Chapter 130 Ah Jiu (4)

After leaving the village, Ah Jiu took Li Ming straight to the beach.

Today, the sun is shining, there are no clouds in the sky, it is a sunny day!

At this time, it was noon, and the villagers who had lunch were resting at home, and there was no one on the beach.

Ah Jiu came to the beach, took off her shoes, and ran happily on the beach, like a happy bird.

Li Ming has never seen such a delicate face without a trace of blemish, innocent and simple!
Perhaps, only such a small fishing village that is isolated from the world and less prone to fights can have such a pure smile!

Li Ming stood on the edge of the beach, looking at the sea, trying to see further.

However, as far as the eye can see, there are blue waters, no boats, and no islands.

Slightly startled, Li Ming secretly asked in his heart: "Where is this place? How did I get here? Is it the guys who look like elves?"

Now, Li Ming couldn't figure out many things.

Li Ming regretted drinking that mountain brewed spring wine, but it was too late!

If he didn't drink, he should be sharpening in the fantasy forest now, not in this ghost place!
Complaining is of no use.

Since you have made a mistake, try your best to correct the certificate, and if you cannot correct the certificate, try to make up for it.

Li Ming gradually calmed down and sorted out two thoughts.

One is to go to the cliff to explore the way out, and the other is to go deep into the ocean.

Of these two options, Li Ming is more inclined to the cliff.

Li Ming's current physical condition is not as good as before. He would be out of breath after walking six or seven miles. It is conceivable that Li Ming's physical fitness is not as good as that of Ah Jiu!

The sea is ruthless and changeable. Facing the sea, ordinary people can only accept it and cannot change it.

Unless, Li Ming can regain his strength, the strength in the middle stage of foundation establishment!

That way, not to mention the sea, even the sea of ​​fire, Li Ming dares to break through it!
Up to now, Li Ming hasn't figured out where his cultivation has gone?
Is it the fault of mountain brewing and spring wine?
Li Ming couldn't figure it out, he really couldn't figure it out!

At this time, Ah Jiu shouted: "Li Ming, come here, there are crabs here! Come and catch the crabs!"

"Here we come." Li Ming responded, and ran towards Ah Jiu.

Sure enough, there was a bad crab beside Ah Jiu, and it was entering the sea sideways.

Ah Jiu has already caught two first, one in each hand, they look very cute.

Li Ming bent down and picked two of them, they were not too small.

"Come on, I'll take you to cook crabs." Ah Jiu said excitedly.

"Boil crab?" Li Ming was taken aback.

"Come with me." Ah Jiu shouted while running.

Holding a crab in one hand, Li Ming ran after Ah Jiu.

After running along the beach for a long time, Li Ming saw a pergola in front of him.

The roof of the pergola had been toppled by the sea wind long ago, and it was blown to nowhere, leaving only four pillars.

Inside the pergola is a simple hearth made of stones. The hearth is blackened by smoke, and there are hay under it.

Ah Jiu quickly picked up an iron pot that was pressed by a stone, put the crabs in it, and then put the crabs in Li Ming's hand into it, filled some sea water, lit a fire, and started cooking.

Seeing Ah Jiu's movements are so skillful, I think he cooks crabs here a lot!
After a while, the water became hot, and the crabs were scalded and kept struggling in the pot, trying to climb out of the pot.

However, it fails every time.

After cooking for a while, the crab's shell turned yellow, Ah Jiu said excitedly, "It's ready to eat!"

As he spoke, he picked up one and handed it to Li Ming!

(End of this chapter)

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