Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 32 032 A deep sense of guilt!

Chapter 32 032 A deep sense of guilt!

Often high-end hunters always appear as prey
Well, although this sentence has nothing to do with Lin Mo.

But it can only be said that Jiang Li has indeed come to the wrong place. Coming to the milk tea shop today is tantamount to entering a tiger's mouth, let alone being single.

"Did you hear?"

Jiang Li on the side obviously hasn't realized the seriousness of the problem, and still maintains her arrogant posture.

"Jiang Li, why do you think I should listen to you?"

The corners of Lin Mo's mouth rose slightly, and as he spoke, he walked out from the bar, and approached Jiang Li step by step.

"You didn't choose..choose"

Jiang Li didn't expect Lin Mo to approach her suddenly, and took a few steps back in a panic, while pretending to be calm and said: " as I say!"

"It's ridiculous!"

"Don't talk to me with this attitude, this is not the Jiang Group!"

Lin Mo sneered.

What he dislikes the most is that Jiang Li always talks to him in a superior tone. He is no longer the Lin Mo before, let alone Jiang Li's licking dog!

As long as someone's words don't please his ears, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he won't give face.

"You stop, come closer to me, believe it or not"

Jiang Li, who finally realized that something was wrong, quickly stopped Lin Mo from approaching her, but before she finished speaking, Lin Mo directly cornered her.

This time she was completely panicked.

After successfully pinning Jiang Libi to the corner, Lin Mo looked at her calmly and said, "My contact with Chen Xinyu shouldn't hinder you, right?"

"Lin Mo, don't forget that Lin's Group and Jiang's are now in a cooperative relationship!"

Although Jiang Li, who had lost her dominant position, did not show any weakness at all. When talking about Chen Xinyu, her tone was still so severe.

"so what?"

"Is my contact with her destroying the cooperative relationship between Lin and Jiang?"

Lin Mo smiled dismissively after listening to Jiang Li's words.

Sometimes he really didn't understand what was going on in Jiang Li's head, or how her gangster logic could be so grand.

"Yes, as long as you contact her, you are destroying the relationship between the Lin Group and the Jiang Group!"

Jiang Li still followed her own logic.

As long as Lin Mo contacts Chen Xinyu, it is undeniable that he is destroying the cooperative relationship between the Lin Group and the Jiang Group.

"What kind of nonsense is this, I have already quit Lin's!"

Lin Mo asked Jiang Li angrily.

"I don't care, anyway, you just can't have anything to do with Chen Xinyu!"

Jiang Li's tone turned cold, and she didn't give Lin Mo any chance to refute.

"I understand!"

After hearing Jiang Li's words, Lin Mo suddenly realized, and looked at her with a playful expression: "Are you afraid that I will destroy the relationship between Lin and Jiang, and you are simply jealous!"


"who do you think You Are!"

Jiang Li sneered suddenly, and glanced at Lin Mo contemptuously.

She will be jealous?

It's a big joke!
"Anyway, I'm also your former fiancé, right, dear Miss Jiang Li!"

Lin Mo gently raised Jiang Li's chin with his hand.

Not to mention, the feeling of molesting Jiang Li is really cool!
You must know that in the novel, Jiang Li is a woman who has brought her arrogance to the extreme.

No one can be so arrogant in front of her.

But Lin Mo did it, he not only did it, but also surpassed it!

Except for Lin Mo, I am afraid that no one can lift her chin with his hands.

I have to say that Jiang Li's skin is very soft and tender, giving people a feeling of touching cotton candy.


Jiang Li half-closed her eyes and stared at Lin Mo.

This was the first time since she was a child that someone dared to offend her like this.

"What if I don't let it go?"

Lin Mo smiled dismissively, and looked at Jiang Li aggressively.

On the delicate face, there is a light makeup painted on it. Jiang Li's appearance in ancient times is probably the same as that of Jiang Li.

There are no gorgeous words to describe her beauty, because there seems to be no words that can properly describe how beautiful Jiang Li is.

The attractive thin lips are painted with a bright lipstick number.

People can't help but want to kiss Fangze!
"If you don't let go"

Jiang Li didn't talk nonsense with Lin Mo, and told him directly with actions, what would be the consequences if he didn't let go.
"You are so cruel!"

Lin Mo looked at his lower body with lingering fear at this time.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly just now and clamped Jiang Li's leg, otherwise Xiao Xiaomo might suffer!
"I won't give you a second chance, I'll say it one last time, let it go."


But the next scene directly made Jiang Li dumbfounded, staring blankly at Lin Mo who was holding his cheek and nibbling.

Her mind was blank, but she couldn't figure out why Lin Mo became so bold.

In the past, when she and Lin Mo had not broken off their engagement, even if they deliberately gave Lin Mo a chance to get close to him, Lin Mo would be too scared to touch him.

But now everything in front of her completely broke her cognition.

Ding Dong!

mission completed!

Completion reward: Tai Chi 2.0.

In the next second, Lin Mo, who was still enjoying himself, heard a system notification sound in his mind.

Sorry, maybe because of Jiang Rong's experience, Lin Mo kissed Jiang Li again this time without any nonsense.

Unlike Jiang Rong, when he kissed Jiang Li, he appeared much rougher.

Not only did all the lipstick on Jiang Li's lips smudge, even Lin Mo's traces were all over her fair and clean neck.

"..Stop..Stop..Don't kiss again!"

Jiang Li suddenly came back to her senses and wanted to push Lin Mo away, but her strength was not strong enough to resist. After trying a few times, she had to beg Lin Mo to stop inarticulately. This was the first time she was in such a mess.

She regretted it, regretted that she should not come to the milk tea shop to find Lin Mo.

As if Lin Mo didn't hear what she said, he kept asking for it.

After Jiang Li realized that she was powerless to resist, she had to close her eyes and shed a few tears of regret, and let Lin Mo be presumptuous.

After a long time.
Perhaps Lin Mo felt that it was boring, so he let go of Jiang Li who had already accepted his fate.

But at this moment, Jiang Li's body softened, and without support, she lay on the ground and stared at Lin Mo with red eyes.

"You brought it on yourself!"

After seeing Jiang Li's appearance, Lin Mo felt a little guilty, but as soon as he thought of what Jiang Li had done to him, the guilt immediately dissipated like smoke.

"I won't let you go!"

After a while, Jiang Li spoke to Lin Mo coldly.

"I've heard this sentence from another person!" Lin Shi shrugged disapprovingly. He had heard this sentence countless times today.

When kissing Jiang Rong forcefully in the morning, she seemed to say exactly the same thing as Jiang Li to Lin Mo in this tone.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Mo suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of guilt. He only kissed Jiang Rong in the morning, but in the end he kissed Jiang Li again in the afternoon. Do you want to be so exciting!

To be continued

ps: The author is a good author, and he likes to write these serious things.

Just watch and cherish, 24 hours may not necessarily be deleted.

Please recommend, in terms of recommendation, I want to advance~~~
help me~~~
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  Don't forget the rich and the noble, if you talk about women's clothing, you can wear it [狗头保护]

(End of this chapter)

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