The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1031 Chief Feng, what are the conditions?

Chapter 1031 Chief Feng, what are the conditions?

Tang Envoy bowed slightly and said, "I have heard that the Phoenix Clan has regained control of the Alchemy Star, and I have come to congratulate it specially. I have brought congratulatory gifts, a silk armor, a psychic sword, numerous spiritual stones, and some other treasures."

Apparently, the Tang Dynasty was showing favor to Li Ming.

Li Ming's expression didn't change, and he couldn't see any of his thoughts.

After a slight silence, Li Ming asked, "Envoy Tang, are you here to ask for the elixir?"

Hearing this, Tang Envoy was stunned, and then said: "Clan Chief Feng is very discerning, and his eyes are as bright as torches. The envoy is indeed here to obtain the elixir."

"There is no problem with the pill, but the patriarch has one condition!" Li Ming said seriously.

Hearing this, Tang Envoy's expression brightened immediately, and he quickly asked, "Clan Chief Feng, what's the condition?"

"My Feng clan was always forced to death by you Tang Shangguan Qingyun. I don't want anything else but Shangguan Qingyun's brain!" Li Ming said without doubt.

"This..." Tang Shi was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

I only heard that Li Ming continued: "I know, you have no right to give an answer to the patriarch, you can just bring the news back to Datang."

"Little envoy understands." Envoy Tang said in a low voice.

Although the Shangguan Mansion has been demoted to Liangcheng, it is no longer honored in the past.

However, Shangguan Qingyun is a real master of transforming gods.Furthermore, the Shangguan family has made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty. If Shangguan Qingyun is treated like this, the world will be full of people, and how will all the officials talk about it?

After chatting for a while, Li Ming sent the Tang envoy back to the court to restore his order.

In a few days, the Tang envoy returned to Datang.

I only heard His Highness Gao Yang hurriedly asked: "What did the Feng Clan say?"

"Clan Chief Feng said that pills are not a problem, but he has a condition." Tang Envoy replied.

"What conditions?" His Highness Gao Yang asked hastily, as long as the supply of pills can be provided, let alone one condition, she will agree to ten conditions.

"I dare not say it." Tang Shi trembled.

"My Highness forgives your innocence." His Highness Gao Yang said.

"Clan Chief Feng said that if you want the elixir, you need to offer Shangguan Qingyun's head." Tang Envoy said cautiously.

"Bastard!" Highness Gao Yang slapped the dragon chair, eyes full of anger.

"I'm guilty, and I've insulted the grace of God." Tang Envoy said hastily.

After a while, His Highness Gao Yang's anger subsided slightly, and he asked, "What do you think?"

"Your Highness, Shangguan Qingyun cannot be killed." A minister said.

His Highness Gao Yang also knew that Shangguan Qingyun could not be killed. The Shangguan family had made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty and had the merit of defending the land and opening up the frontier.If such a meritorious official was killed because of the elixir of the Feng clan, wouldn't it chill the hearts of all the officials?Let the world scold?

After all, although Shangguan Qingyun had done something wrong, he was not guilty of death, not to mention that Shangguan Qingyun and Shangguan's family have already received the punishment they deserved and were demoted to Liangcheng!

"Is there a solution?" His Highness Gao Yang continued to ask.

"Your Highness, Shangguan Qingyun cannot be killed, but we can visit the Feng Clan again." A minister said.

"Another visit?" His Highness Gao Yang was slightly startled, a little puzzled.

I only heard that minister said: "I have heard that Li Ming from the Feng family has a very good relationship with Situ Jianren, the young son of Situ Mansion in Daqin, but Situ Jianren married Princess Danyang of my dynasty. We can appoint Princess Danyang His father, King Cheng, is an envoy, and he will visit the Feng Clan again to deal with them. Li Ming has always valued love and righteousness, and I believe he will give King Cheng a little favor."

Hearing this, His Highness Gao Yang nodded, and said: "Send King Cheng as an envoy to visit the Feng Clan again, and appoint him a general to protect the country. Be sure to negotiate the supply of pills, or you will be punished!"

"Your Highness is wise, rewards and punishments are clearly defined!" said a group of officials.

After receiving the imperial decree, Prince Cheng's legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, and he felt extremely uneasy, and said to himself, "What should I do?"

Moreover, he also heard about the condition offered by the Feng clan, that he wanted Shangguan Qingyun's head.

Let me visit again, and make sure to negotiate, this is forcing myself to die
King Cheng felt bitter in his heart, but he couldn't express it.

However, Lord Cheng has a good daughter. On the day he received the imperial edict, Lord Cheng sent a letter to his daughter Princess Danyang, telling her the whole story.

Princess Danyang, who was in Daqin, immediately wrote back, saying that she would invite her husband, Situ Jianren, to go with her!

When Prince Cheng got the reply, he felt relieved, and said to himself: "I hope that Patriarch Feng can give my son-in-law some kindness, otherwise I will be in danger to become a prince!"

In a few days, Prince Cheng will visit the Feng Clan again with a group of monks and congratulatory gifts!

Li Ming didn't expect that His Highness Gao Yang would send Prince Cheng to visit again. Thinking of his relationship with Situ Jianren in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart, and secretly said: "Gao Yang, you have a good plan!"

It's just that no matter what, Li Ming wants to give Prince Cheng a little bit of respect, whether it's because of his friendship with Situ Jianren, or because of his wife and children who were rescued by Princess Danyang, it should be so!
As soon as Prince Cheng arrived in the Feng Clan, Li Ming warmly entertained him. Compared with the previous envoys, the treatment was like a heaven and a hell!
When Prince Cheng saw that Li Ming was being so polite to him, it was not as rumored, so he couldn't help but feel relieved.

However, he didn't dare to mention the elixir to Li Ming, he had to wait for his son-in-law and daughter to arrive.

At that time, even if Li Ming wants to get angry, he will look at his son-in-law and daughter's face.

Seeing that Prince Cheng was very reserved, Li Ming smiled and said, "Uncle Cheng, it's like coming home when you come to my place, don't be restrained."

"That is, that is." Prince Cheng smiled apologetically.

The two drank for a while, but Prince Cheng was always preoccupied.

Seeing this, Li Ming straightened up and said: "Prince Cheng, are you worried about the supply of pills?"

Hearing this, Prince Cheng nodded.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Uncle Cheng Wang, don't worry, if I don't give face to others, can I not give face to you?"

"Then Shangguan Qingyun?" Prince Cheng asked cautiously.

"Let him live for a few days for the time being, but you, Tang, have to promise me that if one day our Feng clan kills Shangguan's mansion, you must not use our Feng clan for excuses!" Li Ming said.

"Definitely." Cheng Wangye said again and again.

"Come, drink." Li Ming invited.

With the matter of the elixir settled, Prince Cheng was relieved, opened his heart and started to drink.

Situ Jianren and Princess Danyang received the letter from Lord Cheng, but because of some delays, they failed to leave immediately and arrived the next day.

Li Ming didn't expect Prince Cheng to bring his son-in-law and daughter here as lobbyists, so he couldn't laugh or cry.

However, it happened that we hadn't seen each other for a long time, so we took this opportunity to have a drink.

Situ Jianren drank countless wines, but the one he couldn't forget the most was the original Fengzu Wuliangye. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to describe it as Yulu Qiongye!

A few days later, Prince Cheng returned to Datang to return to his command.

In fact, Prince Cheng had sent back the good news a few days ago.

Hearing this news, His Highness Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, even if sending Prince Cheng would not work!

However, fortunately, Li Ming still attaches great importance to affection!

 Continue tomorrow, and make up for the previous four updates.

(End of this chapter)

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