The best immortal emperor

Chapter 100 I will try my best to help you!

Chapter 100 I will try my best to help you!
"Send Yaoshenzong?" Li Ming paused, thinking: Medicines Shenzong is heavily guarded, and identity verification is required when entering and leaving. It is not easy to send the child of the three-eyed musk ox out.

"Yes, send it out, you can send it anywhere." The three-eyed musk ox pleaded.

"Tigers and wolves are feeding around the mountain gate, and monsters are rampant. It's hard for a newborn three-eyed musk ox to survive, right?" Li Ming said.

"It's hard to survive, but it's better than staying here. Even if it's dangerous outside, there's still a chance. If you stay here, your life will be over," said the three-eyed musk ox.

Li Ming was silent for a while, and said for a while: "I will do my best, but I still need your cooperation."

"Cooperate? How to cooperate?" asked the three-eyed musk ox.

"The first is food, and the second is energy. If you continue to eat and drink like this, and your energy is sluggish, your master will beat me to death within three months." Li Ming said.

"That's natural." The three-eyed musk ox said.

"By the way, does Yin Zheng know that you are pregnant?" Li Ming asked.

"Of course I don't know, no one knows except you." The Three-Eyed Musk Ox said hastily.

Li Ming nodded, expressing his understanding.

If it wasn't for brother Zhu's advice, Li Ming would have thought about it, but he couldn't figure out that the three-eyed musk ox was pregnant!

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued to ask, "How long do you have to give birth?"

"Our three-eyed musk ox cannot be pregnant for two to five years. If it is well-nourished, it will be able to give birth in two years. If it is poor in nutrition, it will take at least five years. In special cases, it will even take six to seven years to conceive." Three-eyed musk ox said the cow.

Li Ming suddenly realized, and only then did he understand why the three-eyed musk ox has been neither drinking nor eating, and deliberately prolonging the delivery time.

The three-eyed musk ox continued: "If it eats as usual, it will last up to a year."

"One year." Li Ming nodded, and said, "It's not too difficult, I'll try my best to help you!"

"Thank you." The three-eyed musk ox thanked.

At this moment, a figure flew in the sky.

If it wasn't Yin Zheng, the owner of the three-eyed musk ox, who else could it be?

According to the rules of the Medicine God Sect, disciples are not allowed to fly in the sect unless they are granted permission.

Obviously, India, the proud son of heaven, has such a license.

I saw Yin Zheng slowly landed in front of Li Ming, first looked at the three-eyed musk ox, and then turned to look at Li Ming.

However, it's not normal looking up, but raising your head high!

It was as if his eyes had grown on his forehead!
Just ask Yin Zheng, "Are you the new disciple?"

"Back to senior, that's right." Li Ming said respectfully.

Li Ming couldn't help but be disrespectful, this seal is a big deal, he is a figure in the Jindan state, Li Ming called him a senior, but he didn't feel wronged.

"En." Yin Zhengen said, and said majestically: "My three-eyed musk ox is a treasure, you have to take good care of it, and I will ask you if you are slightly negligent, you know?"

"Yes, yes." Li Ming replied repeatedly.

"En." Yin Zheng was very satisfied with Li Ming's terrified appearance, and then flew away again.

As soon as Yin Zheng left, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and the three-eyed musk ox also relaxed all over.

Yin Zheng is already a Jindan monk, he opened up the Yufu and began to rest his mind.

It's just that God has not yet reached the level of primordial spirit.

Otherwise, how could the pregnancy of the three-eyed musk ox escape his attention?

Afterwards, Li Ming checked the other cows in the cowshed and how to take care of them, and he was basically familiar with them.

The other cows in the cowshed are easier to take care of and have a more docile temperament. As long as they are fed regularly, there will be no problems.

 Before I knew it, there were a hundred chapters!For me who type very slowly, I can hardly imagine that there should be 21 words today!Thank you for your votes and rewards all the way. The hero will work harder to write every plot and every character well.In addition: I have something to do today, I can only update it once, and I will resume two updates tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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