Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 69 069 Husband, I want it too!

Chapter 69 069 Husband, I want it too!

"none of your business?"

Only then did the man set his sights on Lin Mo, who had always been inconspicuous.

"I just heard you say that you want to cancel the cooperation with Lin Group."

Lin Mo looked at the man with extreme disdain, "When did the Lin Group actually need to cooperate with you little bastards?"

You must know that Lin Group, as the second largest enterprise in Shanghai, has countless industrial chains.

Usually other small businesses want to climb this high branch.

After listening to the man's words just now, it seems that Lin's company wants to climb up to his high branch. Looking at the entire magic city, I'm afraid that even the Chen's group doesn't have such a tone.

As for the cooperation in the man's mouth, I don't know what it is.

After all, there are countless subsidiaries under the Lin Group, and it might just be the cooperation of one of them.

His so-called cooperation is dispensable to the Lin Group, at most it's just to frighten the manager and the salesperson.

"What are you, you dare to talk to my husband like that!"

The woman couldn't help it immediately, stood up and pointed at Lin Mo's nose and cursed.

"Young Master Wang, I advise you to take good care of this woman, sometimes misfortune comes out of your mouth!"

The manager frowned immediately after hearing the woman's words.

Lin Mo's identity is not a joke, and it is not an exaggeration to use the three words "Prince" to describe him in Shanghai.

Although it has been rumored in the circle that Lin Mo has nothing to do with the Lin Group, anyone with a real discernment knows that this is just Lin Mo and Father Lin's anger.

"Who the hell are you?"

The man also suddenly realized that the 360° change in the manager's attitude towards him seemed to be due to Lin Mo's appearance.

He is not stupid. After listening to the manager's words, he immediately understood that Lin Mo's identity must not be simple, otherwise he would not let the manager protect him like this.

"An ordinary customer."

Lin Mo didn't bother to spend any more time with this wonderful couple.

After whispering a few words in the manager's ear, he headed to the screening room with popcorn and Coke.

After taking so long, Chen Xinyu was still waiting for him to go back in the theater.

"You can't go!"

After the woman saw that Lin Mo was about to leave, she started to stop him again, but this time it didn't go as smoothly as before, and she was directly blocked by the manager.

"Sorry you two, you are not welcome in our theater, please leave!"

After the manager gained confidence, he was no longer afraid of offending the man and the forces behind him.

"This is how you talk to me. I'm a platinum-level VIP in your theater."

The man was angry. Although he hadn't figured out Lin Mo's identity yet, the manager's attitude really made him unhappy.

"I forgot to tell you, you are no longer a VIP customer of our theater."

"Little Qiao, go and cancel this gentleman's information in our theater."

After hearing the man's words, the manager pretended to be suddenly enlightened, glanced at the salesperson and told her.

"Yes, manager."

Although she didn't understand why the manager's change was so drastic, she had long been displeased with the behavior of men and women.

When he returned to the front desk, he used the computer to log out the man's information.

"Manager, it has been logged out!"

"Sir, you are no longer a VIP customer of our theater, please leave immediately!"

The manager nodded and set his sights on the man again.

Just now Lin Mo told him that if the man really refuses to give up, just call the security guards to throw him and the woman out.

And also told him another thing in a particularly cryptic manner.

"You dare to cancel my VIP, believe it or not, I will call the customer service at your headquarters right now!"

When the man saw that his information was really canceled, he was completely dumbfounded, and while angry, he held his mobile phone and wanted to call to complain.

"Get them both out of here!"

The manager didn't want to waste any more saliva with the man, so the security guard who called to the theater whispered a few words to the security captain.

"Manager, are you sure you want to"

After listening to the manager's words, the security captain scratched his chin with difficulty.

"Don't be afraid, if something happens, I'll bear it!" The manager then patted the security captain on the shoulder.

"Okay, I think these two guys are unhappy!"

"You still dare to bully sister Xiao Qiao, this matter is on my shoulders!"

After seeing the manager confirming the ticket, the security captain also asked his security guards to push the man and woman into the corner of the stairwell without any scruples.


"Here, fresh popcorn is here."

Back at the seat in the theater, Lin Mo handed the popcorn and Coke he had bought to Chen Xinyu's hands.

"Why have you been there for so long? The movie has already started." After Chen Xinyu took the popcorn and Coke, she looked at Lin Mo with some doubts.

"I was delayed by something, so I shouldn't miss the exciting part, right?"

Lin Mo smiled, rubbed Chen Xinyu's little head and explained that he didn't tell her about the strange couple just now.

He didn't want to pollute Chen Xinyu's ears.

"Not yet, the movie has just begun."

Chen Xinyu shook her head, and no longer wondered why Lin Mo came back so late, but focused all her attention on the big screen.


While watching the movie attentively, she opened her mouth to signal Lin Mo.


Lin Mo picked up a piece of popcorn and fed it into Chen Xinyu's mouth, and then ate one by himself.

The taste is good, much better than the ones on the market. This is also one of the characteristics of Lin's Cinema. Even the popcorn is specially made.

"Husband, I want to do the same."

At this time, a woman behind Lin Mo also blushed and said to the man beside her after seeing the two showing their affection.

"Open your mouth."

The man smiled, picked up a piece of popcorn and prepared to feed the woman.


The woman opened her thin lips slightly, slowly waiting for the man's feeding.

After eating the popcorn fed by the man himself, the woman showed a satisfied smile.

"You said we sneaked out to watch a movie with our promises behind our backs, and we won't be angry with us when we go back, right?"

The woman then began to look at the man with some concern.

The man gently reassured the woman, "I specially asked Grandpa to put them to sleep, and it will be fine."


The woman nodded, looked at the picture on the big screen, and couldn't help saying: "This movie is really touching!"

On the big screen at this time, it is the climax of the plot.

When the male and female protagonists parted, they kissed each other.

Not only did the woman cry, but even Chen Xinyu was moved, and asked Lin Mo with some sobs:

"Mr. Lin, do you think our ending will be the same as in the movie?"

"Fool, haven't you heard a word?" Seeing this, Lin Mo comforted Chen Xinyu with a helpless smile.


"Today's parting is to prepare for a better reunion in the future."

Lin Mo then told Chen Xinyu what the hero was about to say to the heroine in the movie.

This is also the crowning touch of this movie!

To be continued

ps: Thank you for your support, Lao Qiu is very grateful!

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I heard that on rainy days, chocolate and music go together better!
(End of this chapter)

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