The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1 I just want to be an ordinary person now

Chapter 1 I just want to be an ordinary person now
My name is Li Ming. For some reasons, I have been overseas for several years, and I didn’t come back until recently.

After suffering through life and death, I just want to be an ordinary person now.

Grandpa's old friend, Grandpa Lin, made a marriage promise to me. He wanted to betroth his granddaughter Lin Ruyu to me. Due to the friendship of the older generation, I didn't know how to refuse.

And Grandpa Lin's granddaughter dared not refuse because of her grandpa's majesty.

So, the marriage was decided absurdly like this, but because of work reasons, I didn't get a marriage certificate, and I didn't hold a wedding. I just said that we'll talk about it first, and we'll make it up after a while.

The next day, Li Ming and Lin Ruyu rushed to Donghai together.

Lin Yuru didn't have feelings for Li Ming. Although she had agreed to the marriage and Li Ming was handsome, she really didn't feel it.

Similarly, Li Ming has no feelings for Lin Ruyu. He also has someone he likes. That is his first love girlfriend before going abroad, and he is currently running a bar in Donghai.

So, after boarding the plane, the two of them closed their eyes and meditated, neither paying attention to the other.

Half an hour later, the plane landed safely.

"Li Ming, where are you going? My company still has something to do, so I'm leaving first." Lin Ruyu said.

"You go, I'm going to visit my friend." Li Ming said.

"Okay, I'll contact you later." Lin Ruyu said politely, but she was only polite.

"Wait." Li Ming called Lin Ruyu to stop, Lin Ruyu turned around, Li Ming looked a little embarrassed, and choked out a sentence for a long time: "Can you lend me some money?"

"Ah..." Lin Ruyu was stunned, but she came back to her senses in a moment, quickly took out a few hundred yuan bills from her wallet, and asked, "Is it enough?"

"Enough, I will return it to you." Li Ming took it in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'm leaving first." After Lin Ruyu finished speaking, she hurried to the company.

After Li Ming collected the money, he felt depressed for a while, and he was reduced to asking a woman to borrow money.It's not that he has no money. On the contrary, he has a lot of money. As for how much, he can't remember clearly. Anyway, it's a lot, but the money is in the bank card and there is no cash.

When he came back this time, he ran back secretly. In order not to let those bastards find him, he can't go to the bank to withdraw money now, otherwise the peaceful life he was looking forward to would be in vain.

After leaving the airport, Li Ming took a taxi and went straight to the Blue Flame Bar.

It is noon now, there are no customers in the bar, only one waiter is on duty, Li Ming asked: "Hi, is your boss in?"

"Sorry, sir, our boss is not here." The waiter replied politely.

"Then when will your boss come?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"I don't know about this, but our manager is here at night, so you can ask our manager if you have anything to do." The waiter said.

"Then I'll come back later." Li Ming returned disappointed.

After leaving the Blue Flame Bar, Li Ming ate something at a nearby restaurant, and sat on a seat on the pedestrian street opposite the bar all afternoon.

In the evening, Li Ming came to the Blue Flame Bar again.

The waitress on duty at the bar in the afternoon recognized Li Ming at a glance, and greeted Li Ming politely: "Sir, our manager has just arrived, and I will take you to find her."

"Thank you." Li Ming said, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Xiao Ke." The waitress said.

Li Ming responded, and followed Xiao Ke to the manager's office.

"Dong dong..."

"Manager Liu, someone is looking for you." Xiao Ke knocked on the door and said.

"Please come in." A female voice came from inside, Xiao Ke opened the door and signaled Li Ming to go in.

"Hello, who are you?" Manager Liu, 28 years old, tall, with an oval face, long hair, business attire, high heels, makes people fall in love with him at first sight.

"Ahem, sir, what's the matter?" Manager Liu coughed twice and said.

"Hello, Manager Liu. My name is Li Ming. Is your boss Tan there?" Li Ming looked away and asked solemnly.

"You know our boss Tan?" Manager Liu paused, looking at the perverted guy in front of him in surprise.

"It's considered acquaintance." Li Ming said with a strange expression.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, our boss is not here." Manager Liu said.

"Where did you go? When did you come?" Li Ming hurriedly asked.

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(End of this chapter)

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