Chapter 1376
A few days later, the representative of Nanlin City went out of the city, and the leader of the rogues flew out of the camp to meet him and asked, "How is it?"

I saw the representative of Nanlin City say with humiliation on his face: "Boss, our Nanlin City is willing to offer [-] million top-grade spirit stones, [-] million top-grade pills, some treasures, and three years of taxes."

Hearing this, the leader of the bandits couldn't help but smiled with satisfaction, and then asked, "Did you bring everything?"

"Brought it." The representative of Nanlin City said hastily.

"Why don't you offer it soon?" The leader of the rogues said majesticly.

The representative of Nanlin City hesitated slightly, and said, "Boss, please abide by the agreement and retreat immediately after collecting the treasures."

"Are you questioning me?" The big leader asked coldly, his complexion darkened.

"Don't dare, dare not." The representative of Nanlin City said hastily.

"Hmph!" The leader of the bandits snorted coldly.

The representative of Nanlin City presented the treasure tremblingly, and the expression of the leader of the bandits eased slightly.

I saw that the leader of the bandits checked the amount, and it was indeed [-] million top-grade spirit stones, [-] million top-grade pills, some treasures, and a three-year tax contract.

The representative of Nanlin City saw that the leader of the bandits had completed the verification, and said cautiously: "Boss, please retreat."

"What's the rush? I'm still relying on you to make it to Nanlin City? You go back first, and let my brothers rest here for a day or two before leaving." The leader of the rogues said impatiently.

"This..." The representative of Nanlin City hesitated in his heart, and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

"Still leaving?" the leader of the rogue bandits shouted, while releasing the coercion of the half-honored state.

Seeing this, the representative of Nanlin City changed his face and left in a panic.

Li Ming, who was hiding in the dark, saw all this, shook his head, and said to himself: "The representative of Nanlin City is too weak, how can anyone negotiate like him? I'm afraid it won't take a few days. The city is about to be attacked."

Sure enough, two days later, the army of rogues changed and approached Nanlin City.

Nanlin City was like a frightened bird, the representative went out of the city again and asked, "Big Chief, why is this?"

The leader of the bandits snorted and said, "This leader has changed his mind! Attack the city!"

After saying that, he slapped the weak representative to death with one palm, and then began to attack the city.

In the past few days, they have found out that the head of the Pine Forest Sword Sect is indeed a master, but his strength is only half-exalted.

Moreover, as early as hundreds of years ago, they left Nanlin City to seek a breakthrough.

They are all semi-respected powerhouses, and they know how difficult it is to break through from the half-respected state to the venerable state, and they absolutely do not believe that the head of the Pine Forest Sword Sect can break through successfully in just a few hundred years.

So, after finding out, attack the city immediately!
Li Ming lurks in the dark, keeping his composure, just waiting for the bandits to break through the gate of the city before attacking.

Nanlin City is quite defensive, but it's a pity that there are no real strong people sitting in it.

Under the joint attack of the three half-respected powerhouses of the rogue bandits, it took only half a day to break through the city gate.

Then, the rogues poured into Nanlin City like a tide.

Li Ming, who was hiding in the dark, murmured: "It's our turn! Remember, once you get the elixir, don't think about fighting."

"Yes, master." Ancestor Arowana and Tuntian Shengou said in unison.

Although Li Ming is strong, he is not confident enough to fight three against one.

Immediately, I saw Li Ming and the others disguised as bandits, mixed into the army of bandits, and entered Nanlin City.

No one noticed Li Ming and the others. Li Ming and his party entered Nanlin City smoothly.

Before coming here, Li Ming had figured out that the place where the elixir was stored was in the basement of the large yard next to Tongmao elixir shop in the north of the city.

The Tongmao Pill Shop was set up by the Feng clan, and the big yard next to it was also set up by the Feng clan, and it was used to deceive people.

Li Ming flew all the way, easily found the Tongmao pill and started on the road, and there was indeed a big yard next to it.

Li Ming flew directly into the courtyard, there were people in the courtyard, they were children of the Feng family.

"I have met the patriarch." A group of Feng clan children saluted.

"You don't need to be too polite. Now that the bandits have broken through the city gate, there is nothing to rob when they enter the city. You just wait here for a while, and I will take you away after I get the elixir." Li Ming murmured.

"Yes, patriarch." The disciples of the Phoenix clan responded.

There are not many disciples of the Feng Clan, only seven or eight, but they are in charge of trading pills here.

Afterwards, Li Ming entered the underground treasure house under the leadership of a steward.

Open the treasure house, there are countless pills inside.

Li Ming, Ancestor Arowana, and Tuntian Shengou took some effort to get the pill.

At this time, there was a sudden boom on the ground.

Li Ming frowned suddenly, and said, "No, something happened in the yard!"

Immediately, a group of people left the underground treasure house quickly.

After leaving the treasure house, they found that the original courtyard had become ruins.

Seeing this, Li Ming's eyebrows burst into several times of evil spirit, and he said, "Hurry up and save people."

Immediately, everyone opened up the ruins and rescued several Feng disciples who were crushed below.

The disciples of the Feng clan were seriously injured. Li Ming tried his best, but failed to save them all. In the end, three members of the clan died tragically.

Li Ming's face was ugly, and he asked one of the least injured clansman, "What's going on? Was it the rogue?"

"Exactly, the rogue didn't find any elixir in the nearby Tongmao elixir shop, so he became furious and began to murder violently." The clansman said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said, "I see."

Immediately, Li Ming asked again: "Where are the Dragon Fish Patriarch and Tuntian God Dog?"

"The subordinate is here." Ancestor Longyu and Tuntian Shengou immediately responded.

"The two of you must bring them back to Hotan City safely." Li Ming said solemnly.

"Yes, master." Ancestor Arowana and Tuntian God Dog responded.

Slightly startled, Ancestor Longyu asked in a low voice: "Master, are you planning to..."

"That's right, I'm going to meet these rogues, my disciples from the Feng family can't die in vain!" Li Ming revealed his murderous intentions.

"Master..." Ancestor Longyu still wanted to persuade him, but Li Ming said: "No need to persuade, I have made up my mind!"

Hearing this, Arowana Patriarch had no choice but to give up.

Immediately, Arowana Patriarch and Tuntian God Dog left with a few members of the Feng clan.

Li Ming also left the small courtyard, only to see him offering a silver gun.

To deal with these ordinary rogues, there is no need for treasures like Thor's Hammer.

Originally, Li Ming didn't intend to deal with these rogues, but now it's different, these rogues killed his own people, and Li Ming needs them to pay with their blood.

These rogues were ferocious by nature, and after breaking through the gate of the southern city, they began to burn, kill and loot.

For a moment, blood flowed into rivers in Nanlin City, corpses were strewn all over the ground, and the sound of killing was everywhere.

Li Ming held a silver gun in his hand, showing his might.

In an instant, more than ten rogues around died.

The worst of these rogues are all in the realm of transforming gods, but in front of Li Ming, they are like chickens, killing them as soon as they say it!
Soon, the appearance of Li Ming attracted the attention of the rogues, and the rogues from all directions rushed towards Li Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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