Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 142 142 What happened to the fox?

Chapter 142 142 What happened to the fox?

But Lin Mo still stopped her, because Father Lin and Mother Lin must not see Bai Xue's attire, let alone Chen Xinyu.

"Young master is really annoying!"

Bai Xue's expression gradually became gloomy, and she looked at Lin Mo dissatisfied with the corner of her mouth, "Master treats my family like this, be careful of my family's anger."

"Yo, are you still angry?"

Lin Mo smiled when he heard her words, glanced at the direction of the restaurant out of the corner of his eye, walked out the door and grabbed Bai Xue's wrist.

"What are you doing, son?"

Bai Xue froze for a moment, looked at him suspiciously, and let herself be taken to a green forest in the community.

I have to say that the high-end community is good, with a lot of green area, artificial trees everywhere, quiet at night, not easy to be found.

"Little Fox."

"How about we play a game?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Lin Mo let go of Bai Xue.

"Don't play."

"The slave family has more important things to do."

Bai Xue refused without even thinking about it, looked at Lin Mo with blurred eyes, and moved her seductive red lips, "My lord, my family is hungry."

After finishing speaking, without giving Lin Mo a chance to react, he was pressed against a big tree, and he started to suck hard.

If it were anyone else, she would definitely not be able to stand up to Bai Xue's encroachment. She seemed a little unwilling to accept the status quo, and became even more unscrupulous.

The summer wind blows gently.
At this moment, the phone rang untimely, causing Bai Xue to stop her movements, and looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled expression.


Taking out his mobile phone and noting that it was Chen Xinyu, Lin Mo immediately made a silent gesture to Bai Xue under him.


Bai Xue snorted softly, but still did as she did, without making a sound, but the movements of her hands did not stop.

Lin Mo had no choice but to answer the phone pretending to be calm, and asked Chen Xinyu, "Xiao Yu, what's the matter?"

"Where are you?"

Chen Xinyu immediately asked, at the moment at the dining table, Lin's father and Lin's mother were all looking at her with extremely dissatisfied expressions.

"I'm at the gate of the community."

Lin Mo just wanted to answer, but he was stunned for a second, looked at Bai Xue in disbelief, moved the corner of his mouth and asked, "What are you doing?"

Bai Xue didn't answer, but just showed a smug smile, and didn't stop his actions because of Lin Mo's reaction. He took a deep breath to keep himself as calm as possible.

"Why did you suddenly run to the gate of the community?" Chen Xinyu asked with a little doubt.

"Get something and be back soon." Lin Mo explained immediately.

"What the hell is this brat doing?"

Lin's mother frowned and motioned Chen Xinyu to give her the phone. After taking the phone, she said to Lin Mo on the phone: "Come back quickly after taking the things, the food is cold."

"I know, I'll be right back."

Lin Mo nodded, then quickly hung up the phone, looked at Bai Xue under him, and slowly closed his eyes.



Carefully push open the door.

I saw Lin's father and Lin's mother had finished their dinner and were resting on the sofa in the living room. Only Chen Xinyu was still sitting in the dining room.

"Stinky boy, where's the thing?" Mother Lin immediately looked at the door and asked him.

"come on in."

Lin Mo didn't answer, but led a snow-white fox into the house. The appearance of Bai Xue made Lin's mother and Lin's father shake their heads.

"what is this?"

After Chen Xinyu discovered Bai Xue's existence, she immediately came to Lin Mo's side curiously, sizing her up with fiery eyes.

"This is a pet I bought at a pet store."

Lin Mo smiled and explained to Chen Xinyu that in order to make Bai Xue willingly change back to her original form, he spent a lot of money

Chen Xinyu was slightly taken aback, then squatted down and stroked Bai Xue's head with his hands, "It's so cute."

"Brat, if you have nothing to do, go buy a dog."

Lin's mother looked at Bai Xue with displeasure. Instead of being attracted by Bai Xue's cute and furry appearance, she felt disgusted.

Mother Lin has a habit of hating furry animals, which is why she never keeps pets at home.

"It's a fox!"

Lin Mo replied angrily.


Several people were stunned when they heard Lin Mo's words, and looked at Bai Xue in disbelief, and even Chen Xinyu looked at her again.

I always thought that Bai Xue brought back by Lin Mo was just a pure breed fox dog. Who would have thought that it was a real fox.

"Smelly boy, what kind of fox are you buying?" Mother Lin looked at Lin Mo displeased. She was against keeping pets, not to mention that Bai Xue was a fox with a serious expression.

"Any questions?"

Lin Mo curled his lips, glanced at Bai Xue under him, and saw that she was quiet and did not respond, so he felt relieved.

"The problem is big."

Mother Lin gave him a blank look. You must know that foxes are different from other animals. They have a smell on them, which is extremely unpleasant.

That's why she reacted so much.

But Bai Xue didn't have that kind of smell, instead, there was a faint fragrance, which was refreshing.

"Does it have a name?"

Chen Xinyu stood up and asked Lin Mo. Although Lin's mother objected, as long as Lin Mo wanted to raise her, she didn't care.

"Bai Xue."

Even if Lin Mo said Bai Xue's name, Lin's mother was the only one who opposed Bai Xue's existence. As for Chen Xinyu and Lin's father, they had no objections.

"Boy, I have no objection to you keeping pets, but you must not keep them at home." Mother Lin said to Lin Mo with a serious expression.

"I'll take her back tomorrow." Lin Mo nodded.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Mother Lin didn't say anything more, and went back to the room with a sullen face.

"You son of a bitch, your mother is already sensitive to animals. You still keep this one, don't you mean to piss her off?"

Father Lin spoke to him at this moment.

The appearance of Bai Xue made all the spearheads point at Lin Mo, just because Lin Mu didn't like animals.

"Okay, then I'll take her back now."

There was no reason to be worried. After hearing Father Lin's words, Lin Mo immediately wanted to take Bai Xue away and let her stay longer, which was to install a time bomb for himself.


Father Lin replied lightly.

After speaking, he went back upstairs and changed a piece of clothes, and went to the study. Only Lin Mo, Chen Xinyu, and Bai Xue were left in the living room.

At this time, Bai Xue stared at Chen Xinyu with bright eyes, and the two looked at each other, with a sense of inexplicability.

"Mr. Lin, it"

Chen Xinyu paused, she seemed to feel Bai Xue's difference, but she didn't know how to express it to Lin Mo.

"what happened?"

Lin Mo asked pretending not to know why.


Chen Xinyu shook her head and forced a smile. For some reason, Bai Xue always gave her an uncomfortable feeling.

In other words, Bai Xue's eyes were too sharp, not like the eyes a pet should have, and she was very uncomfortable.

"Did you go to the group to find me today?" Lin Mo asked her, changing the subject.

"Well, after shopping with my aunt, I wanted to visit you, but found that you were not there." Chen Xinyu nodded.

To be continued

ps: Please subscribe, big brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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