Chapter 1256

Li Ming did the same, first trying to find the water pattern stone wall in the center of the array.

Then, peel off the cocoon again to find the law of transformation.

However, the complexity of the labyrinth on the sixth floor is already quite high, and it took Li Ming a lot of effort to find the water pattern stone wall in the center of the array.

After finding the water pattern stone wall, Li Ming devoted himself to finding the law.

On the tenth floor, the elders of the three tribes and Niu Wudi practiced in seclusion, and were responsible for guarding and consolidating their cultivation by the way.

However, the elders of the second clan were always worried about Li Ming.

On the sixth floor, it took Li Ming five years to find out the rules in the transformation, and then he came to the seventh floor.

The more upward, the more obscure the law, the more difficult to figure out.

On the seventh floor, Li Ming groped for 12 years before he figured out what was going on.

Up to now, Li Ming really admires the person who built this mirage. How did such a complex and changeable formation be designed?
You must know that any error in any link will lead to the failure of the formation.

However, what makes Li Ming even more curious is, what is the purpose of designing such a complex and changeable formation to hide?
On the eighth floor, there is no doubt that the formation has become more complex and changeable, and the regularity has become more and more blurred.

However, with the foundation of the first to seventh floors, it is relatively easy to find.

However, in the end it took a full 25 years to find the law.

At this time, Li Ming came to the ninth floor.

Think about how long it took me to retreat in Mirage?This search for the law of the maze has added up to almost 50 years.

If it takes 50 years to retreat on the tenth floor, it will be a full 500 years of retreat effect. I am afraid that Li Ming has already stepped into the peak of Huashen, right?
However, Li Ming cares more about the laws of the maze than retreat.

The gate on the first floor disappeared when Li Ming came in, and now the only way to find the exit from the mirage is to go up.

In addition, Li Ming wanted to know what was on the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth floors.

On the ninth floor, Li Ming continued to look for the rules in the maze.

I saw Li Ming standing in front of the water-patterned stone wall, sometimes confused, sometimes delighted, or raised his head and laughed when he figured out some key formations.

In the eyes of outsiders, Li Ming looks like a complete lunatic.

Unknowingly, it has been 20 years since Li Ming came to the ninth floor.

However, so far Li Ming has not found out the exact law of the ninth floor, only a general idea.

According to Li Ming's estimate, it will take at least 30 years to fully deduce it.

Li Ming is not in a hurry, for a monk like Li Ming, 30 years is just a command room.

However, on this day, a figure suddenly broke into Li Ming's sight.

The figure couldn't help being startled when he saw Li Ming, he never expected to meet Li Ming here.

This figure is none other than Gu Huo Niao!
At this time, Guhuo Niao had grown eight heads, and her strength had also entered the late stage of Transformation God, only one step away from the peak of Transformation God.

Seeing Li Ming, Gu Huo Niao was slightly taken aback, and the fox asked, "Li Ming, why are you here?"

Li Ming smiled and said: "I have nothing to do, just wander around as you like."

Li Ming has no friendship with Gu Huo Niao, but has a festival, so it is impossible to tell the truth to Gu Huo Niao.

Gu Huo Niao was taken aback, apparently not believing Li Ming's words, so she couldn't help asking, "Are you alone?"

"Yes." Li Ming said.

"What about them?" Gu Huo Niao asked cautiously, and then said: "Could you have met that ten thousand year evil dragon?"

(End of this chapter)

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