Chapter 1024

"Benefits?" Li Zebai asked with a smile, "What kind of benefits do you need? Wouldn't it be a great joy if a little action of mine would affect or even change the entire structure of the Star Realm!"

What state of mind do you have to be able to say this?
For a moment, His Highness Gao Yang couldn't help being distracted, not knowing what to say.

After a while, His Highness Gao Yang came back to his senses and said, "I hope what you say is true."

After saying that, His Highness Gao Yang turned and left, followed by General Feng En.

I only heard Li Zebai shouting: "His Highness Gao Yang, when are you ready to speak?"

"Just wait." His Highness Gao Yang did not give an affirmative answer.

His Highness Gao Yang left with all the imperial guards, and Li Zebai's mansion became deserted again.

At this time, a person knocked on the door of the mansion.

Li Zebai opened it and saw that it was none other than Shi Yan!

Seeing Shi Yan, Li Zebai's expression couldn't help but freeze, and then he smiled bitterly, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Back?" Shi Yan asked.

"Well, I'm back." Li Zebai replied.

"What are you going to do?" Shi Yan asked.

Li Zebai was slightly silent, and said, "Go to the mansion and talk."

Then, the two entered the mansion.

General Feng En followed His Highness Gao Yang, frowned slightly, and said, "Your Highness, Li Zebai's words cannot be trusted."

"I know, I will think carefully." His Highness Gao Yang said.

Hearing this, General Feng En nodded and said nothing!

The people of the Feng clan have been hiding in the Tang imperial city, paying close attention to every move of the Shangguan mansion.

In a few days, the imperial decree came down.

Said like this: Order Shangguan's family to move out of the imperial city and settle in Liangcheng, and there must be no changes within a thousand years, otherwise they will be severely punished! "

Liangcheng is the most distant and poorest city in the Tang Dynasty. Sending the Shangguan family here is undoubtedly a cold palace!

Shangguan Qingyun has a seniority in his heart, and the Shangguan family's thousands of years of foundation has been destroyed in his hands, and he regrets it in his heart.

Had he known today's ending, Shangguan Qingyun would never have attacked the Feng Clan no matter what!
The news of Shangguan Qingyun being demoted to Liangcheng was sent back to the Feng Clan, and everyone in the Feng Clan was very happy.

The biggest obstacle in revenge for the Shangguan family is undoubtedly the Tang Dynasty.

Taking action against Shangguan's family in Tanghuang City is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Tang Dynasty.

However, Shangguan's family was demoted to Liangcheng, that's all there is to say!

After much deliberation, His Highness Gao Yang decided to summon Li Zebai.

However, His Highness Gao Yang also has his own plan, that is to set the meeting place in Liangcheng!

Hearing His Highness Gao Yang's words, Li Zebai immediately understood His Highness Gao Yang's intentions, and thought, "His Highness Gao Yang wants to kill three birds with one stone!"

After a slight pause, Li Zebai said again: "The place is a good place, but Li Ming is not an idiot, do you think he and all the experts in the clan will go to Liangcheng for an appointment?"

Thinking with your toes, you all know that Liangcheng must be a trap!I really don't know why His Highness Gao Yang, who is as wise as a female Zhuge, made such a decision.

But at this time, His Highness Gao Yang smiled and said: "What if the masters of Shangguan's family were not in the house that day?"

"Huh?" Li Zebai couldn't help but frowned, and immediately smelled a conspiracy.

I only heard that His Highness Gao Yang continued: "Next month's national celebration, my Highness will extrajudicially show kindness to all the officials in the world, including Shangguan Qingyun!"

Hearing this, Li Zebai couldn't help but gasped, and said in his heart, "What a ruthless plan!"

After a slight pause, Li Zebai said: "Your Highness Gao Yang, I don't think you need to invite me. After hearing the news that Shangguan Qingyun was invited to a banquet, the Feng Clan shouldn't miss such a good opportunity, right?"

"I hope so, but wouldn't it be safer to invite you?" His Highness Gao Yang said.

"I understand." Li Zebai replied.

Then, Li Zebai went to work on this matter!
General Feng En looked at Li Zebai's leaving back, frowned slightly, and reminded: "Your Highness, is Li Zebai really going to do this?"

"No matter what he does or what he is planning, it doesn't matter." His Highness Gao Yang said.

"En?" General Feng En paused, not quite understanding His Highness Gao Yang's meaning.

I only heard His Highness Gao Yang say: "Shangguan Qingyun will not leave Liangcheng, and the elders of the Medicine God Sect will not go to Liangcheng either."

"This..." General Feng En paused, and immediately understood His Highness Gao Yang's intentions.

It turned out that His Highness Gao Yang never believed in Li Zebai from the beginning to the end, she was trying to make Shangguan Qingyun and the Feng clan fight to the death.

If the Feng Clan no longer exists, then she, Gao Yang, will control the only source of elixir in the world, even if the current Medicine God Sect is no longer the same as before!
You are the fisherman, I am the fish!

Everyone has their own calculations and schemes!

Wouldn't Li Zebai, who just washed away the lead, not think of this?

Will Li Ming really attend the meeting as promised?
In a few days, the news of the national celebration of the Tang Dynasty spread all over the world, and everyone knew about it!
Naturally, the Feng Clan is no exception!
I only heard that the elders of the second clan said: "Patriarch, the whole country of the Tang Dynasty is celebrating, the spies lurking in the Tang Dynasty came to report, and Shangguan Qingyun is impressively on the invitation list. At this time, a raid on the Shangguan's house in Liangcheng will surely kill the Shangguan's family by surprise! Use the blood of the Shangguan family to avenge the elders of the clan!"

"Yes, patriarch, don't miss this opportunity, never miss it again! Shangguan Mansion only counts Shangguan Qingyun as a figure, and the others are not worth mentioning!" The elders of the four clans greeted him.

Li Ming pondered, but didn't speak, Li Ming didn't dare to forget Brother Zhu's exhortation before he left that day.

Shangguan's mansion is not as simple as I thought. Could it be that there are other masters in their mansion?

However, when he came out of the dungeon that day, Li Ming asked Senior Kunpeng to investigate the Shangguan Mansion, but found no other masters.

For a while, Li Ming was a little uncertain and had a hard time making a choice!
"Patriarch, don't miss this opportunity, never miss it again!" the elders of the four clans said sadly.

But at this time, Li Zebai's spiritual note came, asking him to meet him in Liangcheng!

Seeing this, Li Ming's face changed slightly, and then his heart became calm, everything became clear!
I only heard Li Ming say: "You can't go to Liangcheng, it's definitely a game!"

"A game?" The elders of the four clans were slightly surprised.

"Although I'm not absolutely sure, I'm at least [-]% to [-]% sure." Li Ming said.

"This..." Several clan elders looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

I only heard Li Ming say: "If Li Zebai didn't send me a letter, I'm still not sure. But Li Zebai specially invited me to Liangcheng for a while, wouldn't it mean that there is no silver 300 taels here? Is it trying to cover it up?"

Hearing this, several clan elders nodded, and then asked: "Patriarch, what should we do now?"

At this time, Li Ming took out the map of the starry sky and checked the location of Xialiang City. It was on the border of the Great Tang Dynasty, next to the Great Qin Dynasty!
After thinking for a while, Li Ming said: "Whether there is a plan or not, you will know once you try it."

"How to try?" The elder of the second clan asked curiously.

"Please enter the urn!" Li Ming smiled slightly, and then said: "Olds of the four clans, the Shattering Void Blade you bought from the Ming Dynasty at a great price should come in handy."

 I can’t write anymore, I will continue to write tomorrow, it’s too late today.

(End of this chapter)

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