Chapter 1158

When I arrived at the gate of the false sect, I heard senior Kunpeng say: "King Zhennan, put on a disguise first, lest that guy refuse to admit it when he sees you."

King Zhennan paused slightly upon hearing this, and said, "Alright!"

Immediately, King Zhennan changed his appearance.

Then, I heard senior Kunpeng say via voice transmission: "Fake suzerain, come out and see."

I only heard a voice from the sect, it was Li Ming pretending to stir up trouble, I only heard Li Ming asking: "But Senior Yukun?"

"Exactly." Kunpeng replied.

"Senior Yukun invites you. My suzerain has just retreated. However, the suzerain told me repeatedly before the retreat that if senior Yukun comes, he must be well received." Li Ming continued.

"There's no need for entertaining, what about the agreed reward? I have already photographed all the treasures for your suzerain." Senior Kunpeng continued.

"Oh? Are they all taken?" Li Ming was slightly surprised.

"Yes." Senior Kunpeng replied.

"Since everything has been photographed, the agreed reward will naturally not be less. I will take you to the treasure house and let you choose three treasures!" Li Ming said.

"Okay!" Senior Kunpeng laughed for a while, and then asked curiously: "Your fake sects suddenly took out so many treasures, where did they come from? I heard that the treasure house of King Nanwang of Dajin Zhennan was lost. Could it be?" Was it stolen by your fake sect?"

"Haha, Senior Yukun was joking, how can we have that ability." Li Ming said.

"Stop talking nonsense, no matter where your treasures come from, open the mountain gate quickly and let me choose three treasures!" Senior Kunpeng said impatiently.

"Okay!" Li Ming replied, and then slowly opened the sect's protective array.

At this time, I only heard that Senior Kunpeng passed on the name of King Zhennan and said, "Trust me now."

"I'm really sorry, I blamed you wrongly, and I will definitely offer three treasures as an apology afterwards." King Zhennan apologized quickly.

"Three pieces?" Senior Kunpeng sneered for a while, and glanced speciously at King Zhennan.

King Zhennan frowned, feeling a little displeased, but still asked patiently, "How many things do you say?"

"How many pieces?" Senior Kunpeng smiled slightly and said, "King Zhennan, do you think that the fake suzerain is so easy to deal with? Are you absolutely sure to deal with him?"

"What do you mean?" Zhennan Wang asked.

"The false suzerain is also in the realm of half-honored, and he has cultivated a strange hiding method, so he can escape the detection of monks in the same realm. My meaning is very simple. I will help you regain the treasure house, but you will give me half of the points!" Kunpeng Senior said.

"Half?" King Zhennan frowned suddenly, and said in a low voice, "Yu Kun, your appetite is too big!"

"Reluctance? Well, let's say goodbye!" Senior Kunpeng said.

"Don't." King Zhennan said hastily, if Yu Kun leaves now, let alone recapture the treasure, even the treasure house of the fake sect doesn't know where it is. "

"Hehe." Senior Kunpeng smiled, as if he was convinced of King Zhennan.

After a slight pause, I heard King Zhennan say: "One-third, at most one-third!"

King Zhennan wasn't really willing to spend one-third of it, but the situation forced him to do so.After retaking the treasure house, I will find a way to mediate with this Yukun!
"Okay! One-third is one-third!" Senior Kunpeng replied straight away.

Senior Kunpeng asked for treasures, not really for treasures, but just to distract King Zhennan's attention.

At this time, the guardian array was completely opened, and Li Ming walked out, inviting: "Senior Yukun, please come inside."

"En." Senior Kunpeng answered with his head held high.

 The next chapter will be updated in the afternoon.Also happy Valentine's Day.

(End of this chapter)

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