The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1086 What happened?

Chapter 1086 What happened?

At this time, the elder of Piandian was kind-hearted and kind-eyed, and he didn't add evil words like just now.

"Yes, elder." Li Ming replied.

It is not uncontrollable to test the soul, Li Ming deliberately restrains the soul, only showing the level of a witch.

However, even so, the elders of the side hall still looked sideways.

It's just that the elders of Piandian are still a little curious. The affinity for witch energy is so high, and the soul has reached the level of a witch. Why is the cultivation base so low?Looks like a new wizard's apprentice.

At this time, the chief coaching elder flew over and asked majesticly: "Mingshan, what's the matter?"

"Back to the chief coaching elder, there is a peerless genius among the newly recruited disciples." said Ming Shan, the elder of the side hall.

"Oh? What a genius?" the chief coach elder asked in surprise.

"The affinity for witch energy has reached ten, and the strength of the original soul has reached the level of a witch." Ming Shan, the elder of the side hall, said.

"There is such a young man? Who is it? Quickly point it out to me." The chief coach elder urged.

"It's the one in front of me." Elder Ming Shan replied.

"It's him?" The chief coaching elder stared at Li Ming up and down for a while, only to see two rays of light burst out from the green pupils, as if he wanted to see through Li Ming.

Li Ming's heart pounded, he was very worried.

After a while, I heard that the chief coaching elder nodded in satisfaction, and praised: "That's right, it's a piece of jade in the rough. Mingshan, this time I have to credit you for selecting such a talented boy for our Yunwu Sect!"

Hearing this, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the chief coaching elder didn't see the clue.

Ming Shan, the elder of the side hall, said with trepidation: "Ming Shan dare not bow, it is Ming Shan's duty to select talents for the sect."

"En." The chief coach elder responded and nodded.

Then, looking at Li Ming, he asked, "What's your name?"

"Li Ming." Li Ming replied.

"Li Ming, follow me into the mountain gate and practice under my sect first, would you be willing?" said the chief coaching elder.

"It's all up to the elders to decide." Li Ming said in a regular manner.

"Well, well, it's settled like this." The chief coach elder said.

However, at this moment, a faint murmur suddenly came from the crowd, saying: "He doesn't even have the qualifications to worship the sect, how can he become a disciple of the Yun Wu sect?"

Although the voice is weak, it can be heard clearly.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning, he had identified that the speaker was not someone else, but the guy who challenged him and threatened to eat dog shit.

Unexpectedly, this guy put himself here!
Li Ming's eyes were full of murderous intent, if he couldn't join the Yunwu Sect because of this, what if he killed him ten times?
The chief coaching elder frowned suddenly, looked at the side hall elder Ming Shan and asked: "What's going on?"

"This..." Elder Piandian Mingshan didn't know what was going on, so he couldn't answer.

"Let me say it myself." Li Ming said.

Up to now, I can only confess everything, after all, everyone has seen the matter of picking up the worship order.

I only heard Li Ming said: "I have been away from my hometown for several years, and I have been wandering outside. Some time ago, I happened to hear that the Yunwu Sect was recruiting disciples, so I came here curiously to join in the fun."

"Then where did your worship order come from?" the chief coaching elder asked sharply.

"I picked it up. At that time, a big bird flew by, and something fell from the big bird. I picked it up. It was nothing but the worship order." Li Ming said.

"There is such a thing?" The chief coach elder was a little disbelieving.

"All test participants present can testify that they saw it with their own eyes," Li Ming said.

 There are two more.

(End of this chapter)

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