Chapter 1174

Afterwards, Emperor Qin, Emperor Tang, and Emperor Ming each selected a semi-respected strongman to join them.

It is very good for Li Ming that things can have such a situation.

She won't be able to lose sight of her eyes and be at the mercy of the Golden Emperor!

After a while, everyone dispersed and went back to the sect to prepare.

Li Ming, the elders of the second clan and senior Kunpeng also returned to the Feng clan.

Along the way, the elders of the second clan were worried.

It's too easy for a strong person in the Venerable Realm to kill the cultivator of Huashen.

I only heard that Li Ming comforted me: "Second family elders, don't worry too much, there are other half-respected strong people with me this time, and I still have a talisman left by Brother Zhu on me, if you are really in danger , you can crush the talisman order, and ask Brother Zhu to help."

"This... hi." The elder of the second clan sighed for a while, but he was still worried after all.

In fact, Li Ming himself didn't have much confidence in his heart. He couldn't break through the void around the black hole of the world. If he was really in danger, he didn't know if Brother Zhu could make it there.

I only heard senior Kunpeng say: "Li Ming, let me go with you."

Li Ming shook his head and said, "You can't stop the Golden Emperor from killing me, but it will hurt you instead. It's better to stay in the Feng Clan and build a barrier."

"This..." Senior Kunpeng was dumbfounded.

What Li Ming said was true, if the Venerable Realm wanted to make a move, the half-respected powerhouse couldn't stop it at all.

"Okay, this matter is settled like this." Li Ming said.

After returning to the Feng Clan, Li Ming made a detailed explanation and prepared a sufficient amount of spiritual water before leaving for the Great Jin Dynasty.

It's dangerous to go here, and I don't know if I can return safely.

In a few days, Li Ming arrived at the Dajin Dynasty.

However, he was not in a hurry to meet the Golden Emperor, but waited for the half-respected strongman from Qin Chao to arrive before going together.

His name was Guo Huai, and he was one of Emperor Qin's confidants.

I heard Guo Huai say: "Patriarch Feng, His Majesty Qin Huang has repeatedly told me to take good care of you, Jin Huang dare not do anything foolish."

"I know, thank you Senior Guo Huai." Li Ming thanked.

"It's not too polite, just call me Guo Huai." Guo Huai said.

Then, the two entered the Golden Palace.

Sitting high on the dragon chair, Jin Huang couldn't help humming when he saw Li Ming coming, and said, "Since everyone has arrived, let's go!"

It turned out that the half-respected powerhouses from the other parties had already arrived.

Leaving the Golden Imperial Palace, leaving the Golden Imperial City, carrying the teleportation array, and headed to the nearest black hole in the world.

However, it is not the cold region!

The black hole of that world has just been formed, and it is not yet stable, and it is the easiest to close.

Even though it was the closest black hole to the world, the journey there was not short, and it took five months.

When he got there, Li Ming saw the phenomenon he saw in the cold region, the stars reversed.

I only heard the Golden Emperor say: "The black hole of the world has just formed in front of it. I haven't had time to explore it in the future. I don't know what kind of world is connected behind the black hole of the world. Let's split up and explore carefully."

"Act separately?" Guo Huai couldn't help but frowned, and said, "Your Majesty, everyone here knows nothing about this place, so maybe it would be inappropriate to act separately?"

"What? Are you questioning my order?" Jin Huang asked coldly, frowning.

"Don't dare." Guo Huai said hastily.

"Don't dare to be the best!" Jin Huang snorted angrily, and then ordered everyone to disperse.

Li Ming knew Jin Huang's intentions, but he didn't expect him to be so impatient. He just arrived here, and he couldn't wait to show his minions.

However, no one in this place can contain the Golden Emperor, so he can only be at his mercy!
 Going for a checkup tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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