Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 155 Fighting against each other!

Chapter 155 Fighting against each other!

"Three days?"

"Why only three days?"

After listening to Chang Qing's answer, both Gu Jie and Gu Feng looked at him in surprise.


"Why are you reacting so strongly?" Gu Feng immediately pouted and looked at Gu Jie and asked, as if she was more excited than himself just now.

"Leave me alone."

Gu Jie didn't answer, but rolled her eyes at him, and then she pretended to be calm and went to the bedroom, not forgetting to look back at Chang Qing.

"Master, don't mind."

After Gu Jie entered the bedroom, Gu Feng looked at Chang Qing and said something.

"It's okay, your sister"

Chang Qing waved his hand, and didn't take what happened just now to his heart, but quickly recalled that scene in his mind.

"What's up with her?"

Gu Feng looked at Chang Qing with some doubts.

"How old is your sister?"

"26, why are you suddenly interested in this?" Gu Feng was slightly taken aback, but still told Chang Qing about Gu Jie's age.


Chang Qing shook his head, and pinched his fingers to calculate.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always wonders if he and Gu Jie have met before, the feeling of familiarity is too strong.

Even he had to wonder whether he and Gu Jie had met once.


After pinching his fingers and calculating for a long time, Chang Qing didn't figure out anything about Gu Jie, which made him frown, and asked Gu Feng in front of him, "What's your sister's birthday?"

"Uncle, I really don't know about this."

Gu Feng shook his head in embarrassment, not knowing why Chang Qing in front of him asked this, "How about, I will ask for you now."

"Forget it, don't bother."

Chang Qing waved her hand and stopped calculating anything about Gu Jie.


Three days later.

Seaside villa on the beach outside.

The light blue water is calm, and the salty sea breeze blows the coconut trees. There are many people watching such a beautiful scenery.

Bai Xue was wearing a pure white bikini.

The perfect figure is eye-catching and arouses the desire of many people. She is lying on the chair with her eyes closed, basking in the sun leisurely.

Gradually, a figure shuttled freely among the crowd and came to Bai Xue's side in just a moment. This person was Chang Qing.

"Are you a stinky Taoist priest?"

After Bai Xue felt the other party's presence, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Chang Qing.

"Pimpedao is Chang Qing, a disciple of Shu Mountain."

He looked at Bai Xue expressionlessly, and revealed his identity. Unlike Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen, he didn't see any hostility towards Bai Xue at the moment.

"I've heard your name before, and it's rumored that you are a rare genius in Shushan once in a thousand years."

Bai Xue was not in a hurry to do anything, but chatted like a friend she hadn't seen for a long time.

"The girl is not like an ordinary monster, but her bloodline is like that of the Xuanyuan Tomb's fox family. Why do you want to interfere in the secular world?" Chang Qing said lightly.

If it is an ordinary Yeluzi monster, there will be a bloody smell on his body, which is caused by harming human beings, and its purpose is to improve his cultivation.

And Bai Xue didn't have this kind of smell, so in a sense, Chang Qing didn't have any reason to do anything to her.

And the only reason is that Bai Xue shouldn't appear in the world.

"You decent people really care about a lot, why can't I stay in the secular world?" Bai Xue sneered dismissively.

What she hates the most is the famous and upright monks like Chang Qing. On the surface, they are full of morals and self-proclaimed that they are noble, but in fact they are not much better than him.

Just like Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen, who took advantage of her when she was about to cross the catastrophe, this method alone was despised by others.

"Humans and monsters have different paths, girl understands this truth, if you insist on staying by his side, not only will you harm him, but you will also harm yourself." Chang Qing said seriously.

"So what, even though I am a demon, I have never harmed anyone, but you stupid Taoist priests in Shushan, can you guarantee that you have never killed innocent people indiscriminately?"

Bai Xue was holding back her breath.

What she dislikes the most is people like Chang Qing who talk about transvestites, as if they have nothing else to do except maintain the order they set up all day long, so they are in a hurry.

"Girl, why are you obsessed with obsession?" Chang Qing sighed and shook her head.

"Stinky Taoist priest."

"If you want to do it, do it, what are you talking about?"

Bai Xue couldn't help but say something.

The reason why she dared to bask in the sun among the crowd was naturally because she had already prepared for it. Although the cultivation level of Chang Qing in front of her was higher than hers, it was not yet possible to really do it.

Bai Xue is not a vegetarian either.

With Lin Mo's feeding, she, who just broke through, seems to be advancing again, but she just missed the goal.

"If the girl really doesn't listen to the persuasion, Pingdao will have no choice but to take you back to Mount Shu and lock you up in the Demon Locking Tower." Chang Qing stopped talking.

There were a lot of people around, and the two of them were not giants on the beach. Compared with the whole beach and sea, they were still insignificant and inconspicuous.

But in the next second, Bai Xue took the lead, and the people around her instantly lost consciousness, and her clothes returned to normal. The bikini just now was just an illusion.

And these people on the beach, no matter men, women, young or old, also fell under her illusion, and they turned into marionettes when they lost consciousness, and they gathered together awkwardly, surrounding Changqing.

"Since the girl is so stubborn, don't blame the poor Taoist for being rude." Chang Qing finally stopped watching and swiped her sword.

The saber behind him flew into the sky like a rainbow, knocking out those controlled ordinary people one after another, but did not hurt any parts.

To get rid of those who were controlled by Bai Xue, Chang Qing took the sword and rushed towards her while reciting the Xuan Jue.

"Smelly Taoist priest, is this his ability?" Bai Xue smiled disdainfully.

I thought that Chang Qing, as a rare genius in Shushan in a millennium, is so powerful, but the current fight seems to be nothing more than that, not as powerful as the rumors say.

The two fought dozens of moves, and the surrounding sea water was affected to a height of several feet, but there was still no distinction between high and low, and no one took advantage.


With a wave of Chang Qing's sword, the saber in his hand pierced towards Bai Xue like a bamboo, and there was a faint green charm around the sword.

"Small trick, thanks to the fact that Shu Mountain still focuses on practicing swords, it doesn't have any power at all." Bai Xue relied on using her true essence to control the sea water, and easily blocked Chang Qing's blow.

Chang Qing didn't engage in a verbal argument with her, the saber was split into two and multiplied at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Following Chang Qing's loud shout.

Countless sabers formed a stegosaurus, stabbing at Baixue in unison, with extraordinary power.

Bai Xue frowned tightly, wanting to repeat the old trick just now, but Changqing's Stegosaurus was not something that sea water could block at all.

Stegosaurus flitted and pierced the water.

She suffered a lot of injuries, and her body flew out of the sky, and her tiny figure fell into the endless sea, disappearing with the waves.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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