Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 46 046 Feelings, post a single chapter~

Chapter 46 046 Feelings, post a single chapter~
As in the title, my heart fluctuates too much today, and I have insomnia.

Thanks to all the great readers who like this book for their support.

From the beginning of the book to today's results, the author is honestly quite surprised, never expecting so many people to read it.

So when I knew that I had a book that many people read, I was very excited.

I want to write this book well with my heart, but I am always afraid that it will not be well written and will fail the readers' expectations.

Chen Xinyu's task is an example. The author will properly handle this point later, and the situation you think will not happen.

I have to fill the hole I dug myself with tears in my eyes.

Those who can read this chapter are basically readers who follow the book.

Qiufeng is really grateful for your support all the way. I have been writing books for many years, but my level is not good, and my grades have always been mediocre.

Because of your support, I have my motivation.

Thanks to those big guys who donated rewards, you are all the parents of Qiufeng.

There is a question of level, and I don’t know when this book will collapse, but that is the problem of Qiufeng. I only hope that by then, everyone can still support it.

Regarding the issue of this book being on the shelves, when the book is on the shelves in the future, I hope everyone can support the genuine version. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have book coins. You can download the qq browser to search for this book for free.

This can also help Qiufeng increase a meager income.

Of course, it is better for readers with a certain financial foundation to subscribe. After all, Qiufeng barely makes a living by subscribing.

Along the way, accompany peers.

I wish the readers of this book all wishes come true, buy lottery tickets and win big prizes, chase girls to be happy with each other, and students will be successful in their studies
(End of this chapter)

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