Chapter 1251
That guy was covered in white hair and looked very much like an orangutan. He was ferocious, beating his chest with his fists from time to time, and breathing cold air from his mouth.

The rumbling sound came from this guy beating his chest.

However, at this time, he seemed to be more interested in Shishimen.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but gasped, and said to himself, "What is this guy doing?"

At this time, the elders of the second clan also sensed the existence of the monster, and their faces were full of doubts.

I only heard that Li Ming Chuannian asked: "Gu Huo Bird, what kind of beast is that?"

Gu Huoniao shook his head and said, "I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

"En?" Li Ming was stunned, and said in surprise, "Could it be a new monster? He doesn't seem to be afraid of the cold wave."

"Boom, boom..." The orangutan-like monster beat the stone gate.

The stone gate was blocked by Li Ming and the others, and it will not be broken for a while!

I only heard Gu Huo Niao say: "The stone gate can filter most of the cold wave, so don't let him open it."

"Understood." All the monsters responded in unison.

Immediately, all the demons immediately protected Shimen.

However, the Shimen was like paper, it fell apart when that guy hit it.

As soon as the stone door was broken, the cold wave directly poured in, and the temperature in the stone room dropped to the limit.

I saw that the few monsters on the outermost periphery couldn't bear the cold, they froze into ice bumps and fell down.

The guy came in from the outside and looked around at the demons.

"What kind of monster is this?" Niu Wudi asked in surprise.

Everyone and all the monsters shook their heads, no one knew the monster that walked in.

The monster looked around, and its eyes fell on Li Ming and the others who were sitting among the monsters.

I only heard the monster growl and said to the monsters, "Get out of the way!"

All the monsters looked condensed, a little timid.

The monster that suddenly broke in was not too powerful. Although it was also at the peak of Huashen Peak, it was weaker than at the peak of Gu Huo Niao.

Now, the elders of the two clans are already at the peak of the gods, and Li Ming has also entered the late stage of the gods. If they really want to fight, Li Ming is not afraid of this guy.

However, right now, Li Ming and the others are focusing most of their energy on resisting the cold wave, and they can't spare their hands to deal with this monster.

This monster approached Li Ming, and all the monsters automatically gave way.

Gu Huo Niao was anxious and shouted: "What are you doing? Do you want to die? Hurry up and stop this guy."

The demons were very frightened, and none of them dared to make a move.

After a little effort, the monster walked in front of Li Ming, only two or three meters away.

Li Ming looked at the monster in front of him and asked, "Who are you?"

The monster was silent for a while, and then said after a while: "I am the ice gorilla."

"What are you going to do?" Li Ming asked.

"Eat you." Icefield Snow Gorilla opened his bloody mouth wide and said expressionlessly, as if he was not going to eat alone!

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning, his face darkened, and he said in a low voice, "It's not that easy to eat me!"

This is a place where everyone eats people, people eat monsters, monsters eat people, and monsters eat monsters.

Li Ming was not surprised by the ice gorilla's words, perhaps it was already commonplace.

After all, when he met Gu Huo Niao, he also wanted to eat himself!
Niu Wudi took out the black guillotine and said bluntly: "If you want to eat my elder brother, pass me first!"

As he spoke, Niu Wudi let out a growl and slashed at the ice gorilla.

Although the ice gorilla looks bulky in size, it is dexterous.

I saw him shrink back, and he easily avoided Niu Wudi's strike!
Niu Wudi didn't intend to stop, and continued to hack the ice gorilla.

However, it couldn't hurt the ice gorilla at all.

The other monsters had no intention of making a move, and they all avoided it.

Li Ming shouted: "Wudi, come back, you are no match for him!"

That's true, Niu Wudi is only in the middle stage of transformation, and his strength is far inferior to this ice gorilla.

By this time, none of the Icefield Snow Gorilla had made a move, just playing with Niu Wudi.

At this time, the face of the ice gorilla suddenly darkened, let out a beast roar, and rushed towards Niu Wudi.

"Be careful." Li Ming reminded.

However, Niu Wudi's strength was far inferior to that of the ice gorilla, so he couldn't avoid the blow of the ice gorilla.

Seeing that Niu Wudi was about to be seriously injured by the ice gorilla, the elders of the second clan suddenly made a move, and the bone spirit Hei Yan hit the ice gorilla.

The ice gorilla's expression froze, and he looked at the bone spirit Hei Yan with some horror.

In the end, the ice gorilla had no choice but to take back the blow to avoid the elder bone spirit Hei Yan of the second clan.

Bone Spirit Hei Yan is also a resounding strange fire in the world, its power is astonishingly terrifying.

Otherwise, the ice gorilla would not be forced to retreat.

The ice gorilla evaded in time and was not injured by the bone spirit Heiyan.

However, this attack by the elder of the second clan aroused the ferocity of the ice gorilla. He looked at the elder of the second clan fiercely and said in a low voice, "This is none of your business. If you don't make a move, I won't make things difficult for you."

Apparently, the ice gorilla is quite afraid of Hei Yan, the elder bone spirit of the second clan.

The elder of the second clan sneered and said, "You idiot, can't you see that we are wearing the same robes? If you want to attack my patriarch, how can I stand by and watch?"

Why can't the ice gorilla see that Li Ming and the second clan are always together?

It's just that disaster is imminent, who cares about whom?
The ice gorilla unleashed all its coercion, and threatened in a low voice: "I'll give you one last time, if you're sensible, stand aside for me, otherwise I'll swallow you too!"

The old man of the second clan stood up, his whole body was covered with bone spirit black flames, and his momentum was equally compelling.

I only heard that the elders of the second clan said: "Just let the horse come over!"

Obviously, the elders of the second clan ignored the threat of the ice gorilla.

There is no doubt about it, it's a no-brainer.

Whether it is the elders of the second clan, other clan elders, or other Feng clan members, it is imperative to defend the patriarch, even if he loses his life for it!

"Stubbornness!" The Icefield Snow Gorilla snorted angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you humans all mean and shameless, betraying your fellow man? Are you really going to make things difficult for me? I promise, as long as you don't hesitate to intervene, I will never make it difficult for you !"

"Hmph!" The old man of the second clan sneered, and said in a low voice: "You are talking about some human beings, not all human beings. Even if all the human beings in the world are like what you said, I am different. If you want to touch our patriarch, Pass me first!"

"Looking for death!" The Icefield Snow Gorilla was furious, roared and rushed towards the elder of the second clan.

The elders of the second clan were not afraid at all, and controlled the bone spirit Hei Yan to fight with the ice gorilla.

All the monsters stood by and didn't intend to help at all, including Gu Huo Niao.

At this time, I saw that Gu Huo Niao had hidden in a corner at some point, waiting for the fight to end.

Li Ming's expression was tense, and his face was very ugly.

I only heard that Li Ming looked at the demons and asked in a low voice: "Are you just standing by and watching?"

(End of this chapter)

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