The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1144 Digging a Big Pit

Chapter 1144 Digging a Big Hole
Feng Clan Hall.

Tan Siming walked solemnly in a black robe.

"Father, are you looking for me?" Tan Siming asked.

"En." Li Ming nodded and said, "Siming, do you still remember where you encountered the black hole in the world?"

"In Qiuling Mountain." Tan Siming said.

After a slight pause, Tan Siming asked, "Father is going to Tianlan World?"

"That's not it." Li Ming said, and then said to the elders of the three clans: "Spread the news that Qiuling Mountain leads to another world."

"Yes." The elders of the three clans responded immediately. Although they didn't know what Li Ming was going to do, they still carried out decisively.

"By the way, Siming, does the teleportation array that opens the world's black hole in the Tianlan world work in the star world?" Li Ming couldn't help asking.

Tan Siming was stunned, and said: "The world of stars and the world of Tianlan are two different worlds. The composition and rules of the worlds are different. The formation of black holes in the world should be different in the world of stars. However, you should be able to find them after some time." Open the formation of the world's black hole."

"Okay." Li Ming nodded, and said: "Then, during this period of time, you should hurry up and research the formation that opens the world's black hole."

"Yes, father." Tan Siming replied.

"Well, you go to work first." Li Ming said.

Afterwards, Tan Siming left the Feng Clan Hall and devoted himself to researching the formation to open the world's black hole!

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued: "Transfer the elite disciples of the family to the secret planet."

"Yes, patriarch." The clan elders responded.

Then, everyone performed their duties and got busy.

For a moment, the entire Feng clan was in turmoil, and the grass and trees were all soldiers.

After arranging everything properly, you can only do your best and obey the destiny!

Sure enough, after the Feng Clan spread the news that Qiu Lingshan had led to another world, the entire Star Realm was shocked.

Because of the stars in the sky, there are various signs that there is another world, or more worlds.

However, because the Great Jin Dynasty firmly controlled Tianxing, other forces could not get involved at all.

However, there is no one governing the hills and mountains, and it is a barren star.

As soon as the news came out, all major forces went to Qiulingshan one after another, regardless of whether the news was true or not!

Even the top [-] experts who are busy rebuilding the sect are no exception!

Because, the existence of another world means more cultivation resources!
How beautiful would it be if we could open the door to another world and plunder it again?

For those top [-] powerhouses who are worrying about not having the resources to rebuild their sects, this is absolutely great news!

Seeing that the news about Qiu Lingshan had successfully attracted the attention of the powerful in the world, Li Ming couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

In any case, it can be regarded as relieving the immediate pressure.

Of course, if these powerhouses really found the black hole of the world, it would be great!

No one knows the world of Tianlan better than Li Ming, not to mention the powerhouse of Huashen, even the powerhouse of half-respect, even if he goes to the world of Tianlan, he may fall!

As if, Qiulingshan is a pit, a pit where the dead don't pay for their lives.

However, the strongest in the world will jump into the pit!
Li Ming was delighted to hear it, and it would be best if Zhang Tianhe died in this pit, and many problems would be solved easily!

The Dajin Dynasty has already confirmed the existence of another world, and Meiji Shuifeng is the most powerful proof!
It's a pity that he couldn't watch it, but finally let Shuifeng escape.

The departure of Shuifeng further proves the existence of another world.

However, it only proves the existence of another world, but it does not know how to open it.

Now, the Great Jin Dynasty is almost going to dig through Tianxing, but only some weird armors and weapons have been dug out.

The materials of these armors are different, and after some careful scrutiny, it is determined that they are products of different worlds.

Therefore, Tianxing is taken for granted as a relic of the worlds.

The Great Jin Dynasty tried to find a way to open up different worlds, but there has been no progress.

Until the news of Qiu Lingshan broke out, the Great Jin Dynasty seemed to have found a broad road!
Because Wanyan Honglie and Venerable Haotian have saved the world's top [-] powerhouses, the Dajin Dynasty has an extraordinary right to speak in Qiulingshan.

Even the Great Qin Dynasty has to stay away!
Thinking about it now, why didn't the top [-] powerhouses attack Da Qin immediately.

For a while, it was because the Great Qin Dynasty was intertwined and extremely powerful. They were alone and alone. Even if they could destroy some cities, they would definitely not be able to overthrow the entire Great Qin!
But what do they gain by doing so?
The answer is that you won't get anything, but you will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred!

It's not about developing power first, and then waiting for the opportunity to retaliate!

Regarding the matter of Qiu Lingshan, in order to confuse the powerful people in the world, the Feng clan also dispatched the elders of the three and four clans to investigate.

However, he has been carefully avoiding Zhang Tianhe, the God of Medicine Sect!

Zhang Tianhe is a semi-powerful man, if he falls into his hands, he will definitely die!
The current Phoenix Clan cannot be lost!

Li Ming made an excuse to visit Daqin and expressed friendship to Daqin, then visited the Ming Dynasty, and also expressed friendship, and then visited the Tang Dynasty, also expressed friendship!
The way to show friendliness is very simple, giving a pill.

The Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty did not have any attitude, they just took over.

There is a hot face with a cold fart!

However, there is no real strong person in the Feng clan now, so it can only be like this!
In addition, Li Ming arranged for the clansmen to walk in the restaurants of the major dynasties to hear about the ancestors of the Feng clan.

Using this to confuse the public, those who have ulterior motives for the Feng family have to worry.

However, Wanyan Honglei of the Great Jin Dynasty and the others knew the real situation. There was no so-called ancestor of the Feng clan at all, and there were only Buzhou Shenshan.

Driven by greed, the Dajin Dynasty did not disclose the matter of Buzhou Shenshan, but also to expose the ancestors of the Feng clan.

Wanyan Honglei's most beloved seventh son was destroyed by Zhu Buzhou, and Wanyan Honglei wished to smash Zhu Buzhou's body into thousands of pieces.

It's just that I suffer from not knowing the whereabouts of Brother Zhu.

However, the relationship between Zhu Buzhou and the Feng Clan is extraordinary.

Wanyan Honglei had already sent people to secretly infiltrate the Feng Clan to spy on the news.

As long as there is news of bad luck, they will be killed immediately.

At that time, not only will he be able to avenge his hatred, but he will also be able to occupy Buzhou Shenshan!
There is no need to express how high the value of a holy mountain is.

Recently, many powerful people have encountered extraordinary things in the hills and mountains, which made them more convinced that there is a passage leading to another world here.

In fact, everyone didn't know that these visions were all created secretly by people sent by Li Ming.

In a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

The strongest in the world are still in the hills and mountains, and they are getting more and more involved.

At the same time, good news came from Tan Siming. He has successfully calculated the magic circle that opens the black hole in the star world!
On this day, Li Ming secretly went to Qiuling Mountain to set up a magic circle to open the black hole of the world!

The magic circle is quite complicated, far more complicated than that in Tianlan World. It took a full three days and three nights to successfully build it!
Then, the world black hole leading to Tianlan world opened!

 I'm going to have a pregnancy test tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and the update is pending.If you come back early, you will continue with three shifts, if you are late, you will have two shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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