Chapter 1104

Seeing this, Li Ming seized the opportunity and attacked its flaws!

Although these flaws were not fatal, they did make Xiao Yun extremely embarrassed.

"Look, Xiao Tian is in such a mess, he's being played by Li Ming."

"Xiao Tiancai lost face today."

"If this goes on like this, I think it's better to just admit defeat."

The spectators in the audience spoke to each other, even though they were insignificant words, they were extremely harsh to Xiao Yun's ears, like steel needles piercing his heart.

He, Xiao Yun, became a high-level sorcerer after two years of entry, and he will definitely become a sorcerer in another year. What kind of glory is that?What a genius?
But now, he was being tricked and applauded by Li Ming, who had just started for a month. How could Xiao Yun not be angry?
However, the most taboo of fighting is chaos.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was already in chaos!

I only heard the chief coaching elder muttering in his heart: "Although Xiao Yun is strong in strength, his heart is far inferior to Li Ming's. If there are any gains or losses, just talk about it on the surface. The outcome of this round is determined!"

The chief coaching elder found that the more he got in touch with Li Ming, the more he felt that Li Ming was not simple.

It takes at least a hundred years of cultivation for this xinxing alone.

The chief coaching elder became more and more curious about Li Ming, and secretly decided in his heart that when the annual competition is over, he will have a heart-to-heart talk with Li Ming!

Such an extraordinary person, the past is definitely not simple!
The fight lasted for nearly two hours, and finally Li Ming won with a subtle advantage.

Xiao Yun's face was full of anger, obviously he didn't expect such a result, he was actually defeated?And it was defeated by an intermediate sorcerer.

The spectators in the audience were not too surprised, they seemed to have expected such a result.

The chief coaching elder announced that Li Ming won and got one point!
It's three points, Li Ming has already scored three points, and if he wins another game tomorrow, Li Ming will definitely be the leader of this year's competition.

However, tomorrow's opponent is Fang Yuanshan, a quasi-wizard, whose strength is much stronger than Xiao Yun's. To defeat Fang Yuanshan, with Li Ming's current strength, it is almost impossible!
Today, Li Ming unleashed a ray of Yuanshen attack on the Bidou stage. He was already very careful, but he should have noticed it from the changing face of the chief coaching elder.

However, the chief coaching elder didn't say much.

The Yuanshen attack is so extraordinary that even wizards dare not use it easily. As an intermediate wizard, how can Li Ming use it freely?
If the old tricks are repeated tomorrow, I'm afraid the chief coaching elder will definitely ask for clarification.

Li Ming returned to the room with his tired body. The witch stone had been used up, but luckily there was still a half-saturated witch stone.

Li Ming took out the Witch God Stone, opened his mouth and inhaled it into his viscera, and then concentrated on refining it.

In today's battle with Xiao Yun, although he was not injured, the wear and tear was very serious.

After all, Xiao Yun's level is far higher than Li Ming's by a small level, so fighting is naturally difficult.

After swallowing the Witch God Stone, a cool witch energy burst out from the Witch God Stone. Li Ming only felt refreshed all over his body, and the feeling of fatigue disappeared.

The witch energy was tempered by the primordial spirit into Wu Yuan, which gathered and circulated in Li Ming's meridians.

If he wanted to defeat Fang Yuanshan tomorrow, he had to break through a high-level sorcerer!

Li Ming abandoned all distracting thoughts and devoted himself to cultivation.

The effect of the Witch God Stone is far greater than that of the Witch Stone. Li Ming only felt that there was a steady stream of witch energy coming from his viscera, which seemed endless!
The news of Xiao Tiancai's defeat spread like wildfire and spread throughout the entire sect, and Xiao Yun became the laughing stock of the entire sect overnight!

Fang Yuanshan also heard about it, and secretly said: "That kid Xiao Yun was defeated?"

(End of this chapter)

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