The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1099 Defeated?

Chapter 1099 Defeated?

In the history of their Yunwu sect, there were only 300 hundred-day shamans, and most of them only became shamans in the [-]th or [-]th day.

It is unique for Li Ming to become a sorcerer in a month, and he is still an intermediate sorcerer!

If it weren't for the presiding over the competition at this time, the chief coach elder would have reported the matter to the suzerain immediately!

The second senior sister was angry in her heart, Zhao Zhao was dangerous, Zhao Zhao wanted Li Ming's wealth and life.

Due to the face of the master, even if the second senior sister won't kill Li Ming, at least she will seriously injure Li Ming!

Faced with the fierce offensive of the second senior sister, Li Ming did not panic at all. Li Ming could always avoid the seemingly dangerous and unavoidable move at the most critical moment.

Everyone in the audience was terrified, as if they were fighting on the stage!
The second senior sister, Wu Yuan, was vain, and became tense after a long fight, but Li Ming, on the other hand, was as immovable as a mountain!

Second Senior Sister herself also sensed that her condition was not good, so she had to use Guhun Technique!
Originally, Second Senior Sister didn't intend to use this technique.

After all, Li Ming's strength is not as good as hers, but she is a senior sorcerer, if she can't defeat Li Ming head-on, what face will she have?
However, the current situation is not optimistic. After fighting for so long, he failed to hurt Li Ming at all.

Seeing Li Ming's ease, if he continues, he will definitely suffer!
As the Soul Gu technique was running, a strange light flashed in Second Senior Sister's eyes. Anyone who saw it would have delusions, even hallucinations!

However, who is Li Ming?
Yuanshen is already in the realm of transforming gods, and the second senior sister's Taoism can't confuse Li Ming at all!

Li Ming saw that the second senior sister used the soul voodoo technique, so he knew that the second senior sister was at the end of her rope.

So, Li Ming simply followed his tricks, pretending to be the second senior sister's book, and was bewitched by her.

Seeing this, the second senior sister sneered in her heart, and said in her heart: "Hmph! A man is a man, as expected!"

Immediately, the second senior sister went to kill Li Ming.

However, it wasn't really a killer, it was just a serious injury.

Seeing this, Li Ming's eyes turned cold, and he secretly said: "The opportunity has come!"

The second senior sister thought that Li Ming had already been hit by her own soul-gu technique, so she didn't have too many precautions, and she was extremely proud that she was about to hit Li Ming severely.

However, just when the Second Senior Sister thought she was going to succeed, Li Ming suddenly swayed to the side, then walked around the back of the Second Senior Sister, and with a slap, knocked the Second Senior Sister off the stage.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

"Defeated? Actually lost?"

"A high-level sorcerer was defeated by a mid-level sorcerer?"

"What did I see?"

According to the rules of the competition, the person who falls to the ground loses, the person who falls on the stage loses, and the person who voluntarily abstains loses.

Second Senior Sister was defeated!
The second senior sister's face was full of astonishment, she couldn't imagine why Li Ming was able to wake up at the last moment, and was able to give her a blow, knocking her off the stage.

Could it be that Li Ming didn't get hit by his soul insanity at all?

Looking at the brothers and sisters of the same sect who were discussing all around, the face of the second senior sister was hot and hot, and she didn't have the slightest bit of face to stay here.

The second senior sister squeezed out of the crowd and ran away.

The chief coaching elder announced that Li Ming won and got one point!
Li Ming stepped down from the competition stage, ready to go back to retreat.

At this time, I heard the chief coaching elder say: "Li Ming, come to my room."

"Yes, Master." Li Ming replied.

Then, Li Ming walked to the master's room.

After waiting at the door for a while, the master arrived.

"Come on, come in." The master pushed open the door and walked in first.

"Yes." Li Ming replied, followed closely behind.

 Four today.

(End of this chapter)

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