The best immortal emperor

Chapter 118 Continue to accept the challenge?

Chapter 118 Continue to accept the challenge?

You must know that it takes at least three to five years for ordinary disciples to move from the early stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Wudian's three-month challenge is a very difficult task!Except for disciples with high talents or opportunities, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

Li Ming did it, and it only took two months, one month less than the stipulated three-month deadline!

I only heard the disciple of Wudian said: "Wait a while, I will inform the elders."

"Senior Brother, thank you." Li Ming said flatly.

Immediately, the disciples of Wudian went to inform the elders of Wudian.

After a while, the elders of Wu Dian came.

Seeing Li Ming, he asked with some doubts: "Have you broken through the middle stage of foundation establishment?"

"Yes, Elder." Li Ming replied, showing his aura at the same time.

The elder Wu Dian nodded, and said with satisfaction: "Yes, it is indeed the strength of the middle stage of foundation establishment."

After a slight pause, the elder Wu Dian praised: "You are better than I imagined. What's the matter? Do you want to continue to accept the challenge?"

"Accept, break through to the late stage of foundation establishment within half a year." Li Ming said noncommittally.

"Okay!" The elder of Wudian smiled and patted Li Ming on the shoulder, and then overdrawn 1 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones and a yellow-level middle-grade martial skill to Li Ming in advance.

Li Ming thanked: "Thank you, elder!"

"Work hard! I am very optimistic about you!" Elder Wu Dian said with a smile.

Afterwards, Li Ming left the Martial Palace, preparing to return to the Spiritual Beast Garden to continue retreating.

Even if [-] middle-grade spirit stones cannot help Li Ming step into foundation building, it will greatly enhance Li Ming's strength.

As soon as Li Ming returned to the cowshed, the disciples guarding the gate of the Spiritual Beast Hall trotted over and shouted from afar: "Li Ming, Elder Sun is looking for you."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but thump in his heart, and suddenly felt something bad.

Could it be that Elder Sun knew that he had just received [-] middle-grade spirit stones and wanted to occupy them?
"Li Ming, what are you doing standing there? Follow me to see Elder Sun." The disciple guarding the gate of the Spirit Beast Hall urged.

"I see, you go back first, I'll add some food, and I'll go see Elder Sun." Li Ming said.

"Then hurry up, don't make Elder Sun wait." The disciple guarding the gate of the Spirit Beast Hall reminded.

"I know." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, the disciple left.

Li Ming added some cattle feed, thinking about how to deal with it.

If Elder Sun wants to take over, he really has nothing to do.

After all, the gap in strength is like a gap!
After thinking for a while, Li Ming took out all the mid-grade spirit stones in the Naling jade tablet, handed them to the three-eyed musk ox, and said, "Niuhuang, keep it for me."

"Okay." The three-eyed musk ox replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming went to see Elder Sun in the Spirit Beast Hall.

Elder Sun lay on the armchair as usual, closed his eyes and rested his mind, as if he could not finish sleeping every day.

Hearing footsteps, Elder Sun asked, "But Li Ming is here?"

"Return to Elder Sun, that's right." Li Ming asked respectfully, "I don't know why Elder Sun is looking for the young one?"

Elder Sun opened his eyes, cast a glance at Li Ming, and asked, "Are you not clear about what I want from you?"

Li Ming's heart sank, the coercion in his eyes was really strong, he is indeed a master of golden alchemy!
However, Li Ming tried his best to remain calm, and said with a normal expression: "I don't know, I hope Elder Sun will show me."

"Okay, then I'll remind you." Elder Sun's voice became lower and his brows were filled with displeasure, and he said, "You just came back from the Martial Hall."

(End of this chapter)

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