Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 29 029 Summer Tea vs. Cherry Blossom Love!

Chapter 29 029 Summer Tea vs. Cherry Blossom Love!

If he wasn't in China and was bound by the law all the time, with Ye Yan's temper, he would have been rude to Lin Mo a long time ago.

With his strength, it is not too easy to deal with Lin Mo, an ordinary person, as easy as crushing an ant to death.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Lin Mo was not an ordinary person.

With the blessing of the system, Lin Mo's strength has already reached the early stage of Ming Jin. If it is not for the failure of the mission, maybe his strength can match Ye Yan's.

The reason why Lin Mo has been avoiding conflicts with Ye Yan.

The main reason is that the strength has not reached the point where it can compete with it. Of course, Tibetan clumsiness is also one aspect.

He is not as stupid as Ye Yan, who can reveal his hole cards to the enemy at any time.

Either the dragon dives into the abyss and remains silent;
"If you're here for milk tea, I welcome you with both hands, but if you're not."

"Sorry, please leave!"

Lin Mo wasn't afraid of Ye Yan either, so he just looked at him, and the eyes of the two were tit for tat, as if they might strike in the next second.

"Is your milk tea delicious?"

Ye Yan immediately snorted unhappily, glanced contemptuously at the display of the milk tea shop, and then continued to say to Lin Mo:

"Do you dare to make a bet with me, if you lose, close this milk tea shop!"

There was an inexplicable confidence in his tone.

It seems that as long as Lin Mo agrees to make this bet with him, he will lose.

"Not interested in."

Lin Mo curled his lips and ignored Ye Yan at all.

He knew that Ye Yan spent some time abroad, and besides possessing good kung fu, he also learned many other skills.

He wasn't stupid to this extent, knowing that this was a trap designed by Ye Yan, he jumped into it desperately.

"Is this cowardly?"

"It seems that you, young master of the Lin family, are not doing well!"

Ye Yan smiled, full of sarcasm.

"Tell me, what do you want to bet on?"

Facing Ye Yan's ruthless ridicule, Lin Mo asked lightly.

He would like to see what extraordinary abilities this so-called hero has.

After Ye Yan saw that his provocative method worked, he proudly raised the corner of his mouth and said to Lin Mo, "Our milk tea is better than anyone else's!"

"What if you lose?"

Lin Mo sneered after hearing Ye Yan's words.

"If I lose, I will give you 1000 yuan!"

After Ye Yan pretended to think for a while, he then spoke to Lin Mo.

"If you lose, no matter where you meet me in the future, you have to bow your head and walk around."

Lin Mo told Ye Yan his bet on his own.

"make a deal!"

"If I lose, I will take the initiative to detour whenever I see you in the future!"

"But if you lose, you will not only close the milk tea shop, but also call me Grandpa Ye three times!"

Ye Yan said to Lin Mo confidently, with his experience, he really didn't take a rich young master like Lin Mo seriously.

"How do you want to bet?"

Lin Mo also agreed to the bet with each other, and then asked Ye Yan.

"It's very simple. Each of us makes a cup of milk tea. When the next customer comes in, whoever she says is the best cup will win!"

"No problem, you or me first."

"I'll come first!"

After saying that, Ye Yan turned over and jumped into the bar. After giving Lin Mo a provocative look, he began to make milk tea.

All kinds of fancy throwing cups dazzled people, and the skillful seasoning showed that Ye Yan was not only good at talking big.

In the past 2 minutes, a cup of Cherry Blossom Love with some alcohol was completed.

Whether it is good to drink or not is not mentioned for the time being, anyway, the skill is there.

"now you!"

After he finished making, he looked proudly at Lin Mo and signaled.

When it was Lin Mo's turn, he still prepared the seasoning as usual, put in a little saccharin, and added ice cubes.

A cup of super sweet and delicious summer tea is freshly baked.

"Just such a glass of ordinary lemonade, how do you compare with me?"

When Ye Yan saw Xia Ri's tea, he immediately looked at Lin Mo with contempt.

The Love of Cherry Blossoms he made surpasses the summer tea made by Lin Mo in terms of the vividness of the color and the visual effect.

"Just because it looks good doesn't mean it tastes good!"

Lin Mo didn't bother to talk to Ye Yan, and after putting the prepared summer meme tea on the bar, he began to wait for the next customer who came in.

Ye Yan stopped talking nonsense with Lin Mo, and leaned lazily on the bar, turning his eyes to the direction of the door.

Passers-by are always in a hurry.

After a long time, no one opened the door of the milk tea shop.

"Is the business of your milk tea shop usually so bad?"

After waiting for a long time, Ye Yan couldn't help but mocked Lin Mo again.

"If you don't have the patience to wait any longer, you can admit defeat!"

"I'm a very democratic person, surrender and lose half!"

Lin Mo replied not to be outdone, he did not open the milk tea shop for profit, and the number of customers has little to do with him.

It's just that after waiting too long, the taste of summer tea will fade after the ice cubes melt.

Of course, this kind of question is not only for Lin Mo.

Ye Yan's cup of Cherry Blossom Love was the same, the ice cubes in the cup had almost melted, and the color that was so dazzling just now seemed to have faded a lot.

In comparison, Lin Mo's cup of summer tea is not much better.

"I will admit defeat?"

Ye Yan snorted at Lin Mo unhappily, and kept his eyes on the movement at the door.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of the two, a woman pushed open the glass door.

"Beautiful lady, you must be tired!"

"Need a cup of sweet and delicious cherry blossom love to quench your thirst?"

Seeing this, Ye Yan quickly picked up his cup of Cherry Blossom Love to meet the woman.


The woman just glanced at Ye Yan lightly, and then slowly walked towards Lin Mo.

Seeing that he was being ignored, Ye Yan could only smile awkwardly, and immediately chased after him and said:
"Beautiful lady, I am making a bet with him. If you are not busy, can you help us complete this bet?"

"What bet?"

The woman was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Ye Yan with delicate eyes and asked.

"It's just a bet which of us makes better milk tea."

Ye Yan explained to the woman.

"Hmph, boring!"

After listening to Ye Yan's words, the woman looked at Lin Mo with a dismissive expression.

"You made this cup?"

After carefully looking at Lin Mo's cup of summer tea, the woman picked up the straw and took a sip.

After drinking, he looked at the Cherry Blossom Love in Ye Yan's hand.

"Please taste!"

Ye Yan also understood very well, and quickly handed the Sakura Love to the woman.

He is confident enough that he will definitely make a woman look at him with splendor after drinking his Cherry Blossom Love.

"Cough cough."

After the woman drank Cherry Blossom Love, she choked instead, and immediately looked at Ye Yan with a frown.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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