The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1181 Hunting

Chapter 1181 Hunting

Hearing this, senior brother Lin Qing couldn't help but sighed, shook his head helplessly, and said, "We don't know where to go."

"En?" Li Ming couldn't help but pause.

I only heard Lin Qing said: "The fusion of the worlds, the world of Tianlan has been greatly impacted, and our Yun Wu Sect almost wiped out the sect. The surviving disciples are also scattered, and the few of us met together by chance."

"What happened?" Li Ming asked.

"It's a fierce beast from another world." Lin Qing said.

"An alien beast?" Li Ming was slightly surprised.

"En." Lin Qing described it: "It's an unheard of beast. It looks very ugly, like a long worm, with a wriggling figure and slow movement. But it is very huge, and it feeds on stars. Could swallow a whole star."

After a slight pause, Lin Qing continued: "That thing suddenly came to our world and attacked and devoured our planet. It was too late to guard against, and it was too late to escape, so many of our classmates were swallowed by that fierce beast to feed their hunger."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause. He had encountered such a fierce beast before on the way.

I didn't pay attention to it at the time, I didn't expect that worm-like thing to be so vigorous!

Also, is it mortal to feed on the stars?
After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Brother, what are your plans for the future?"

"Plan?" Lin Qing smiled wryly, and said, "I don't have any plans. I live every day. It's a precarious situation. It would be great if I could enter Mingdao City."

"Mingdao City? What is that place?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"I don't know either. I heard they said that a powerful witch repair teamed up to build an interstellar city. We were planning to find Mingdao City, but we didn't expect to encounter robbers." Lin Qing couldn't help but look at the few people beside him. Brother of the same sect.

I only heard one of them say: "I also heard it by accident, but Mingdao City is not easy to enter, not only needs strength, but also needs to pay a lot of money to enter the city. However, it is said that there are many masters in Dao City, which is very safe , as long as you enter Mingdao City, you will no longer have to live in precarious times."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and asked, "Do you know the location of Mingdao City?"

"I heard it's in that direction. I don't know if it's true or not." The man pointed in a direction and said.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said: "Brother, I don't have anything else to do right now, why don't you go to Mingdao City together, how about it?"

"It can't be better to have junior brother together." Lin Qing said with a smile, and then asked: "Little brother, where are you now? I just saw you beheading those wizards, almost instantaneously. Could it be that you are already Great Wizard?"

Li Ming smiled embarrassingly and didn't say much.

Seeing that Li Ming didn't say anything, Lin Qing couldn't ask further questions.

Afterwards, the group flew towards Mingdao City.

Along the way, I encountered several groups of robbers.

However, it can only be said that these robbers were unlucky and kicked on the iron plate. Instead of grabbing anything, they were looted by Li Ming and the others.

Counting the cultivation resources robbed, it should be enough to enter Mingdao Palace, right?

However, after flying continuously for two months, the so-called Mingdao City was still missing.

Li Ming couldn't help frowning, but seeing Lin Qing and the others were full of confidence, it was not easy to pour cold water on them.

Furthermore, Li Ming had nowhere to go now, he didn't know where to find the Star Realm, so he just continued walking.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

A group of people flew across three vast pitch-black interstellar spaces, and came to the place where the stars gathered.

Among them, one star looks particularly bright!

(End of this chapter)

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