Chapter 1036

The elders of the six clans had already seen the shape-shifting formation, and the elders of the second clan nodded and said, "You might as well give it a try. But just in case, you still have to prepare with both hands!"

To put it bluntly, this shape-changing array is just a blindfold, but it is so realistic that ordinary monks can't tell the authenticity at all, unless there are monks in the realm of venerables, or monks with extremely powerful souls!

I only heard the elders of the three clans say: "If you want to use this array, you have to find two identical planets."

"It's not difficult, I just happened to know it." Li Ming said.

"Oh?" The elders of the three clans were slightly surprised, a little surprised.

I only heard that Li Ming explained: "Earlier, I had the opportunity to look at the entire star world, and I happened to see two identical twin planets!"

What Li Ming was talking about was the opportunity to become a star last time!
After a slight pause, I heard the elders of the second clan say: "It's not too late, let's check it out before leaving."

Immediately, the elders of the five clans immediately went to check.

The twin stars have no name, they are two planets with no owner and nothing, and few people know about them.

These two planets surround a planet named Nangong and are symmetrical.

In order to facilitate the distinction, Li Ming called one of the planets in the south the Nangong Nanxing, and the one in the north is the Nangong Beixing.

Nangong is a big family in the Star Continent, but it's a pity that it was destroyed by the corpse slave!
The current Nangong Xing is a thing without an owner!

Although Nangongxing is a planet of life, the environment on the planet is extremely harsh and desertified, and only a few extremely drought-tolerant vegetation can survive.

Originally, the existence of Nangong Xing was not for residence, it was a hunting ground for Nangong family.

Every few years, the Nangong family will organize the elite disciples of the clan to come here, release some monsters, and let them survive and hunt in this harsh environment, so as to sharpen them!

It's a pity that Nangong's family has been destroyed for many years, and Nangong Xing is not as good as before.

I used to be able to see oases in the desert, but now I can't even see any greenery!

This Nangong star is very far away, and there is no direct teleportation array.

After several turns, the elders of the five clans came to the nearest planet of life in Nangongxing, and then took the Tissot to Nangongxing!
A few days later, the elders of the five clans returned.

Feng Clan Hall.

I only heard that the elders of the second clan asked: "How is the investigation? Are they really the same? There is no slight difference?"

"It's really the same! If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it!" said the elder of the five clans.

"Okay! Then let's give them a true and false, false and true!" said the elder of the second clan.

Afterwards, the elders of the second clan and the elders of the third clan went to prepare to set up the shape-shifting formation!
It is quite troublesome to set up this array, even if everything goes well, it will take three months.If there is a delay in the middle, it will take longer!

In the blink of an eye, three months had passed, and Yao Shenzong was getting impatient with waiting.

But they are not good at urging Li Zebai. Li Mingguo's letter has already been issued, and the Feng family has also given a reply, so they can only wait!
Although the shape-changing formation is not complete, it is also coming to an end!

After more than ten days, the formation was completed.

After several tests, it is determined that there is no problem.

However, there is no rush to notify Datang now, there are still some follow-up matters.

More than a month has passed before everything is considered complete!
Only then did the Feng clan write to Datang, telling them where and when they would meet!

Location, a satellite around Nangongxing.

Time, one month later!

The Feng Clan has set up an array to conceal the sky and cross the sea, hiding Nangong Nanxing.

So, don't worry that Yao Shenzong will notice the clues!
Now, it's just waiting for Yao Shenzong and the Shangguan family to throw themselves into the trap!

 I woke up in the middle of the night, worried that I would not have time to write at the Writers Association meeting tomorrow, so I just got up and wrote a chapter.Tomorrow's update is pending.

(End of this chapter)

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