The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1021 Stop it for me!

Chapter 1021 Stop it for me!
After several turnarounds, Li Ming and his party left Datang's sphere of influence.

Don't be afraid of chasing soldiers, unless the peerless master of the realm of venerables arrives!

Shangguan Qingyun led a group of masters in the house to chase along the secret path, and when he got out of the secret path, he felt that this place looked familiar.

However, it was not recognized as the Tang Palace!
The soldiers patrolling the palace sensed the strange situation in the cold palace, and immediately came to check, only to find a group of unidentified soldiers gathered in the cold palace.

The two parties didn't know why, so they fought in a daze.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" The palace soldiers ordered.

Immediately, horns sounded throughout the palace, and the guards immediately surrounded the cold palace.

At this time, Shangguan Qingyun recognized this place, and immediately shouted: "Stop, stop! Stop it!"

The guards of the Shangguan Mansion naturally stopped, but how could the Imperial Guards stop?

Just now their comrades in arms were killed by these people, and beheading the thief is a great military achievement!
"Stop! Stop it! I am Shangguan Patriarch, Shangguan Qingyun!" Shangguan Qingyun saw the ban. The guard refused to stop, and immediately released his powerful power and revealed his identity!

Shangguan Qingyun was very famous, and the Imperial Guard immediately stopped.

At this moment, the leader of the imperial guard rushed over and asked, "What's going on?"

"Report to the general, this person led a group of soldiers into the palace, and killed many of our brothers!" A small captain of the Imperial Guard reported.

Hearing this, the general of the Imperial Guard Army suddenly turned dark, staring at Shangguan Qingyun and asked: "Shangguan Patriarch, what do you mean? Are you going to rebel?"

"Misunderstanding, pure misunderstanding!" Shangguan Qingyun quickly explained.

"Hmph! Save it for His Highness Gao Yang to explain, and take it down for me!" The General of the Imperial Guard shouted.

"Who dares?" Shangguan Qingyun yelled angrily. He is Shangguan Qingyun, a master of the God Transformation Realm, how could he be humiliated by this?
"If you resist, you have the right to be a traitor and shoot to death!" shouted the General of the Imperial Guard.

"I want to see His Highness Gao Yang!" Shangguan Qingyun didn't dare to resist, and any imperial guards took him down.

He can't bear the name of traitor, that is a serious crime to exterminate the nine clans!

The General of the Imperial Guard Army snorted, and said, "You will see His Highness Gao Yang, but let me stay in the sky prison first!"

Immediately, soldiers of the imperial guards pressed Shangguan Qingyun to the prison!

Shangguan Qingyun was full of anger, but he didn't dare to explode, so he could only be taken to the prison obediently!

On this day, the palace was very uneasy, there were some strange faces, all of them were monks and monsters who had escaped from the dungeon of Shangguan Mansion.

It's just that these monks and monsters disguised themselves as servants and servants, hiding secretly, looking for opportunities to leave the palace!

After a long journey, Li Ming and Senior Kunpeng finally returned to the Feng Clan.

This time, the elders of the second and third clans were rescued so smoothly, thanks to careful planning.

The three heads were not given away for nothing, it was precisely because of these three heads that Shangguan Qingyun was in chaos and led all the masters in the house to enter the secret path to pursue.

Otherwise, if he was in a calm state, Shangguan Qingyun would definitely close the Tang Imperial City first, and then slowly search for Li Ming and the others to catch the turtle in the urn!

However, who would have thought that all of this was planned by Li Ming?

The elders of the second clan and the elders of the third clan returned, and senior Kunpeng released them from the imprisonment.

Following this, the true essence circulated through all the limbs.

Within half a day, the flesh and blood wounds on the two clan elders were completely healed, and they looked extraordinarily energetic!

However, it will take some time to cultivate!
(End of this chapter)

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