Chapter 91 091 debut!

"I choose to support Xiao Yu to continue as president."

While everyone was discussing endlessly, Quan Zhong, who had been resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and said something to everyone.

He is currently the only one who supports Chen Xinyu to continue to be the president.

"Uncle Zhong, did I hear correctly?"

"Do you want to continue to support Mr. Chen?"

Mu Yinan froze when he heard Quan Zhong's words, and couldn't help frowning at him.

Unlike Gong Heshan, he didn't dare to be disrespectful in front of Quanzhong, and his tone of speech was also a little weaker, without the strong smell of gunpowder just now.

But even so, he still expressed his dissatisfaction with Quan Zhong.

Quan Zhong's identity is there. If he is determined to support Chen Xinyu, it will be a lot of resistance to Chen Zhou and Gong Bin.

"You people, I know exactly what is in your mind."

"I have no objection to the position of the president, but you are so impatient to attack Xiaoyu just after Lao Chen left, don't you think it's shameless?"

Seeing the ugly faces of these shareholders, Quan Zhong was full of cynicism.

"Uncle Zhong, I respect you, but you can't say that."

Because of Quan Zhong's words, most of the shareholders waited and looked at each other in embarrassment, and Mu Yinnan even retorted with embarrassment, "Now we are talking about Mr. Chen's ability to continue to be the president, not about feelings."

"That's right. You have a good relationship with Lao Chen. It's understandable to protect her, but you can't entrust the fate of the group to such a little girl Pianzi."

"I am Hai Da Fu, the first one to disagree!"

Hai Dafu, who was at the side, was at odds with Quan Zhong. After listening to Mu Yinnan's words, he also expressed his opinion.

He was full of hostility towards Chen Xinyu, and he didn't look like an elder caring for a younger generation at all.

"Xiaoyu, do you have the confidence to make the group go further?"

Quan Zhong ignored Hai Dafu, but looked at Chen Xinyu who had been silent all this time. This meeting seemed to be a carnival for shareholders and had nothing to do with her.

Everyone has been discussing who is more suitable to be the president, but they have never considered Chen Xinyu's feelings.

But it's normal, it's at this juncture, who would consider her feelings.

"As long as everyone believes in me, the group will definitely go further!" Chen Xinyu nodded at this moment, and said to Quan Zhong with a serious face.

Except for Quan Zhong, not many people would take her words to heart, and they all sneered at her words.

"Uncle Zhong, I will also say such beautiful words."

Especially when Mu Yinnan heard her words, he smiled the most disdainfully, "Little Mr. Chen, it's useless to just talk, and I haven't seen you lead everyone to go further in these years."

"If it weren't for Mr. Chen's help, the group would have been messed up."

"In my opinion, it's better to abdicate to Xian, and give the position of president to Mr. Chen."

Because of his words, many shareholders have started to stand in line, hoping that Chen Zhou can be the president. This is not good news for Gong Bin.

But not everyone supports Chen Zhou, and a small number of shareholders choose to support him.

However, these shareholders are more or less related to Gong Heshan, and there is nothing wrong with supporting him.

"I see, the old rules are still used to decide who will be the president!"

Hai Dafu was leaning on the chair at this moment, sipping tea while talking to everyone.

The old rule in his mouth is nothing more than shareholders voting to choose the candidate for the president. It is undoubtedly in Chen Zhou's best interest to use this method to decide the president.

There are so many shareholders in the conference room, at least half of them are related to Chen Zhou.

"Okay, let's use the old rules."

Mu Yinnan naturally agreed with Hai Dafu's proposal with both hands, and immediately asked the shareholders without hesitation: "Those who support Mr. Chen as the president, please raise your hands!"

As soon as the words finished, Mu Yinnan himself was the first to raise his hand.

After several shareholders looked at each other in blank dismay, they also raised their hands in favor.

Among the dozen or so shareholders, at least seven or eight supported Chen Zhou.

"I agree too!"

Seeing that the time was ripe, Hai Dafu also raised his hands to support Chen Zhou as the president.

"I support Mr. Gong."

The rest of the shareholders also raised their hands to support Gong Bin.

Only two or three were still watching without making a decision, and then turned to look at Quan Zhong.

"I support Xiaoyu to stay in the position of president. You should give her some time." Quan Zhong then stopped being silent and chose to support Chen Xinyu to continue as president.

"We support Mr. Chen."

With his support, those shareholders who hadn't made a decision also chose Chen Xinyu.

The situation on the field became clear in an instant. Most shareholders chose to support Chen Zhou and Gong Bin, and only a small number of shareholders including Quan Zhong supported Chen Xinyu.

"Everyone has also seen that the people who support Mr. Chen are obviously the most, so the position of the president."

"Not necessarily."

Mu Yinnan was just about to announce the voting results, but was interrupted in the middle of speaking, and saw the door of the meeting room pushed open again.

Lin Mo walked in wearing a minimalist casual outfit, and his appearance made all the shareholders confused.

Chen Xinyu was also very surprised, and then moved the corners of his mouth, as if asking why he appeared.

"who are you?"

At this time, Mu Yinan frowned and looked at Lin Mo very displeased.

"Mr. Chen, long time no see."

Lin Mo ignored Mu Yinnan, but greeted Chen Zhou who was sitting on the seat.

"Master Lin, this doesn't seem to be your Lin Group." Chen Zhou squinted at Lin Mo with a hostile tone.

After hearing his words, everyone reacted and looked at Lin Mo very unkindly.

"The security guard, what are you doing?"

"How did people from the Lin family sneak into the group?"

Mu Yinnan yelled immediately, and he was about to call the security guards to drive Lin Mo away, but was soon stopped by Chen Zhou.

"Master Lin, I don't care about your relationship with Xiaoyu, but this is a group, and we are holding a very important meeting."

"You broke in like this, do you know how much it will affect us?"

Chen Zhou pointed the finger at Lin Mo in a few words, and at the same time revealed his relationship with Chen Xinyu.

When those shareholders knew that the relationship between Chen Xinyu and Lin Mo was not simple, they began to discuss in a low voice.

You must know that although there is no competition between the two groups, the relationship has always been at a freezing point. The relationship between Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu has undoubtedly been criticized by these shareholders.

"It's no wonder you came in. So you have something to do with Mr. Chen." After Mu Yinnan realized it, his tone immediately became sarcasm.

"Xiao Yu, don't involve your personal feelings in the group. You should give up the position of president to your second uncle."

After Hai Dafu finished speaking, he took a sip of tea.

"How did you come?"

Chen Xinyu couldn't bear the eyes of these shareholders, and immediately ran to Lin Mo and asked in a low voice.

"I'm here to help you."

Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, and whispered back in her ear.

"But you shouldn't have come, this is the Chen family after all." Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo with a complicated expression.

Those shareholders are very hostile to Lin Mo's appearance. It is a big taboo for a person who does not belong to the Chen Group to appear in the conference room.

No group can tolerate such a thing to happen.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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