Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 67 067 Strange men and women!

Chapter 67 067 Strange men and women!

"Hello, please bring me some popcorn and two Cokes."

Walking out of the screening room and coming to the front desk where the tickets were just collected, Lin Mo immediately said to the salesperson at the front desk.

"OK, just a second."

The salesperson nodded when she heard it, turned around and started making popcorn and coke.

"Waiter, bring me some popcorn and two Cokes too."

At this time, a man and a woman came from the other side.

The men's suits and leather shoes look like a professional elite's attire.

As for the woman next to him, she was wearing revealing clothes, with a half tube top and wrapping skirt, and heavy makeup.

It looks like you just walked out of a nightclub.

"Please wait a moment, both of you."

After the salesperson's lady glanced at the two of them, she was about to hand over the freshly made popcorn and Coke to Lin Mo.

"Why should he take it first!"

But at this moment, the woman next to the man frowned and said to the salesperson in an unhappy tone.

"Excuse me ma'am, this gentleman is the first to line up, so."

"You are blind, didn't you see that we came first?"

Before the salesperson could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the woman in front of her with an extremely bad attitude.

At this time, the young lady of the salesperson was obviously a little confused, and didn't understand why the woman in front of her could open her eyes and talk nonsense indiscriminately.

But even though the woman's attitude was so bad, she still explained carefully: "Sorry ma'am, it is indeed this gentleman who came to the line first."

"What do you mean, the movie is about to start, I want this popcorn from Coke!"

The woman snorted coldly, and said something to the salesperson in an arrogant tone.

"This is a public place, not a place for you to roll around."

Lin Mo frowned, and stepped forward to help the salesperson.

Although he has nothing to do with the Lin Group now, the woman in front of him actually wants to snatch his popcorn and coke, he just doesn't know what it means.

From the beginning to the end, it was the woman who spoke, and the man beside her was always on the sidelines.

"Wang Yimin, are you dead?"

"I didn't see that your woman was being bullied."

At this time, the woman yelled at the man next to her.

Because her movement was too loud, it attracted the attention of many people around, and they all looked at the front desk.

"What are you arguing about? Don't let me take you out next time!"

The man who was called Wang Yimin by the woman finally stopped watching, and immediately scolded the woman in dissatisfaction.

Although the woman has a grumpy temper and a loud voice, she immediately becomes obedient after hearing the man's scolding.

Obviously the man is the dominant player in this relationship.

"I have been bullied like this, and you are indifferent, are you still a man?"

The woman suddenly choked up with grievances, and she could actually squeeze a few tears from the corners of her eyes while talking, which made Lin Mo have to admire the woman's acting skills.

"I am a star VIP customer of your cinema."

The man ignored the woman, but took out his VIP card and handed it to the salesperson at the front desk to show his identity.

"Sir, although you are a VIP customer of our theater and can enjoy private theaters and other special services, you cannot jump in line!"

The salesperson at the front desk said with some difficulty after receiving the man's VIP card.

"I just need the popcorn and Coke in your hand now." The man said to the salesperson in a flat tone.

"Feel sorry."

"Call your manager over here!"

Just when the salesperson was about to explain again, the man interrupted her.

"Are you sure?"

"You are deaf, tell you to call the manager, what a lot of nonsense!"

At this time, the woman cursed at the salesperson's young lady again in displeasure.

The salesperson lady took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. She was afraid that she could not help but yell at the woman in the next second.

If it wasn't for the service tenet of the Lin Group, it wouldn't be like a repeater reminding the couple.

"Ignore them, just go and call the manager over." Lin Mo said to the salesperson at this time.

I didn't expect to encounter such a strange thing just by simply watching a movie.

It takes no more than 5 minutes to make a serving of popcorn, but women are unwilling to wait even if they can spend these 5 minutes, which is really incomprehensible.

"Well, here's your popcorn and Coke."

The salesperson nodded, and after handing the popcorn and Coke to Lin Mo, she rolled her eyes at the couple.

She has worked in the theater for so long, and this is the first time she has encountered such a strange thing.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to call the manager over here."

The salesperson lady walked out of the front desk immediately, and was going to the lounge in the backstage to find the manager to solve the matter.

As for Lin Mo, holding the freshly baked popcorn and Coke, he turned around and walked towards the entrance of the screening hall.

He didn't have time to spend time here with this wonderful couple, Chen Xinyu was still waiting for him to go back in the screening room.

If it weren't for the unreasonable entanglement between men and women, he would have returned to the screening hall to watch movies with Chen Xinyu.

It is said that the story of this romance movie watched by the two is particularly touching.

"No, you can't go!"

It was the same woman just now who directly blocked Lin Mo's way.

"Is something wrong?"

Lin Mo looked at the woman in front of him expressionlessly. He had long been indifferent to his emotions, but it was not difficult to see the disgust towards women in his eyes.

Judging from the man's attire, he is not an ordinary employee.

It should be a high-level white-collar worker of a certain company. With his conditions, how could he fall in love with a woman like this.

Leaving aside the prettiness, just the ostentatious character alone is disgusting, not to mention the dress that is so thick that you can no longer see the original appearance.

"The popcorn and Coke in your hand belong to us!"

The woman naturally said something to Lin Mo without any scruples.

After arguing with the salesperson for so long, her purpose is very simple, she just wants the popcorn and Coke in Lin Mo's hands.

The man on the side didn't stop the woman, just let her make trouble in front of Lin Mo.

"You have a problem with your eyes, didn't you see the line I lined up first?" Lin Mo replied to the woman without showing any weakness.

I just wanted to watch a movie.

Why did he encounter such a strange thing? Sure enough, in Xiaobaiwen's world, such people are the most indispensable.

Ding Dong!

Trigger the story mission!

Task content: teach wonderful men and women a lesson!
Completion Reward: Obtain Perfection Pill x 1
To be continued

ps: Thanks. This chapter does not thank special people, because I want to thank all the book friends who support this book. Because of you, Lao Qiu has the motivation to write it down.

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I heard that on rainy days, one-click reward plus collection is more suitable!
The first two days are Dog Slaughter Festival, I wish you all get out of singles as soon as possible and find your own other half.

(End of this chapter)

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