The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1004 Who are you?

Chapter 1004 Who are you?

Even if Li Ming didn't make this request, Wanyan Honglie still planned it this way. After all, it would be a majestic thing to have a divine animal protecting the country.

That's all Li Ming can do.

Seeing this, Wanyan Honglie stretched out his palms like claws towards Li Ming's heart.

"Are you going to die?" Li Ming felt weak all over his body. He never thought that he would die in the Dajin Dynasty. The world is really impermanent!
When Wanyan Honglie touched the heart of immortality, the thunder and lightning phoenix himself attacked Wanyan Honglie out of instinct.

Even Wanyan Honglie, who is so powerful, was injured by the golden lightning, but it was only a flesh injury!

At this time, Wanyan Honglie couldn't help but think of an event many years ago, that was when the Dajin Dynasty was still in the Star Continent.At that time, there was a sign of golden thunder and lightning in the territory of Dajin, and now I think it should be caused by Li Ming's Dujie!
Unexpectedly, what I searched for at the time was fruitless, but today I turned the lid of the box to a conclusion, and there is a result!

The way of heaven is impermanent, and the cycle of cause and effect is not the case in life?
Wanyan Honglie grabbed the heart of immortality and prepared to take it out by force.

The thunder and lightning phoenix had already been hit by Uncle Hai, and the damage was not healed.

At this moment, the instinct to fight against Wanyan Honglie is even more exhausting, so he hides in the heart of immortality!

However, just when Wanyan Honglie was about to forcibly take out the Heart of Immortality, a powerful force suddenly burst out from Li Ming's waist, even Wanyan Honglie couldn't help being surprised.

Wanyan Honglie only felt his whole body tense, and he couldn't help but circulate his true energy to resist.

"What a powerful power!" Wanyan Honglie secretly surprised.

At this moment, a figure flew out and hit Wanyan Honglie.

Wanyan Honglie could only put down Li Ming temporarily and backed away, because he actually felt the threat of death deeply!
If you don't give up, your life may be in danger!

Li Ming couldn't help being surprised when he saw this figure, and shouted, "Brother Zhu?"

However, Brother Zhu at this time is no longer in the state of primordial spirit, but has flesh and blood, his face is full of red light, and his treasures are soaring to the sky.

Li Ming was severely injured, and his body was extremely weak. After shouting, he fell down.

Brother Zhu went to Li Ming and checked Li Ming's body. He was only seriously injured and there was no danger to his life, so he was relieved.

Wanyan Honglie stared at Brother Zhu for a while, but he didn't recognize him.

It stands to reason that he should know all the peerless masters in the world today.

However, they really don't know each other!
After a while, Wanyan Honglie asked: "Who is your Excellency?"

Brother Zhu got up, snorted and smiled, dismissively said: "You alone are not worthy of knowing my identity!"

"You..." Wanyan Honglie was furious, he is the 'Golden Emperor', a master of decision making in this world, how could he be willing to suffer such a great humiliation?
Immediately, I saw Wanyan Honglie in real action, his whole body bursting with power, his body was full of jewels, his face was red and upright, and he looked like an emperor.

Brother Zhu didn't care about Wanyan Honglie's change at all, he just murmured: "Little Huangkou, tell Wanyan Zun to come out and speak?"

Hearing this, Wanyan Honglie was startled for a while, looked at the person in front of him in surprise, and asked in disbelief: "You actually know my father?"

"What's the matter if we know each other? Tell him to come out." Brother Zhu said.

Wanyan Honglie's face darkened, and he said: "Father has passed away for many years."

"Dead? He's actually dead?" Brother Zhu said in surprise.

"Stop insulting my father!" Wanyan Honglie was furious, throwing all his strength at Brother Zhu.

"I don't know what it means!" Brother Zhu snorted coldly, and he just took Wanyan Honglie's blow!
(End of this chapter)

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