Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 78 078 Don't Dislike Me!

Chapter 78 078 Don't Dislike Me!
Ever since her father disappeared, Chen Xinyu had never felt such a solid sense of security.


Instead of talking about those annoying things, Lin Mo asked her again, changing the subject.




While Chen Xinyu was still thinking, there was a sudden gurgling sound from her stomach, which made her blush, and hugged Lin Mo shyly.

"What to eat?"

"I'll get it for you."

Lin Mo shook his head and smiled after hearing the cooing, and asked Chen Xinyu what he wanted to eat.

"It's fine, I'm not picky eaters."

Chen Xinyu thought for a while, but really couldn't think of what she particularly wanted to eat.

"Then I'll check the refrigerator and do what I find."

Lin Mo nodded, got up and was about to go to the refrigerator in the living room to have a look, but Chen Xinyu was still pawing at him like an octopus, and then said to her:

"Honey, can you get off my back first?"

"do not want!"

Chen Xinyu's expression changed, and he shook his head quickly. He refused to let go of Lin Mo even if he was beaten to death, and hugged Lin Mo even more tightly because of what he said just now.

"If you don't come down, how can I get you something to eat?"

Seeing Chen Xinyu relying on him so much, Lin Mo felt helpless.

"Then I'm not hungry anymore!"

Chen Xinyu also said something to Lin Mo without thinking.

Those cute big eyes seemed to really tell her what she said, but her stomach growled inappropriately, which proved that what she just said was just perfunctory Lin Mo.

"I really can't do anything about you, I'm not hungry yet."

Lin Mo angrily grabbed Chen Xinyu's face with his hands, and then let her hang on him like this, got up and walked to the living room.

In this way, he came to the living room with Chen Xinyu on his back, opened the refrigerator and looked.

"This. And this"

Chen Xinyu, who was behind him, put his head on Lin Mo's shoulder, hugged him tightly with one hand, and pointed to the packing box in the refrigerator with the other.

"Didn't you just say you weren't hungry?"

"Emmm, I'm hungry now!"

Seeing Lin Mo teasing herself, Chen Xinyu's pretty face blushed again, and she opened her mouth to bite Lin Mo's ear in dissatisfaction.

It's more like eating than biting.

He gently licked Lin Mo's earlobe with his tongue.

A burst of moisture, mixed with the taste of female hormones.

The softest part of a girl's body, except... it should be the tongue.

"Stop playing, it's all saliva!"

Lin Mo took out the packing box that Chen Xinyu had just pointed out, and said something pretending to be disgusted.

Sure enough, when Chen Xinyu heard Lin Mo's words, he stopped immediately, with a little doubt in his eyes, and more dissatisfaction.

Immediately, he no longer licked gently with the tip of his tongue, but took a bite hard with his white teeth.


"Let you despise me."

Opening his mouth, Chen Xinyu felt elated when he saw the faint teeth marks on Lin Mo's ears.

"I hate you to death!"

Lin Mo smiled helplessly, and pinched her Qiong nose with his hand.

Looking at the ear, there is still the saliva left by Chen Xinyu, it is wet.

"Don't despise me!"

Chen Xinyu immediately felt wronged again, staring at Lin Mo with big watery eyes, as if she would cry in the next second.

"Do I despise you?"

Lin Mo shrugged and looked at Chen Xinyu pretending to be innocent.

"Yes, you just said it."

Chen Xinyu nodded vigorously, fearing that no one in the world would be more wronged than her at this moment.

"Fool, you must have heard wrong."

Lin Mo stopped teasing Chen Xinyu, touched her little head and said something.

"You have to swear that you will never dislike me!"

Chen Xinyu puffed her cheeks angrily, and she would not give up until Lin Mo swore.

"I swear to the refrigerator that I will never dislike the little fairy. If I break my oath, I will put my head in the refrigerator door."

Seeing that Chen Xinyu was so serious, Lin Mo had no choice but to swear to the refrigerator in front of him.


"Can you say that again?"

Chen Xinyu couldn't help laughing after hearing Lin Mo's oath.


"What do you want, I didn't hear you clearly just now, please say it again!"

Acting coquettishly, Chen Xinyu shook Lin Mo in a begging tone.

After feeling the softness behind him, Lin Mo was also slightly moved, and repeated the sentence just now.


After Chen Xinyu heard it, he chuckled again, nodded in satisfaction, and signaled Lin Mo to open his mouth.


Lin Mo was stunned. Although he didn't understand why Chen Xinyu asked him to open his mouth, he still did so.


Chen Xinyu blushed, and slowly handed her over to Lin Mo.

"Don't vomit!"

After understanding Chen Xinyu's intentions, Lin Mo rolled his eyes at her angrily, and walked towards the kitchen with the packing box.

"Idiot, the refrigerator door is still open!"

Chen Xinyu raised the corners of her mouth proudly, and after helping Lin Mo close the refrigerator door, she continued to play the ear-biting game on his back.

"are not you tired?"

After coming to the kitchen and cutting open the packing box with a kitchen knife, Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu curiously.

Wouldn't her hands be sore from pulling on her back all the time?

Chen Xinyu pouted in distress, but quickly snorted again, "Although I'm tired, don't let me let you go!"

"Silly girl, I don't know how to run, why bother to keep tiring myself like this."

Lin Mo really didn't know how to teach Chen Xinyu.

It seemed that no matter what he said, Chen Xinyu would not listen.

In her mind, it seemed that as soon as she let go, Lin Mo would disappear.

This kind of behavior is an expression of extreme insecurity. It can be seen that today's blow is indeed not small for her. Only by hanging on Lin Mo all the time can she feel satisfied.

"Who said no, you just disappeared from my world."

Chen Xinyu immediately retorted, looking at Lin Mo with puffed cheeks angrily.

"It's impossible for the two of us to stick together all the time, you have to learn to restrain yourself."

Seeing that Chen Xinyu was struggling with the dream just now, Lin Mo shook his head helplessly and said.

Even if Chen Xinyu is reluctant to let go now, he will have to go back sooner or later, and he can't hang on Lin Mo like this all the time.

"No, no, I don't want to learn restraint, I want you."

At this moment, Chen Xinyu was crying again, as if a helpless little girl had been wronged, she couldn't stop shedding tears.

"Okay, okay~"

"Do not cry!"

Lin Mo had no choice but to stop provoking Chen Xinyu, and sighed deeply again.

Knowing that she is still in a tense period, although she looks like a normal person on the surface, she is still afraid in her heart.

Instead of talking about the topic just now, after appeasing Chen Xinyu for a while, Lin Mo started to cook delicious food. The packaging boxes were full of quick-frozen food, which were quickly fried and put on the plate.


Smelling that scent, Chen Xinyu's stomach behind her couldn't help but growl again.

To be continued

ps: Thank you (@), Baa Da, Yan Momo for your rewards, big guys nb!
Emmm, thank you for your support, this wave of Laoqiu wants to recommend tickets, monthly tickets, collections, rewards, one-click four links, and start a better life.

Properly put down the phone and go to see the scenery with the one you love.

(End of this chapter)

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