The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1051 Do you also know the art of witchcraft?

Chapter 1051 Do you also know the art of witchcraft?

After several twists and turns, Li Ming finally discovered the place where the Dajin barracks was stationed from the patrolling guards.

When heading to the camp, Li Ming was thinking about how to sneak in without anyone noticing.

Undoubtedly, the Dajin military camp must be a place where experts gather, and there are many experts who transform themselves into gods, and there is even more than one peerless expert who is half-respected like Prince Zhennan.

Seeing that he was about to reach the barracks, Li Ming stopped suddenly.

Li Ming knew that if he sneaked into the barracks in such a reckless manner, he would definitely be noticed and would not end well.

What should I do?
Li Ming thought for a while, and imagined hundreds of ways to sneak into the barracks in his mind, but in the end Li Ming denied them one by one.

After a slight pause, Li Ming muttered to himself wishfully: "It would be great if the strong men in the military camp were not in the military camp."

However, as soon as these words came out, Li Ming suddenly had inspiration.

Naturally, it is impossible for the strong men in the barracks to leave for no reason. Even if they were on patrol, only a few of them left.

However, if the celestial stars are mutated, it is another matter.

The strong in the barracks will definitely go to check!
Immediately, Li Ming had an idea.

Li Ming, who was supposed to fly to the barracks, turned around.

After leaving for three days in a row, Li Ming dived into the mountains near the barracks again at nightfall on the fourth day.

I only heard Li Ming secretly said in his heart: "Success or failure is determined by one move."

Li Ming disguised himself as a stone and waited quietly.

The night was very close, except for the whistling wind, there was almost no other noise.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the tranquility, it was the sound of an explosion.

The sound continued, and another sound came out, like firecrackers, one after another.

However, the momentum is not comparable to that of firecrackers, it is incomparably different from the explosion of shells.

This is what Li Ming did three days ago, and got some black powder.

Loud noises came from all directions, waking up the monks in the entire barracks.

One after another black shadows rose from the barracks, swept across the night sky, and flew towards the place where the explosion sounded.

Li Ming, who was hiding in the mountains near the barracks, closely watched every move of the barracks, and when those strong men flew away from the barracks, he immediately went straight to Huanglong and rushed to the tent of the Chinese army!

The Zhongjun tent is the command tent, and it is the tent of the prince of Zhennan.

I hope that Lord Zhennan is also attracted by the noise, otherwise it will be troublesome!
Man proposes, God disposes.

God seems to be taking care of Li Ming, but there is no one in the tent of the Chinese army, except for some beauties, there are not even guards.

Seeing this, Li Ming became even more vigilant.

This Chinese military account is the commanding account, how could the security be so loose?Could it be that there is another mystery in this account?

Now, Li Ming has no choice. He has to break into this Chinese military tent even if it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. Let's take a look!
If you can find something, you will be able to peel off the cocoons and find some clues to Tianlan's world.

Li Ming's heart is Siming, and he wished he could break through the world of stars and the world of Tianlan with one punch.

I don't know how Siming is doing now?

Li Ming was in a mess.

Calm down and think about it, if the monk who sent the message came from Tianlan World, then there must be a channel connecting the Star World and Tianlan World, or something like a teleportation array.

Just when Li Ming was about to open the tent of the Chinese army first, several sneaky voices and shadows suddenly came out from the darkness, and Li Ming immediately avoided it.

These sneaky guys can be seen at a glance as dead soldiers sent by the three dynasties.

I didn't expect that they would also take action tonight, and they might have been guarding outside the barracks. Seeing the sudden vision tonight, and many strong men leaving the barracks, they decided to explore temporarily.

But it's good, let them explore the tents of the Chinese army first, to see if there is another mystery!
Li Ming hid aside, watching quietly.

The strength of these dead men is not bad, and the worst ones are those who have cultivated in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and they are basically at the peak of Nascent Soul.

I saw these dead soldiers carefully lift up the tents of the Chinese army, and filed in one file at a time.

However, immediately there was a scream from the tent of the Chinese army, and Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and cautiously released Yuanshen to investigate.

Li Ming was startled by this investigation, those dead men were all dead!
You know, the strength of these dead soldiers is not weak, and there are as many as six of them.

To be able to kill these dead soldiers in an instant, could it be that there is a strong man who turns into a god hidden in the tent of the Chinese army?
However, no matter how much Li Mingyuan searched, he couldn't find any traces.

Li Ming hesitated for a while, and decided to go into the Chinese army tent to have a look.

Now, it's really a dragon's pond and a tiger's den that have to be broken!
Li Ming sacrificed Thor's Hammer, slowly opened the tent, and walked in cautiously.

As far as the eye can see, the Chinese military tent can be seen at a glance without any obstruction.

Except for those beauties, there is nothing else.

Li Ming frowned, and couldn't help looking at those beauties, ready to ask them what happened just now.

However, at this moment, the face of Meiji who was scratching her head and posing suddenly turned dark, and she opened her mouth and stuck out a long tongue.

The long tongue was as sharp as a sword, stabbing straight at Li Ming's chest.

Li Ming's expression changed in shock, and he immediately swung Thor's Hammer.

This long tongue is not an ordinary thing, it is covered with unknown poisonous insects, which makes people shudder and shudder.

Li Ming, who was more experienced and knowledgeable, was also taken aback, his scalp numb.

At this time, there is no beauty, only demons left.

Fortunately, Thunder and Lightning Supreme is the nemesis of all evils.

As soon as the long tongue full of poisonous insects touched Thor's Hammer, it immediately retracted, looked at Li Ming with a face of fear, and asked, "What treasure is this?"

Obviously, I am extremely afraid of Thor's Hammer!

Li Ming didn't answer, but just asked: "Who are you? Why do you know witchcraft?"

At this time, the Meiji who attacked Li Ming had returned to her original state.

She smiled charmingly and said, "You also know the art of witchcraft?"

"So what if you know?" Li Ming asked back, and then asked: "Who are you? Where are you from? Why did Da Jin imprison you?"

(End of this chapter)

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