischief to him.

"Damn human!"

"Miss Ben remembers you!"

The little fox was filled with resentment.

She was extremely vengeful, and she completely remembered Lin Mo in her mind. It was always their fox monsters who played with others.

One day, she will have revenge like this.

With the suppression of Qiqiao Linglongxin, the little fox has no ability to resist at all, let alone perform the spell of charm, and can only be given a trace of humiliation by Lin Mo.
To be continued

ps: Please subscribe, dear ones!

Dear readers, please subscribe, Lao Qiu wants to eat, eat a big portion of claypot rice.

(End of this chapter)

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