Chapter 132 Ah Jiu (6)

"Li Ming, Li Ming..." Ah Jiu hurriedly hugged Li Ming, patted Li Ming's cheek, trying to wake him up.

However, Li Ming did not respond at all, as if he had completely lost consciousness.

Ah Jiu called the villagers and finally carried Li Ming home.

Li Ming lay down for three days and three nights.

Li Ming didn't wake up until the fourth day.

After waking up, Li Ming was so weak that he couldn't even get up by himself. It was only with Ah Jiu's help that he leaned against the edge of the bed!
Li Ming didn't know what happened, why did his physique become like this?
"Are you awake?" Ah Jiu asked with concern.

Li Ming's head was buzzing, very uncomfortable!

After a long time, Li Ming got better and asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Three days and three nights." Ah Jiu replied.

"Three days and three nights? So long!" Li Ming was taken aback.

"Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat." Ah Jiu said.

Before Li Ming could speak, his stomach was already growling.

Ah Jiu quickly went to the kitchen to get food for Li Ming.

Li Ming checked his body and found that his whole body was numb and he couldn't exert any strength.

"How did this happen? Why did I suddenly faint? I didn't drink any mountain wine this time. What's going on?" Li Ming was very confused.

However, I couldn't find any answers.

After a while, Ah Jiu brought a bowl of delicious fish soup.

Handed it to Li Ming, but Li Ming didn't have the strength to take it.

Ah Jiu smiled and said, "Lie down, and I'll feed you."

With that said, Ah Jiu picked up the spoon and started feeding.

The fish soup tasted very delicious, and Li Ming was very hungry, so he drank a large bowl of fish soup cleanly.

After being taken care of by Ah Jiu for a week, Li Ming's body recovered and he could barely get out of bed, but it was very inconvenient to walk around for a long time.

Li Ming felt that he seemed to have become a useless person.

Such days lasted for three months before Li Ming fully recovered.

However, with the fingertips, Li Ming has been in the small fishing village for almost five months.

The tempering in the Illusory Forest has only been three months, and Li Ming seems to have missed something.

Looking at the sea in front of the village, Li Ming didn't know what to say.

Why did it become like this?Why did I faint inexplicably?Moreover, after waking up, my whole body was numb, and my physique became extremely poor.

Li Ming couldn't figure it out, and no one could give Li Ming an answer.

At this time, Li Ming was sitting in front of the door, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Stay here." Ah Jiu walked over from behind Li Ming, put his arms around Li Ming's waist, and asked softly.

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, only to feel a soft body clinging to him, and two plump giants undulating on his back like waves.

For a long time, Ah Jiu has always been dressed in men's clothing, with loose clothes, completely blocking her beautiful figure.

Unexpectedly, Ah Jiu had such a good figure!
Li Ming couldn't help suffocating, and a fragrant fragrance came into his nose, as if there was nothing wrong with staying.

It is peaceful here, undisturbed by the world.

Isn't it the Xanadu in Li Ming's mind?

But, will Li Ming really stay?

Li Ming pulled Ah Jiu's hand away and said, "I'm sorry!"

After speaking, Li Ming walked away.

"Why?" Ah Jiu asked unwillingly.

This time Li Ming didn't answer, but just walked away silently.

Although this place is good, it is not the place where Li should stay. He still has a lot of things to do, and there are still many people waiting for him!

(End of this chapter)

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