Chapter 1364

After leaving the casino, the man walked straight towards the public area outside the city.

Li Ming followed all the way and did not disturb this person.

Along the way, this person shook his head from time to time, lamenting his bad luck.

Ten bets and nine loses, how can the casino do a loss-making business?

After leaving the boundary of the Tang Dynasty and entering the central area, the burly gambler had no intention of staying, and walked straight out of the city.

At this time, Li Ming stepped forward vigorously, blocking the way of the burly gambler.

"What's the matter?" The burly gambler asked unfriendlyly.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Your Excellency, the dark clouds cover the top, and the Yintang is black. It seems that everything is not worth it."

"Go away, you are the top of the black cloud, and the Yintang is black!" the burly gambler cursed.

Li Ming didn't get angry, but just said: "The casino cannibalize people and doesn't spit out bones. You should lose everything often, right?"

"Look for a fight!" The burly gambler was furious, and punched Li Ming with his fist.

This burly gambler's strength is not weak, but he is in the late stage of transforming gods.

However, it was nothing in front of Li Ming. Li Ming tilted his body, but he didn't move a step, and he easily resolved it.

The burly gambler frowned and charged again.

However, they were easily resolved by Li Ming.

At this time, the burly gambler realized that he was not on the same level as the opponent.

At this time, although the burly gambler was annoyed, he also knew that he had no choice but to snort angrily, and said, "I don't have the same knowledge as you."

"I can give you a huge bet." Li Ming said suddenly.

"What?" The burly gambler thought he had heard wrong.

I heard that Li Ming repeated again: "I can give you a huge bet." Li Ming said again.

"Why?" said the burly gambler.

"Based on my eyesight, I bet you will lose everything again." Li Ming murmured.

"You..." The burly gambler was furious, staring at Li Ming covetously.

"How? Do you dare to bet with me?" Li Ming asked.

"Why don't you dare, just in case I win?" asked the burly gambler.

"If you win, all the spirit stones will belong to you, but if you lose, you will be treated like a monkey by me for three days." Li Ming said coldly.

"What do you mean?" asked the burly gambler, confused.

"That is, within three days, you must do as I say, and you must not violate anything." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the burly gambler couldn't help but frown.

I only heard that Li Ming continued: "Don't worry, I won't ask you to do murder and arson. I just want to treat you like a dog. If you are afraid of losing, then forget it."

With that said, Li Ming turned and left proudly.

Li Ming didn't directly tell the gambler his real purpose, because a monk who can cultivate to the state of transformation into a god is definitely not a fool.

Explaining directly may attract the other party's prying eyes.

Li Ming left without paying any attention.

"Wait a minute," the burly gambler suddenly shouted.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but smile slightly, and secretly said: "A gambler is a gambler, and the gambler's nature is hard to change."

Then, Li Ming turned around and asked, "How is it? Have you decided?"

"I've decided, I'll gamble with you!" said the burly gambler.

"You have to think clearly. If you lose, you have to be driven by me for three days." Li Ming reminded again.

"Think it over," said the burly gambler.

"You have to know that you can't escape in front of me. It's best to really think about it! Otherwise, it will be too late to regret it!" Li Ming said coldly, releasing a powerful breath at the same time.

 I went home from Yancheng today. I was delayed. I wrote it a little late. Don’t wait, there will be an update tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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