Chapter 1178
Li Ming felt it carefully, but he still didn't sense the existence of aura.

Startled, Li Ming decided to investigate the planet carefully.

Li Ming flew to the nearest planet, which looked blue and surrounded by clouds and mist.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously thought of his hometown, Earth!
Flying closer, Li Ming determined that this planet is not the Earth, but it looks exactly like it.

Dazed for a moment, Li Ming muttered to himself, "The great era is coming, and I don't know what's going on with the earth?"

After a little effort, Li Ming landed on the planet in front of him.

There are many oceans on this planet, and the land area accounts for less than one-fifth of it.

With a sweep of Li Mingyuan's spirit, he enveloped the entire planet.

After a slight pause, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and said to himself, "Isn't this a planet from the Star Realm?"

The biological chain on this planet is very simple. It belongs to the kind of primitive planet that has just sprouted. The species are limited, but it can be judged that it is not a star world species.

Li Ming shook his head slightly, and flew to other nearby planets.

After several investigations, Li Ming determined that these planets do not belong to the astral world.

After a slight pause, Li Ming shook his head. He felt as if he was in the vast ocean, and he didn't know where the former Star Realm was now?

The previous star map of the star world has no effect, and the position of the planet has already changed due to the impact of other worlds.

Li Ming didn't know the direction of his way back. He wanted to find the black hole in the world, but it had already disappeared.

For a while, Li Ming could only drift freely in the sea like a small boat.

It would be great if I could meet one or two monks!

Just looking around, in this interstellar, apart from the stars, it is a pitch-black interstellar.

Not to mention monks, even species are rare.

Li Ming didn't care too much, let's treat it as a trip!

I don't know how far he flew, it took almost four months, Li Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and his face was in disbelief.

I saw a towering mountain floating in the dark interstellar space!

Li Ming was dumbfounded, and said in surprise: "How can there be such a towering mountain in the interstellar world?"

Li Ming felt that majestic does not seem to describe this mountain, because it is so majestic, not much smaller than a planet.

Slightly startled, Li Ming couldn't help but think of Brother Zhu.

Brother Zhu is a sacred mountain in the starry world when the chaos was not yet opened. Could this mountain in front of you also be a sacred mountain in other worlds?

Li Mingfei approached with respect.

But after approaching, Li Ming didn't feel anything strange, as if it was just a mountain peak.

Li Ming landed on the mountain peak, only then did he realize that it was different.

This is not just a mountain, but an independent world, like a living planet.

From the foot of the mountain to the top, different species live.

Those living at the foot of the mountain are naturally the bottom species, and those living at the upper level take the lower level as their own hunting area for granted.

As soon as Li Ming landed, he felt a sense of danger. A beast with the head of a tiger and the body of a leopard, with a snow-white body, two long saber teeth, and scarlet blood eyes rushed towards him!
Li Ming subconsciously jumped back and avoided it easily.

I don't know what species and name this beast is, but it looks hungry.

However, wanting to use Li Ming as food to satisfy one's hunger would be beyond imagination!
Li Ming is a majestic master of transforming into a god!

The snow-white beast made a pounce but failed, so it couldn't help but carefully examine Li Ming.

However, Li Ming didn't care about this beast, he exerted a little force on his ankle, and flew towards the top of the mountain.

Just now, Li Ming released Yuanshen and detected human activities on the top of the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ming disappeared in front of the beast and came to the top of the mountain.

There are indeed human beings living on the top of the mountain, like primitive tribes, dressed in animal skins, with animal bones symbolizing merit and status hanging around their waists.

These people are generally tall, close to two meters, and some even reach [-] meters.

Li Ming's arrival did not attract anyone's attention.

It was the first time for Li Ming to see human beings after flying in the interstellar space for such a long time.

Although these human beings seem uneducated, their strength is not weak. They generally have the cultivation base of Jindan Realm, and some even reach Nascent Soul Realm.

Li Ming was very surprised by this.

How could an uneducated savage be so powerful?
Is it a natural blood?Or is there another reason?

Li Ming started to investigate out of curiosity.

Finally, Li Ming's eyes fell on a tree on the top of the mountain.

The tree was tall and towering, bearing dark purple fruits, exuding strong energy fluctuations.

Apart from hunting down the mountain, these savages mostly make a living from this fruit.

Li Ming was curious and picked a purple fruit.

However, he didn't rush to eat, but looked at it carefully.

This purple fruit is not big, only the size of a two or three-year-old child's fist, it feels cold to the touch, and is crystal clear.

However, after a while, the color of the fruit began to change and gradually faded.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being surprised.

After a while, the purple fruit completely faded and became transparent.

"This..." Li Ming was stunned, he had never seen such a strange fruit.

However, after a while, the transparent fruit changed again, slowly turning dark red.

Li Ming was very surprised. Is this a fruit that changes color?
Li Ming watched quietly, the fruit changed color twice, and finally turned into a puddle of water and disappeared.

" amazing!" Li Ming said in amazement, it was the first time he had seen this fruit, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

At this time, some savages came to pick the fruit.

However, the fruit did not change, the purple was crystal clear.

"Huh?" Li Ming was surprised, wondering why the fruit didn't change color in the hands of the wild man?

Li Ming found it strange and incomprehensible, so he picked another purple fruit.

However, the fruit became crystal clear after a while when it was placed in the hand.

After a while, it was dark red.

Then, it faded into a puddle of water.

Li Ming was confused, and after careful investigation, he discovered something strange.

It turned out that there was a layer of juice on the palm of the savage, but he didn't know what kind of juice it was.

"So that's how it is." Li Ming suddenly realized, released his soul to explore, easily found the storage location of the juice, took some, and applied it on his hands.

Sure enough, this time the purple fruit did not change color when placed in the hand.

Li Ming imitated the way of local savages and ate the purple fruit.

After eating this fruit, Li Ming suddenly felt his heart constricted, the blood circulation in his body accelerated, the joints in his body cracked, and his muscles and bones were stretched spontaneously.

At the same time, the Hunyuan Qi in the body also condensed a bit.

"This..." Li Ming was stunned, and thought to himself, "This fruit can actually increase your height?"

However, the effect was very short-lived, and it disappeared after only a few breaths of effort.

After a slight pause, Li Ming muttered to himself: "What a miraculous fruit!"

(End of this chapter)

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