The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1044 Five Poisons?

Chapter 1044 Five Poisons?

"Five poisons?" Li Ming couldn't help frowning when he saw these creepy spiders, centipedes, scorpions, toads, and snakes, and said, "Is this the five poisons?"

These spiders, centipedes, scorpions, toads, and snakes are not ordinary things, and they exude a faint black miasma.

One can tell at a glance that it is a deliberately cultivated highly poisonous Gu!

Li Ming had a sullen face, and asked in a low voice: "Did the cultivator say anything else?"

"That's not true." The elder of the second clan said.

After a slight pause, the elders of the two clans seemed to have remembered something, and said, "This cultivator of messengers kept chanting the word Tianlan before he died."

"Tianlan?" Li Ming was slightly stunned, his brows frowned, and he asked, "What is the name of this Tianlan?"

"I've never heard of it, so I'll let someone inquire about it." The elder of the second clan said.

Immediately, the elders of the second clan played Dao Lingzha.

Li Ming's brows were tightly furrowed, his face was very ugly, Tan Xiaoling beside him was sobbing softly.

At this time, the elder of the second clan seemed to have discovered something, pointing to the five poisonous Gu insects on the ground and said: "Patriarch, these five poisonous Gu insects don't look like species from the star world."

"Huh?" Li Ming paused and asked, "Second Clan Elder, you mean these things come from other worlds?"

After saying this, Li Ming himself was startled.

The old man of the second clan shook his head slightly, and said: "I'm not very clear about this. As far as I know, the underworld is called a realm by itself, and it's called the Youfu Realm. As for whether there are other worlds, I don't know."

"Youfu Realm? Other worlds?" Li Ming muttered to himself, frowning.

After being told by the elders of the second clan, Li Ming really felt that these five poisons were not like species in the astral world. After all, the astral world has never had a precedent for green eyes.

Of course, it may also be a mutant species.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Come here, I invite Senior Kunpeng."

The guard on duty in the main hall responded immediately, and then went to invite Senior Kunpeng!

After a while, senior Kunpeng rushed over, and asked as soon as he entered the hall: "Li Ming, what's the matter? Are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

"Senior Kunpeng, take a look at these." Li Ming pointed to the five poisons on the ground and said.

"En?" Senior Kunpeng paused, glanced at the five poisons on the ground, and the fox asked: "It's just some five poisons, what's so strange? Wait..."

As he spoke, Senior Kunpeng's expression changed involuntarily, and he said, "Why are the pupils of these five poisons green? Are they mutant species?"

The pupils of the creatures in the astral world are generally black, and there are few other colors, except for some mutant species.

However, if it is a mutated species, it is impossible for five different mutated species to appear all at once.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Senior Kunpeng, I don't know if you have heard of other worlds?"

"Other worlds?" Senior Kunpeng paused, sinking into deep memories, and said for a while: "I seem to have heard about it when I was traveling in the world in the early years. At that time, there was a hurricane on the Star Continent, but it disappeared later. .”

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued to ask: "Senior Kunpeng, have you heard of Tianlan?"

Senior Kunpeng thought for a while, but shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

After a slight pause, Kunpeng asked curiously: "Li Ming, why did you suddenly ask about another world? Where did these five poisons come from?"

I only heard Li Ming say: "Senior Kunpeng, to tell you the truth, a monk suddenly visited today and said that my son is in trouble. After he finished speaking, his whole body festered, full of five poisons, and finally turned into a pool of blood."

"There is such a thing?" Senior Kunpeng was surprised.

"It's true." Li Ming said, "The cultivator kept thinking about Tianlan, Tianlan before he died."

Hearing this, Senior Kunpeng couldn't help frowning, not knowing what to do.

After a slight pause, Senior Kunpeng said: "Every dynasty and sect have their chronicles, which record the major events that happened on the mainland every year. What happened on the Star Continent in the early years should be written in ink."

"I understand." Li Ming said.

After that, Li Ming walked out of the hall.

"Patriarch, where are you going?" the elder of the second clan asked hastily.

"Datang." Li Ming said.

"Patriarch, I will go with you." The elder of the second clan said.

"Let me go." Senior Kunpeng said.

Hearing this, the elders of the second clan immediately bowed to Senior Kunpeng, and said, "Then I will be with Senior Kunpeng."

"It's just a trivial matter." Kunpeng said indifferently.

Afterwards, Senior Kunpeng chased after him.

After several turnarounds, Li Ming and Senior Kunpeng came to Tanghuang City!

Li Zebai was very surprised when he heard Li Ming's arrival, and immediately held a banquet for him.

In the gazebo of the palace lake, Li Zebai was only heard asking: "Clan Chief Feng, I don't know why you came all of a sudden?"

"Your Highness, I'll just say it straight," Li Ming said.

"Please tell me." Li Zebai said.

"Your Highness, I would like to read the annals of your dynasty." Li Ming said.

"Chronicle?" Li Zebai paused, looking at Li Ming in confusion.

I only heard Li Ming say: "His Royal Highness, I want to check an old event, and please borrow your royal annals to have a look."

Li Zebai thought for a while, then said: "The annals record is not a secret, there is nothing to borrow, but I don't know which year the Feng patriarch wants to check?"

"This..." Li Ming paused, and couldn't help but look at Senior Kunpeng.

Senior Kunpeng recalled a little, and said: "It happened almost 7000 years ago."

"7000 years? It's so long ago." Li Zebai couldn't help being surprised, but he was curious in his heart, what exactly did Li Ming want to investigate?

After a slight pause, I heard Li Zebai say to his bodyguard: "Your Highness ordered you to go to the library and fetch all the annals from 8000 to 6000 years ago."

"Yes, Your Highness." The bodyguard responded immediately.

Not long after, the guards brought the annals, and there were hundreds of boxes. "

I only heard the bodyguard Qi said: "Your Highness, they are all here."

"En." Li Zebai responded, and then said to Li Ming: "Clan Chief Feng, please go ahead."

"Thank you." Li Ming thanked.

"I just heard that I don't know what the Feng patriarch wants to investigate? Maybe His Highness will have some impressions." Li Zebai couldn't help asking curiously.

Li Ming thought for a while, then said, "Another world."

"Another world?" Hearing this, Li Zebai was surprised.

At this time, I only heard senior Kunpeng say: "I found it."

Then, a jade slip flew into the palm of Senior Kunpeng.

Li Ming and Li Zebai released their souls to check, and saw that the jade slip reads, "During the Jin Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty, there was a visitor from the sky, who fell on the stars in the sky, with green pupils, white skin, purple hair, short stature, and the place where they came from is called the sky." Lan."

"Tianlan? There really is such a place!" Li Ming said excitedly.

"Tianlan? Where?" Li Zebai asked curiously.

Li Ming shook his head for a while, and said, "I also really want to know where Tianlan is."

 Also in the evening, go out for an hour of running and come back to continue writing and exercise.Also, ask for a ticket.At least four more today.

(End of this chapter)

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