The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1049 I am willing to surrender to you

Chapter 1049 I am willing to surrender to you

Although those dog legs who have followed Boss Wu for many years wanted to show their loyalty, the monk who suddenly walked out exuded an extremely powerful power, and his strength did not seem to be weaker than Boss Wu.

The situation is still unclear now, if you act rashly, you will only become a dead soul under the knife.

Seeing this, Boss Wu's face was very ugly. He knew that these guys would never make a move unless he had some advantage!
Immediately, Boss Wu shot at that guy.

However, how can the mid-stage Nascent Soul be the opponent of the late Nascent Soul?
Within ten moves, Mr. Wu was trampled under the feet of that man.

The man looked around and said viciously, "Everything is up to me now."

"Listen to you, listen to you, I am willing to surrender to you." At this time, Boss Wu really learned how powerful this person is, and he is definitely not something he can deal with!
However, the man didn't care about Boss Wu's words of loyalty, and just murmured: "It just so happens that I also like to stomp on other people's heads!"

As he said that, he put his other foot on Wu Lao's big head.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." Boss Wu hurriedly begged for mercy.

"It's late." The man didn't listen at all.

"I have a secret, I have a secret." Boss Wu said hastily.

"En?" The monk couldn't help but asked, "What secret?"

Li Ming was not interested in the fight between the two, but Boss Wu said he had a secret, and Li Ming couldn't help frowning.

Boss Wu has been in the deep pit for many years, and is the boss in this deep pit, so it is very likely that he knows some little-known things.

Immediately, Li Ming unleashed his consciousness and monitored every move of Boss Wu.

I saw Boss Wu's big mouth moving, and he said in a forced voice.

After the monk listened, his expression changed, and he asked incredulously, "Is there such a thing?"

"It's true." Boss Wu said with certainty.

"Oh." The monk responded, then smiled wickedly, and said, "Then you can die."

Saying that, the cultivator stomped Boss Wu to death!

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect this person to be so ruthless!
At this time, I only heard the monk say: "Now I, He Yun, have the final say here. If anyone refuses to accept, he can stand up now and have a showdown."

All the condemned prisoners did not dare to say much, and surrendered one after another.

Seeing this, He Yun nodded in satisfaction, and said: "From now on, if you dig up any rare and weird things, remember to hand them over to me as soon as possible, otherwise...huh!"

All the condemned prisoners dared not raise any objection, He Yun was very satisfied.

I only heard He Yun said: "It's all gone, dig it for me seriously! Who dares to be lazy, don't blame my ruthless men."

He Yun made a relentless gesture, and walked towards Boss Wu's residence swaggeringly.

It is said to be a residence, but it is actually a simple hole on the wall of the pit.

Not all condemned prisoners are eligible to live on the pit walls, only one person can live in each pit.

This person was not selected by the Dajin guards, it was survival of the fittest.

Boss Wu was the boss of this pit before, and everyone was in awe of him three points, and he was even able to talk to the guards of Dajin.

But now that he is dead, the other side is dead, no one will act for him, not even the guards of Dajin, but this man named He Yun will become the second boss Wu, enjoying everything that boss Wu enjoyed before!
This boss Wu is also unlucky, he wanted to show off his prestige among this group of newcomers.

However, I didn't expect that the prestige was not developed, but my own life was ruined!
Li Ming heard what Boss Wu said. It turned out that they dug up a piece of armor, but they didn't report it, but were detained by Boss Wu privately.

The monks who knew the existence of the armor were all killed by Boss Wu one after another, just to keep this secret!

However, I didn't expect it to be cheaper for others in the end.

Li Ming had already stepped into the hole on the wall of the pit.

The hole is not spacious, it can only accommodate two people, Li Ming easily found the armor.

But before he had time to check, He Yun went to the hole.

Li Ming immediately put away his armor, concealed his figure, and left in a grandiose manner.

Li Ming is a strong man who transforms gods, so it is naturally impossible for He Yun to find Li Ming.

He Yun turned the hole upside down, but he still couldn't find the armor that Boss Wu mentioned.

"Where's the armor? Where's the armor?" He Yun frowned and asked, "Could it be that Boss Wu lied to me?"

Unwilling to be reconciled, He Yun passed the group of dog legs following Boss Wu over and questioned them one by one.

However, no one has heard of the armor.

Li Ming took the armor, found a corner, set up a prison, and checked the armor.

I saw that the armor was black and cold to the touch, with strange patterns of birds and beasts engraved on it.

With Li Ming's knowledge, he couldn't see what kind of texture it was?
And the patterns of birds and beasts carved on it have never been seen before.

Li Ming suspected that this armor belonged to Tianlan World, but there was no evidence.

After carefully looking at the black armor in his hand, Li Ming didn't see any peculiarities about it, so Zhizhi put it away for now, and will show him to Senior Kunpeng when he finds him.

I heard from Boss Wu that when the armor was dug out, there was black air all over the body, making it untouchable.

There were two unlucky guys who tried to wear it on their bodies, but the flesh and blood sucked by the armor was gone.left
Afterwards, the armor was left to dry for a long time by Boss Wu, and the blackness gradually dissipated.

He Yun ordered people to search around the pit, but found nothing.

In a blink of an eye, six days passed, and Li Ming found nothing else to do in the pit, except for the constant black gas.

Li Ming decided to leave this pit first, and make plans after finding Senior Kunpeng.

There are big gold guards guarding the edge of the pit, so don't try to fly out.

However, that is only for Nascent Soul cultivators.

Li Ming is already in the realm of transforming gods, so he doesn't pay attention to these guards at all.

However, just to be careful, Li Ming waited until dark.

After dark, these guards usually gather together, drink some wine, and eat some barbecue.

That night, Li Ming waited until it was dark and when the guards were negligent, he flew out of the pit secretly.

Each pit has some simple magic circles, and once the air is shaken, it will produce abnormal noises.

Li Ming was careful not to cause the air to vibrate.

If it wasn't for the space being frozen, the Void Shatter Blade could be used to cut through the void at that time.

Those guards only cared about drinking and eating meat, and didn't care about the deep pit at all. Even if there was a little noise, no one would care.

Li Ming tiptoed out of the deep pit, and immediately fled away. He didn't know where Senior Kunpeng was at the moment?
Deep pits can be seen everywhere on the sky, and almost the entire planet is being dug.

In a blink of an eye, the sky gradually brightened, and Li Ming finally found a mountain range to settle down.

During the day, Dajin's security is relatively strict, and there are many inconveniences. Li Ming can only settle in this mountain range first, and then act at night!
 It's four more, it's not too much to ask for a ticket.Let the wealthy local tyrants give a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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