Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 4 004 Conceive the rise of e-commerce!

Chapter 4 004 Conceive the rise of e-commerce!
"Have you ever liked me?"

Thinking of Lin Mo's words to her, Jiang Li fell into deep thought.

She and Lin Mo have known each other since childhood, and they have always been classmates.

When the two were very young, Lin Mo told her that he would marry her as his wife when he grew up.

It's a pity that Jiang Li didn't pay much attention to it all the time. With a precocious personality, she didn't have the heart to care about these love affairs at all. After finishing college, she joined the company and started working wholeheartedly.

The thriving Jiang Group has also proved that she has outstanding leadership skills and is a natural leader.

However, her ambition is not just to make the Jiang Group one of the three major groups in Shanghai, she wants to be the only one.

Among them, the Lin family and the Chen family are both stumbling blocks for her to dominate the business world of the Demon City, but fortunately, she has a superior IQ and formulated a perfect plan early on.

Not only can you control the Lin family, but you can also get rid of the big shrimp of the Chen family.

But just last night, Lin Mo's short words made her plan for these years fall short.

How could she, who had never experienced failure, accept this fact.

"Lin Mo, now that there is no Lin Group as a protective umbrella, are you ready to accept my anger?"

Jiang Li murmured coldly. Originally, she was still considering how to secretly revenge Lin Mo without hurting the cooperation with the Lin Group. This is undoubtedly not a small difficulty.

But now that Lin Mo has lost the umbrella of the Lin Group, Jiang Li has nothing to worry about. Even if he retaliates against Lin Mo openly, I believe the other party will not say anything.

Of course, Jiang Li is not a fool. Although the Lin Group has announced that Lin Mo has lost his status as the heir, he is still the only child of the Lin family.

After a hundred years from Lin's father, the group will still belong to Lin Mo sooner or later. Jiang Li can't take revenge on Lin Mo too much, as long as he can calm down.

This was the first time she was voluntarily withdrawn from the engagement by others, and it was absolutely impossible for her not to feel resentment in her heart.

Jiang Li wants Lin Mo to know how heavy the price of playing with her feelings is, although she actually doesn't have much affection for Lin Mo.


Inside the sea view villa.

Lin Mo ate breakfast alone, listening to relaxing light music, and began to enjoy the fun of life.

He also knew that he was no longer the heir of the Lin Group.

To be honest, when Lin Mo knew the news, he didn't feel any loss, and even felt a little relieved.

In the novel, Lin Mo's business talent has always been outstanding, but unfortunately, this brilliance was overshadowed by the identity of the heir of the Lin Group.

Now, he wants to let those people know that even without the status of the heir of the Lin Group, he can still make a fortune.

Among other things, in terms of starting a business, there are really few people who can compare with the current Lin Mo.

Now the entire Huaguo is in the physical industry, lacking the rise of e-commerce.

We must know that this is the Internet age, and the potential of e-commerce is not inferior to that of the real industry. As long as Lin Mo seizes the opportunity and develops e-commerce, it will not take long to catch up with Lin's group, or even surpass it!
To build his own business empire, even if he confronts the family forces behind the hero, he will not be afraid.

Thinking about it, Lin Mo has already begun to plan how to make e-commerce rise.

At present, he still has a technology company in his hands, which is a company created by Lin Mo's predecessor before he crossed over.

The current market value is around [-] million. Based on this company alone, it can be seen that Lin Mo's predecessor was not a simple person.

This technology company, but even Lin's father and Lin's mother don't know its existence.

In other words, no one except Lin Mo knew of its existence, and it was so deep that it was hidden!
If it hadn't been for Lin Mo to travel over and fuse the memories of his predecessor, otherwise it would be difficult to know that there is actually a technology company in his hand, and he is the actual controlling shareholder of this company.

Thinking about it, Lin Mo took out his mobile phone and made a call to the company's senior management.

"Get ready, I have something important to announce at the company meeting later!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mo hung up the phone without waiting for the other party's response.


Downtown, inside the International Commercial Building.

For the first time, Lin Mo walked into Yunfeng Technology Company in a black suit and sunglasses with a straight posture.

"Boss, you are here."

As soon as Lin Mo entered the company, he was greeted by a man.

The other party's name is Zhang Ming, who is a senior executive of the company and also the CEO, and was appointed by Lin Mo's predecessor himself.

Also under the leadership of Zhang Ming, this little-known company.

From a small team, it has now become a technology company with a market value of [-] million.

The potential is huge, and it has been favored by many big companies, who want to buy it at a high price.

It's a pity that they were all rejected by Zhang Ming. Why did they refuse? Naturally, the real boss of the company is Lin Mo.

"Go to the conference room, I have something to announce!"

Lin Mo nodded, and then ordered Zhang Ming to let all the company's executives go to the conference room for a meeting. He had something important to announce.

"They are all ready, just waiting for the boss to pass."

Zhang Ming said to Lin Mo knowingly at this time.

As early as Lin Mo called to say that there was a major event to be announced, Zhang Ming notified all the company's top management to gather for a meeting.

"Okay, let's go to the meeting room."

Regarding Zhang Ming's efficient office style, Lin Mo finally understood why his predecessor appointed him as the company's CEO.

Zhang Ming is indeed a rare talent.

"Hi boss!"

When Lin Mo followed Zhang Ming to the conference room, everyone got up to greet Lin Mo.

"You're welcome, sit down."

Lin Mo waved his hand and asked everyone to sit back in their seats.

"Boss, what do you want to announce?"

At this time, Zhang Ming also sat at the conference table, looking at Lin Mo curiously.

In the past, Lin Mo used free-range management and let Zhang Ming handle all the company's affairs. This is the first time Lin Mo has started the company's affairs.

"I intend to expand the company's business."

Lin Mo then took out a USB flash drive from his body and inserted it into the computer on the conference table.

With the insertion of the USB flash drive, PPT appeared on the white screen.

This was made by Lin Mo during breakfast in the morning. Because it was a bit rushed, it looked shoddy, but it was better than nothing.

The title of the PPT is: E-commerce Rise Plan!

"Boss, this is?"

After seeing the PPT, Zhang Ming was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo with some surprise.

The others were also similar to Zhang Ming, some with curious eyes, some with dull eyes, and some with a sense of incomprehension.

Lin Mo also saw everyone's reactions in his eyes, and then began to explain the content of the PPT.

Although the PPT is very short, Lin Mo explained all the theoretical knowledge of e-commerce to everyone.

After Zhang Ming and the others digested the knowledge, no matter what kind of eyes they looked at before, they all looked at Lin Mo with a hint of admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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