The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1278 A Demon City

Chapter 1278 A Demon City
Although the mirage is a treasure against the sky, the time it controls will not speed up for no reason, it must be driven.

As for the ten-fold effect, it was caused by its own magic circle, like a large spirit gathering circle, absorbing the surrounding gas all the time.

However, Mirage transformed these into time acceleration!
Li Ming refined the Wannian Jiaodan to his heart's content. It should have taken 50 years to refine the Jiaodan, but it only took five years in the mirage.

In a blink of an eye, five years have passed, and Li Ming has completely absorbed the inner alchemy of Wannian Niejiao, and his strength has risen to the peak, and he is only left to comprehend the truth of heaven and earth before the half-venerated one.

Coming out of the mirage, Li Ming asked the elders of the three clans if they had wives and daughters, and the whereabouts of the elders of the seven clans.

But, so far no.

Li Ming frowned, five years, where will they go?
Li Ming spent a lot of money to buy an interstellar map in Hetian City, and planned to search for it city by city along the direction in which the elders of the seven clans fled!
The elders of the second clan and the elders of the third clan stayed in Hotan City, relying on commerce and trade to establish a secret stronghold of the Feng clan.

Li Ming left with the mirage, and started searching from Taishui City, which is close to the Feng Clan.

Taishui City was established by the Jiang family in Chiba World, and it is also a small city with average commerce, far less developed than Hotan City.

A small town like Taishui City has a lot in today's starry sky.

After Li Ming arrived in Taishui City, he secretly investigated.

However, nothing was gained.

In the end, you can only leave.

Li Ming continued to search along the established route, and the next stop was Longyan City.

Longyan City is slightly larger, and the people living in it are not humans, but monsters.

Among them, the dragon fish family with a trace of dragon spirit is the most dominant in Longyan city.

This Longyan city was also led by the Longyu family and established with several other powerful families.

The dragon fish is a fish demon. Because its ancestors took a breath of dragon energy, it mutated and became an existence second only to divine beasts!
Arowana has achieved great cultivation and can be the peak of transforming gods.

However, it is only limited to the peak of Huashen Peak!
If you want to make another breakthrough, you must first use the treasures of heaven and earth to purify your blood, so that you can comprehend the ultimate truth of heaven and earth, and step into the realm of half-lord, or even the realm of venerable!

This process, Arowana calls it Leaping over the Dragon Gate!
Not only dragon fish need to do this, but many monsters need to do this, such as the ten thousand year evil dragon that Li Ming killed.

Li Ming entered Longyan City, standing among the group of monsters, he was very eye-catching, and attracted the attention of many monsters.

Longyan City is not like a human city. It has strict city rules, and no one is allowed to violate them.

Here, killing, robbing, and fighting happen from time to time.

It is precisely because of this that the development of Longyan City is limited.

The commerce and trade in the city are pitifully scarce, and the supplies are not plentiful.

The shops that Li Ming can see are basically run by monsters, and he rarely sees humans.

If human beings want to gain a foothold here, they must get the support of the dragon fish family.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to move an inch!
Li Ming was stared at by the heavy demon, and he was completely confused.

With Li Ming's current strength, as long as he is not a venerable or a semi-venerable, he doesn't pay attention!

Obviously, there is no such thing as a venerable or a half venerable in Longyan City!

Unless, someone from the Longyu family jumped the dragon gate!
Li Ming didn't stay in Longyan City for too long. After Yuanshen swept the whole city, he turned around and left without finding any traces of his wife, daughter and elders of the seven clans.

However, at this moment, a voice came: "Outlander, are you lost?"

"En?" Li Ming was taken aback, looking at the tiger monster inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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