The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1259 Find the Corridor

Chapter 1259 Find the Corridor

"The elders of the three clans are hitting the peak of the God Transformation, and Niu Wudi is also practicing hard in closed doors." The elders of the second clan said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said, "Old man of the second clan, you go to protect the law for the elders of the third clan and Niu Wudi. I'm fine here."

"Okay, patriarch, I'm near here, you can tell me if you have anything to do." The elder of the second clan said.

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

Then, the elders of the second clan returned to the stone room.

Li Ming threw himself into the formation, looking for the law of transformation.

It took Li Ming 47 years to explore the maze on the ninth floor, and it may take a hundred years on the tenth floor!
Li Ming was not in a hurry, and started to search slowly.

Time flies and time flies by.

On this day, the elders of the three clans broke through and successfully stepped into the peak of the God Transformation!
Therefore, the elders of the third clan protected Niu Wudi, while the elders of the second clan stood by Li Ming's side.

After all, the tenth floor is not like the ninth floor, and there are many hidden dangers.

Fortunately, there are elders from the second clan, otherwise Li Ming would be in danger.

In a blink of an eye, 50 years have passed.

Niu Wudi also stepped into the threshold of the peak of the god of transformation, stepping into the final moment of hitting the peak of the god of transformation.

At this time, Li Ming also found some key things from the tedious formation.

However, there is still a long way to go before the corridor leading to the eleventh floor is deduced.

On this day, Niu Wudi successfully broke through, stepped into the peak of transformation, and entered the maturity stage!
A group of three people guarded Li Ming's side day and night, in case of accidents.

But until now, everyone has not seen the Wannian Niejiao, and almost forgot about him.

The stars move, the years change, and I don't know how many cold, hot, spring and autumn.

Counting with your fingers, another 30 years have passed.

Now, Li Ming has basically figured out how to transform the maze on the tenth floor.

All that's left is to find the corridor that leads to the eleventh floor!
The elders of the second family are looking forward to it, and they also want to know what's on the eleventh floor.

Li Ming wandered through the maze on the tenth floor, confirming his deduction.

Sure enough, one by one came true.

On this day, Li Ming raised his head, with a strange brilliance in his eyes, and said, "I think I have found the corridor leading to the eleventh floor."

"Where is it?" the elder of the second clan asked excitedly.

"Come with me." Li Ming said.

Afterwards, Li Ming walked away with everyone.

After a while, Li Ming stopped in front of a stone wall and said, "This is it!"

"Here?" Everyone was dumb, looked at Li Ming suspiciously, and said, "There is only one stone wall here."

Li Ming smiled and said, "The corridor is hidden inside this stone wall."

"It's right here?" Niu Wudi paused, and then he brought out the black guillotine.

"What are you going to do?" Li Ming asked hastily.

"Brother, wait until I split this stone wall." Niu Wudi said.

"No." Li Ming hurriedly stopped.

"En?" Niu Wudi paused and looked at Li Ming inexplicably.

I only heard Li Ming say: "The corridor leading to the eleventh floor changes indefinitely, and it will only be opened at special moments. If you split the stone wall now, it will not help, and maybe it will destroy the operation of the maze."

"This..." Niu Wudi was dumb for a while, scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, and said, "Brother, I was reckless."

"It doesn't matter, you will follow me later." Li Ming said.

"Yes, big brother." Niu Wudi replied.

"Yes, patriarch." The elders of the second clan and the elders of the third clan responded.

Li Ming and his group waited in front of the stone wall for three full hours, and when Niu Wudi got impatient with the wait, Li Ming said, "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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