Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 23 023 Forced Kiss!

Chapter 23 023 Forced Kiss!

"Ma Dan, labor and capital are villains, not nanny, why should they be ordered by an old woman like Jiang Rong!"

Lin Mo became more and more angry in the kitchen, turning the spatula non-stop, frying eggs and ham sausage.

I still want to eat French-style baked snails and stir-fried foie gras. It's really whimsical. Think Lin Mo's place is a vacation hotel?
Why doesn't she order an Olonga steak mixed with Western food?

Ding Dong!

mission failed!

The host did not use his own way to deal with his own body, which did not meet the completion conditions!
Reward: Tai Chi [Ineffective]!
While Lin Mo was still complaining, the system's notification sound suddenly rang in his mind.

In the next second, directly announce the mission failure!

"Damn, is it true or not, so the mission failed?"

Lin Mo was stunned when he heard the system's notification tone, and then said to the system in a speechless voice: "You are too cheating!"

System: "Because the host did not complete the key words of the mission, the system judgment failed!"

"Should I be so cheating, who said I don't have the keywords to complete the task!"

Lin Mo retorted to the system angrily.

If it wasn't for completing the system mission, he wouldn't have brought Jiang Rong home, and now he told him that the mission failed, what a joke!

System: "According to the host's actions, the keyword has not been completed, and the task has failed!"

After all, Lin Mo no longer heard any voice in his mind, no matter how he called the system, there was no response.

"you are vicious!"

Seeing that the system really didn't care about him, Lin Mo put away the gas angrily, put the dishes on a plate, and walked out of the kitchen.

"Why are you wearing my clothes?"

Lin Mo, who had just walked out of the kitchen, was about to call Jiang Rong, but he froze, looked at her with a frown and asked.

"My clothes were torn by you!" Jiang Rong didn't react too much after hearing Lin Mo's words, but replied flatly with the corner of her mouth curled up.

As if talking about something trivial.

"Take off my clothes!"

Lin Mo, who was already unhappy because of the failure of the system task judgment, became even more uncomfortable when he saw Jiang Rong wearing his own shirt, and immediately ordered her to take off her clothes.


Jiang Rong just responded blankly, and then began to unbutton his shirt.


"Stop, I've convinced you, keep wearing it!"

Seeing the snow-white skin under Jiang Rong's shirt, Lin Mo felt helpless.

It's fine to wear his shirt, at least add another one inside.

The ghost knows that she even took off her previous clothes. Lin Mo could have seen the black lace bra wrapped around Jiang Rong's chest if Lin Mo hadn't stopped it quickly.

Why did Lin Mo know that she was wearing a black lace bra, mainly because he saw it.

"Hmph, didn't you let me take it off?"

Jiang Rong buttoned the button he had just unbuttoned, and looked at Lin Mo with disdain.

"Untie it if you have the ability, I don't care!"

Lin Mo saw that he was despised by the old woman Jiang Rong again.

So she let go of her so-called shame, as long as she dared to take it off, she dared to look at it!

Anyway, if you don't look at it, Jiang Rong is also in good shape, and Lin Mo is not afraid of dirtying his eyes.

"Think beautifully!"

Jiang Rong snorted softly, she wasn't stupid, how could she show Lin Mo her body for nothing.

"Go away after eating, and don't appear in my sight again!"

Lin Mo ignored Jiang Rong, threw the prepared meal in front of her, turned around and went to the French window to see the sea view in the distance.

Only by appreciating the sea for a moment can Lin Mo's heart calm down.

"What's this? It's dark and not autumnal. Where's the escargot I want?"

After Jiang Rong fiddled with the eggs and ham twice with a fork, she looked at Lin Mo's back with disgust.

The rising sun, coupled with Lin Mo's bleak back, always reveals a sense of sadness.

"French baked snails, why don't you eat whales!"

Lin Mo didn't have the time to argue with Jiang Rong here.

If you want to eat French-style baked snails, go to a five-star restaurant; if you want to eat stir-fried foie gras, go to Michelin; in Linmo, there are only eggs and ham, Jiang Rong likes to eat it or not!
"Hmph, with this standard of living, it's a good thing Jiang Li didn't marry you!"

Seeing Lin Mo's bad attitude, Jiang Rong mocked with a sneer.

Lin Mo then turned to look at Jiang Rong, and said in a calm tone, "No more nonsense, I'll send the photo to Jiang Li!"


The corners of Jiang Rong's mouth rose slightly after hearing Lin Mo's words, and even though she was disgusted, she tasted the ham with a fork.

"You think I won't send it to Jiang Li!"

Lin Mo knew that the reason why Jiang Rong was so calm was that he felt that he would not really send the photos to Jiang Li, but it was a pity that he would disappoint her this time.

Take out your phone and open the email, select Jiang Li's email address, attach a photo, and click send!
A set of operations runs smoothly and smoothly, in one go.

Lin Mo sent the photo to Jiang Li right under Jiang Rong's nose.

"Bastard, you really dare to post!"

Jiang Rong could no longer calm down, and rushed towards Lin Mo with anger in surprise, and the steel fork in his hand became a deadly weapon.

Lin Mo subdued Jiang Rong who was rushing towards him in an instant, and then said with a sneer: "Old woman, get out of here while I still have tolerance for you, or you will be at your own risk. Don't think that I really dare not do anything to you." Sample!"

"You dare?"

"You can do it if you have the ability"

Just when Jiang Rong lost her mind and yelled at Lin Mo, her eyes widened in the next second, and she looked at Lin Mo in disbelief.

He obviously wanted to yell at Lin Mo, but he couldn't make a sound; he wanted to struggle, but his bones didn't have any strength, and his heartbeat began to speed up. Even his breathing became rapid.

After a long time, Lin Mo pushed Jiang Rong away, and then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

"Does it hurt?"

Jiang Rong was pushed to the ground, with one hand supporting the ground, and asked Lin Mo with a sneer.

"Is it cool?"

Lin Mo spat out blood-stained saliva in the direction of Jiang Rong, and asked not to be outdone.



Jiang Rong scolded Lin Mo angrily.

Thinking of being killed by Lin Mo just now is a burst of unspeakable shame and indignation.

Not only because of the big age difference between the two, the most important thing is that she was kissed by Lin Mo just now.

That strange feeling made her instantly lose her ability to resist, and she could only let Lin Mo do whatever he wanted!

"Didn't you deliver it yourself?"

Lin Mo looked at Jiang Rong without any guilt and said.

Originally, he didn't intend to do anything to Jiang Rong, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was too bad. Not to mention the failure of the mission, he was still despised by this old woman!
If Lin Mo doesn't teach her a lesson, he will really think he is a soft persimmon, so he can pinch it as he wants.


ps: The car is driving, if the book is sealed, the brother in the previous chapter will be responsible!

Seeking recommendations!
The whole family went on a trip today, and the update is a bit slow. If there is time to update another chapter in the evening, I will update it if it is too late. I hope you will forgive me!

 Those who talk about the Virgin, it is recommended to fly directly to Syria. There is no Virgin there, only Tankine. If you want to see it or not, I beg you to read it. It is really ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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