The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1082 Luck Seems Good

Chapter 1082 Luck Seems Good
Worshiping orders are very precious, and they are kept as if they are lifelines. Who would lose them?
As he spoke, there was a loud cry in the sky, and a big black and blue bird spread its wings and flew past.

Everyone looked up, amazed: "What a big bird, this is at least a big monster!"

"Yes, definitely a big demon!"

However, at this moment, Wu Qingniao dropped something and smashed it down.

"Get out of the way, this big monster is shitting." A wizard apprentice shouted.

Then, everyone dispersed, only Li Ming stood in place.

"Rural child, get out of the way." A wizard apprentice shouted.

However, Li Ming remained motionless.

"Don't pay attention to him, it's better to be smashed to death by poop. I heard that Wuqingniao's poop is as hard as a stone. I don't know if it's true or not." Another wizard apprentice said.

At this time, with a buzzing sound, the object fell in front of Li Ming.

But it's not poop, it's Zong Ling!
Li Ming bent down to pick it up, blew the dust on it, and murmured: "It seems to be lucky, I picked up a worship order."

"Really? Is this all right?" Everyone immediately gathered around and checked for a while. It was the real worship order.

At this time, someone with good intentions said: "Didn't someone just yelled that he would eat dogs if he picked up the worship order?"

"Yes, what about that person? There is a kind of standing up."

"Don't hide, it was you who said just now, I remember you." A wizard apprentice said.

Soon, the yelling guy just now was pulled out.

At this time, the man was not as arrogant as before, and his face was very ugly.

"Eat quickly, eat quickly."

"A gentleman cannot keep his word."

"Yes, it doesn't count if you can't talk."

Everyone booed and forced the man.

Li Ming shook his head slightly, acted as a peacemaker and said: "Forget it, forget it."

The man snorted, unable to hold back his face, and squeezed out of the crowd with a blushing face.

I heard an apprentice sorcerer pat Li Ming on the shoulder and said: "Boy, you are lucky. It's incredible that a piece of worship order descended from the sky."

"It's just luck, it's just luck." Li Ming chuckled.

In fact, it's no luck, when Li Ming heard the worship order, Li Ming ordered Wu Qingniao to get a piece for himself.

This is the scene just now!
As for where Wu Qingniao got it from, Li Ming didn't know.

There are more and more witch cultivators gathered under the mountain gate, at least five or six hundred people.

However, Yun Wuzong only recruited twenty disciples this time.

As you can imagine, the competition is extremely fierce.

Although Li Ming has the cultivation of transforming spirits, he has to seal himself, and he is not absolutely sure about the selection of Wu Yunzong, so he can only take one step at a time.

Two days later, an elder of the side hall of Yun Wuzong led his disciples down the mountain for selection.

The elders of Piandian are only in the realm of wizards, which is equivalent to the realm of Nascent Soul.

In this regard, Li Ming couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

The wizard still can't see through Li Ming!
I saw the sorcerer wearing a black robe, with a dry and thin face, a sallow complexion, and a bad breath. He must have suffered a serious injury in his early years, which is why he was like this!
The wizard looked at everyone, and said after half a moment: "Everyone who can carry out the worship order and come here must be the best in every academy.

But my Yunwu Sect has always been strict in selecting disciples, this time only twenty disciples were recruited.Most of you will fail the election, but don't be discouraged, there are thousands of paths to practice, and there are still many places where you can study further?
As for those who are selected, don't be complacent. Getting started is just the beginning, and you will have to check your cultivation every year in the future. If you fail to meet the requirements, you will be expelled from the gate wall.Understand? "

"Understood." The crowd responded.

(End of this chapter)

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