The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1224 Clan City

Chapter 1224 Hundred Clan City

For Li Ming's decision, Du Yueya was very disappointed. She thought Li Ming would accept her invitation. After all, the fragments of the Pillar of Heaven are not ordinary products!
However, since Li Ming is not interested in this, Du Yueya can't force it!

The two flew aimlessly in the starry sky, not knowing where to go.

The black evil formation became extremely unstable, and with Zhou Beihai's loud shout, the black evil formation was completely broken.

It's just that at this time, there was no trace of Li Ming, and Wu Xiu and his whereabouts were unknown, but they didn't know that they had already disappeared.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Zhou Beihai roared, extremely angry.

I saw Zhou Beihai lost his mind and started beating the stars.

The stars are shattered, and there is chaos!
Li Ming and Du Yueya wandered among the stars, and decided to find a place where monks gather for the time being, to find out the current situation, and to find out if there is any old devil's movements.

But to be honest, since entering the Star Realm, Li Ming has never heard from the old devil again, as if he disappeared out of thin air!
The starry sky is vast and boundless, and it is unknown where monks gather.

Suddenly, Li Ming thought of a market place where monks gathered, and couldn't help saying: "I know a market place, but these years have passed, and I don't know if that market place is still there."

"Oh? Where is it?" Du Yueya asked.

"Sea Crab Star is a very small city." Li Ming said.

Thinking of Sea Crab Star, Li Ming couldn't help but think of Yu Jue. Even if he met once, he doesn't know if he is still alive?

"Go to Sea Crab Star to see first." Du Yueya said.

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Then, the two flew towards Sea Crab Star.

There are countless stars, and it took Li Ming a long time to discern the constellation of Capricornus.

It's a long way to go to Sea Crab Star, even with the realm of Li Ming and Du Yueya, it will take at least half a year!
After the fusion of thousands of worlds, the Shattering Void Blade has completely lost its effect. It seems that the void has also changed, and it is not so easy to open!
Fly all the way, day and night, without delay.

Seven months later, the two finally arrived at Sea Crab.

Sea Crab Star looks pretty good. It is much more prosperous than when Li Ming came here. It is no longer just a small market, but has developed into a city!
The name of the city is Hundred Clan City, a name that sounds rather weird.

However, when Li Ming and Du Yueya entered the city, they suddenly realized.

In addition to the monks, there are other races in the city, including witches, monsters, and some other races that Li Ming couldn't name.

Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, without disputes, and enjoys themselves in harmony.

Seeing this, Li Ming suddenly realized, no wonder it is called Hundred Clans City.

However, Li Ming was very curious, who came here to build this city?
After entering the city, Du Yueya became a little excited, and she didn't know what happened to her?
Li Ming noticed Du Yueya's strangeness, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "What's the matter? Did you find anything?"

"I didn't find out, it's just that I haven't drank human blood for a long time, and I can't help being excited to see such a person!" Du Yueya said with a sneer.

Hearing this, Li Ming felt cold all over, and reminded: "Don't mess around. Although Baizu City is tolerant, don't mess around!"

When entering the city, Li Ming saw the city regulations written on the stele in front of the city gate. The first rule is that fighting and killing are strictly prohibited in the city!
"I know, I won't mess around." Du Yueya said angrily.

Hearing this, Li Ming felt relieved, and said: "The restaurant is full of good and bad people, and the news is also the best. Let's go and have a look."

"Okay!" Du Yueya replied.

Then, the two went to the restaurant in the city!

 Three shifts today.

(End of this chapter)

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