Chapter 145 145 Shushan!
"Mr. Lin, blow dry your hair."

After Chen Xinyu came to the living room, she turned around and gestured to Lin Mo behind her.

Before he had any reaction.

Bai Xue jumped straight into the living room, looked at Chen Xinyu's beautiful hair and sighed secretly, "If it's not a child, I really want to."

"What do you want?"

Lin Mo came behind Chen Xinyu with a hair dryer, and looked at Bai Xue with a serious face. Her words undoubtedly touched the restricted area.

"Young master, are you in a hurry?"

Bai Xue smiled, but did not answer Lin Mo's question. She focused her eyes on how Lin Mo was blowing Chen Xinyu's hair.

Lin Mo: "If you dare to play her mind, I guarantee you will not end well."

Bai Xue: "Master, are you really so cruel?"

Lin Mo: "You can try it."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Bai Xue and concentrated on drying Chen Xinyu's hair. This kind of technical work was not too simple for him.

Within minutes, he helped Chen Xinyu dry her hair without causing any damage.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Chen Xinyu didn't know why.

Suddenly feeling happy, after seeing his hair dried, he kissed Lin Mo's side face hard.

"I also want!"

Seeing this, Bai Xue groaned.

Just when Chen Xinyu was about to kiss her too, Lin Mo stopped her, "She's dirty, so don't kiss her."

Bai Xue: "."

Bai Xue: "Master, I'm so annoying!"

She looked at Lin Mo very dissatisfied, and howled a few more times in protest.

"Go away, I gave it a bath."

Chen Xinyu pouted, pushed Lin Momo away and kissed Bai Xue's head.


Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo proudly, "Master, this is none of my business~"


"It's better to kiss her less in the future, it's unhygienic." Lin Mo curled his lips and had to remind Chen Xinyu.

"Tch, then you just returned the kiss."

Chen Xinyu didn't take Lin Mo's words to heart.

"We... are different."

Lin Mo was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer this question, while Bai Xue looked at him gloatingly, "How is the young master different from her?"

"To shut up!"

Hearing Bai Xue's words, Lin Mo immediately scolded her.

"How are we different?"

I saw Chen Xinyu crossing her arms, and it was her turn to ask Lin Mo this question.

"It's just different."

Lin Mo is one head and two big, and he doesn't know how to explain to Chen Xinyu that Bai Xue in front of him is a vixen, at least at this stage, the other party must not be able to accept it.

This kind of thing has to be done slowly and gradually.

"Look, you can't even tell yourself."

Chen Xinyu rolled his eyes at him angrily, and planned to go back to the bedroom after speaking, which made Lin Mo feel relieved, as long as she didn't have contact with Bai Xue.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

Bai Xue wanted to go into the bedroom with Chen Xinyu at this time, but Lin Mo had expected it, and grabbed her quickly.

"Let go of the servant~"

Bai Xue began to act like a baby to Lin Mo.


Lin Mo didn't feel the slightest, and just ignored her acting like a baby. Compared with Chen Xinyu's voice, it was nothing.

Bai Xue: "Hmph!"



The way of humanity is insignificant, the way of immortality is reckless, and the way of ghosts is joyful.

When you are in the gate of life, the immortal way is your life, and the ghost way is your end.

The weather is turbulent, and my Tao is prosperous.

A burst of sword light danced, which was the daily practice time of the disciples, an old man standing in the center of the square.

His name is Cui Peng, he is the law enforcement elder, and he is also responsible for supervising the daily practice of the disciples, such as sword practice.

"The way of humanity is insignificant, but the way of immortality is reckless."

"All the weather is turbulent, and my Dao is prosperous."

Following Cui Peng's passionate shout, the disciples raised their swords above their heads one after another, and drew a very gorgeous sword flower.

"The weather is turbulent, and the sun is prosperous!"

The disciples shouted together, Gao Peng nodded in satisfaction, and caught a glimpse of Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen in mid-air from the corner of his corner.

"See Elder Cui."

Xu Fei jumped off Wang Qingchen's sword, bent down and saluted Cui Peng in front of him.

"Xu Fei?"

"Wang Qingchen?"

"Didn't you two go down the mountain to practice?"

Cui Peng frowned slightly, and with his cultivation, he could see that Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen's internal injuries were serious.

Moreover, Shushan disciples never leave their swords. When Xu Fei's sword disappeared, he asked a little suspiciously, "Where's your sword?"

"It's a long story to explain this matter."

Xu Fei was so ashamed that he lowered his head and told Cui Peng what happened when he and Wang Qingchen went down the mountain to practice.


"It's so ridiculous that a mere fox demon makes you so embarrassed." Cui Peng sneered after hearing the ins and outs of the matter.

"The disciple is willing to be punished."

"The disciple is willing to be punished."

Both Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen knew Cui Peng's temper very well, and when they saw his gloomy face, they immediately half-knelt on the ground and handed over their hands to be punished.

"Xu Fei didn't abide by the sect's rules and accepted disciples privately."

"Serious violation of the precepts, I will be expelled from the sect immediately!"

Cui Peng said to Xu Fei without mercy, then turned his gaze to Wang Qingchen:
"Wang Qingchen failed to complete the experience, knowing the precepts and covering up his senior brother to accept apprentices privately, facing the wall behind the mountain and thinking about his mistakes, he is not allowed to leave without improving his cultivation base."

"Elder Cui, my senior brother"

Wang Qingchen naturally didn't have any opinion on his own punishment, but the punishment for Xu Fei was different, it was directly expelled from the sect.

"Do you have any objections?"

Cui Peng looked at Wang Qingchen with a cold face.

That iceberg-like expression was short of the word "severeness" engraved on his face. In Shushan, no one dared to disobey his decision.

"Elder, although senior brother made mistakes, he did not disobey the school rules." Wang Qingchen gritted his teeth and said to Cui Peng.

"Hmph, two trash."

"From now on, you and your senior brother will abolish your cultivation and drive you out of Shushan." Cui Peng didn't pay attention to Wang Qingchen's words at all, and Xu Fei didn't react to it from the beginning to the end.

"I don't agree!"


Wang Qingchen became anxious immediately.

He got up and was about to argue with Cui Peng, and fell to his knees again after only a pressure. This time, it was even more difficult than before, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat the size of pimples.

"Senior brother, why should you be angry?"

A figure passed by, it was the master of Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen, Daoist Master Zhangyin.

"Junior palm print."

Cui Peng was slightly taken aback, and half-closed his eyes to look at the real person with palm prints. His appearance undoubtedly made Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen heave a sigh of relief.

"Senior brother, why are you so angry with my two evil disciples?"

Palm print Daoist's sleeves with a wave.

The coercion on Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen disappeared immediately, but they didn't get up from the ground, they still knelt with their heads bowed.

"Meet the master."

"Meet the master."

Of course, this time the two did not kneel down to worship Cui Peng, but the real person in the palm of their master.

Cui Peng snorted coldly, and glanced at Xu Fei abruptly: "Let him speak for himself."

The palm print real person: "Xu Fei, what happened?"

Xu Fei: "The disciple is incompetent."

He then told the ins and outs of the matter to Daoist Zhangyin.

To be continued

ps: Please subscribe, my friends, I was wrong~

(End of this chapter)

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