Chapter 1339
The person who came was none other than Wanyan Honglei who had just beheaded Patriarch Long and rushed over!

Although Patriarch Long's strength is not as strong as Wanyan Honglei's, he is still in the realm of a venerable.

If a venerable strongman wants to kill another venerable strongman, unless the strength is extremely different, it is almost impossible to kill him instantly.

Therefore, Wanyan Honglei didn't arrive until the end of the Demon Ancestor's inheritance.

Li Ming sensed Wanyan Honglei's arrival, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said to himself, "It's just right to come!"

At the same time, Mo Zu also sensed Wanyan Honglei's arrival, and his expression couldn't help but change.

The Demon Ancestor can naturally sense that Patriarch Long was beheaded, and he can also sense that it was the comer who did it.

I only heard the Demon Ancestor urging: "Li Ming, quickly, quickly capture Du Yueya's ghost."

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Li Ming saw a ray of black air coming out of Du Yueya's body under Li Ming's forcible ingestion, and then Li Ming took out a white porcelain bottle and put the black air into it.

At this time, Wanyan Honglei had already arrived, but he didn't expect to see Li Ming here.

Wanyan Honglei saw Du Yueya's situation at a glance, and shouted at Li Ming: "Stop, return Du Yueya's ghost to her quickly, or she will die."

Li Ming turned cold, and said, "What does it matter to me whether she dies or not?"

"Bold, how dare you go against the emperor's will? Do you want to die?" Wanyan Honglei shouted coldly.

"Could it be that after I listen to you, you Wanyan Honglei will let me go?" Li Ming smiled coldly.

"You..." Wanyan Honglei was at a loss for words, but he had no intention of letting Li Ming go.

I only heard Mozu urging: "Li Ming, don't pay attention to him, give me Du Yueya's ghost quickly."

"How dare you!" Wanyan Honglei shouted coldly.

Li Ming smiled coldly, and hit the white porcelain bottle towards Mo Zu.

Although the demon ancestor was imprisoned by a mysterious force, he could still do it by ingesting a white porcelain bottle.

Seeing the black air surging, Mozu reached out and grabbed it, intending to take away the white porcelain bottle.

"Don't even think about it!" Wanyan Honglei shouted, and immediately shot to intercept.

Once Du Yueya's ghost is swallowed by the old devil, Du Yueya will die, and her luck will also collapse!

This is something Wanyan Honglei cannot tolerate and accept!

As soon as the two of them fought, Li Ming immediately fled with Du Yueya's body.

However, he didn't leave the death penalty area, but hid nearby.

Mozu and Wanyan Honglei are both masters in the world, and their fights are earth-shattering.

However, because the Demon Ancestor was trapped by a mysterious force, he did not have the advantage.

However, because of the proximity to the water tower, the Demon Ancestor had the opportunity to win the white porcelain bottle.

At this moment, I saw that the white porcelain bottle was only an arm's length away from the demon ancestor, and with a little effort, the white porcelain bottle could be obtained.

Wanyan Honglei's complexion was serious, and he used all his strength, trying to forcibly take back the white porcelain bottle.

However, he found a mysterious force blocking him.

It is the mysterious power that imprisoned the Demon Ancestor!
Wanyan Honglei's complexion darkened, and he punched the mysterious force.

With a bang, there was a loud bang, and the mysterious power that guarded the death penalty area was shattered.

Seeing this, the Demon Ancestor burst into laughter: "Free, free!"

However, right now was not the time to laugh out loud, Mozu immediately faced the murderous Wanyan Honglei.

The mysterious power in the forbidden area of ​​death was shattered, and Li Ming immediately took Du Yueya's body secretly to Mie Shen Shan.

At this moment, Mozu and Wanyan Honglei's attention was all on the white porcelain bottle, and they didn't notice Li Ming at all.

Entering the death penalty area, Li Ming couldn't help but shudder all over his body. The surrounding area was filled with the breath of death, and he was very uncomfortable.

Li Ming ignored these things and flew straight to Mie Shen Mountain.

Passing through the lingering black air, Mie Shen Mountain is right in front of you.

Li Ming turned his palm and took out a white porcelain bottle, then opened it, a wisp of black air flew out and entered Du Yueya's body, and Du Yueya woke up.

It turned out that the white porcelain bottle that Li Ming called Mo Zu was empty.

As soon as Du Yueya appeared, Li Ming urged: "Time is running out, go to Mie Shen Shan quickly."

"En." Du Yueya replied.

Immediately, the two entered Mie Shen Mountain.

At this moment, Li Ming couldn't care less about the danger of destroying Shenshan.

After entering Mie Shen Mountain, Du Yueya breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's dangerous. Fortunately, Wanyan Honglei showed up in time, otherwise it would be troublesome."

"Indeed." Li Ming nodded.

"Okay, I'll graft luck to you now." Du Yueya said.

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Luck is a good thing, but not for everyone, at least Du Yueya is like this.

Immediately, Du Yueya married Li Ming according to the agreement.

I saw a mass of flushing air, like the sun, slowly rising from Du Yueya's chest.

Following Du Yueya's thoughts, the flushing air slowly entered Li Ming's body.

"Is this luck?" Li Ming asked secretly, his heart was full of excitement.

The good things that several strong men fought for fell on him, Li Ming!

As soon as the luck came out, a burst of red light soared into the sky, dispelling the black air around.

The Mieshen Mountain, which was covered by the black air, suddenly revealed the true face of Lushan Mountain!

However, at this time, Mozu and Wanyan Honglei, who were fighting desperately, also realized that something was wrong.

Wen Wanyan Honglei yelled: "No, I was played by Li Ming!"

Immediately, Wanyan Honglei was seen flying towards Mie Shen Mountain.

"En?" Mo Zu was taken aback, opened the white porcelain bottle and saw that it was empty, and cursed angrily, "Damn it!"

However, the Demon Ancestor did not fly to Mie Shen Mountain, but was forbidden to leave.

I only heard Mozu muttering to himself: "I wanted to use Du Yueya's ghost to recover my strength, and then break through this mysterious energy. However, I didn't expect to get out of trouble in the end by such a mistake."

The terrifying Demon Ancestor of Mie Shen Mountain has already experienced it, and now even if Mie Shen Mountain is full of heaven-defying treasures, the Demon Ancestor will take a second look!
In fact, Wanyan Honglei was also trapped in Shenshan for many years.

It's just that now he only has luck in his eyes, and doesn't care about other dangers at all.

The flushing air slowly entered Li Ming's chest, and Li Ming felt refreshed all over his body.

However, there is no substantial change between the Primordial Qi and the deity.

The flushing energy completely merged into Li Ming's body, Li Ming's face was radiant, he slowly opened his eyes, and said, "Is this luck?"

"En?" Du Yueya said weakly.

The movement of qi away from the body had a considerable impact on Du Yueya's body.

However, this is only short-lived, as long as he absorbs some death breath, it will be fine.

At this time, a huge aura enveloped Mie Shenshan.

Li Ming's expression changed instantly, his whole body turned cold, and he said, "No, Wanyan Honglei is here!"

"There's a cave over there, let's go in and take shelter first." Du Yueya pointed to not far away.

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Du Yueya, who was weak on Li Ming's back, flew to the cave not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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