The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1382 Nebula Cave

Chapter 1382 Nebula Cave
"Oh? Let's hear it." Li Ming asked curiously.

"I can't tell for a while. I will know when I enter the Xingyun Cave." The big leader said, and then said to the rogues: "Everyone rest where you are, and enter the Xingyun Cave in three days."

"Yes, chief." All the rogues responded.

The big leader refused to say more, so Li Ming didn't ask any more questions. He believed that with the Dragon Emperor floating around, there shouldn't be too much danger.

Everyone rested in place and meditated for three days.

Three days later, set off for Xingyun Cave.

Xingyun Grotto is brightly lit and full of stars, like a collection of galaxies.

In less than half a day, everyone arrived at the entrance of Xingyun Grotto.

I only heard the big leader said: "Those who are above the late stage of transformation will enter with me, and the others will stay here."

"Yes, chief." All the rogues responded.

Most of these rogues have experienced the power of the Xingyun Cave. Without the cultivation base above the late stage of transformation, it is easy to fall, so it is better to stay safe and stay here.

The bright stars in the Xingyun Grotto were forcibly photographed by the Almighty, and changed into the size of an egg, just like night pearls.

It has to be said that the construction of the Xingyun Cave is definitely a big effort. It is not easy to get these bright stars alone, let alone arrange these stars according to the pattern of the sky.

Li Ming secretly said in his heart: "It seems that the former Xinghai Pavilion is also the overlord!"

The big leader rectified, and led the rogues above the Late Transformation Stage into the Xingyun Cave, followed by Li Ming.

After entering the Xingyun Cave, I only heard the chief remind me: "This is the Avenue of Stars, but although these stars are beautiful, they are hard to touch."

"Oh? What's so special?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Look." The big leader pointed to a glowing red star and said, "Look at this star, it's glowing red, it's as fascinating as a jewel. If I guessed correctly, it should be a flaming star, and The temperature is extremely high."

As he said that, the big leader turned his palm and took out a weapon, and threw it at the glowing red star.

Before the weapon touched the glowing red star, it was instantly wiped out.

Although it was only for a moment, Li Ming still captured the terrifying power of that red star.

I only heard that the big leader continued: "Look at that blue star, it should be a star of extreme ice."

As he said that, the big leader made another shot.

I saw that the object was frozen into ice slag before it touched the stars.

Li Ming took a deep breath and sighed: "It seems that these are not ordinary stars."

"That's true. When I first came here, I felt like I suffered a lot." The chief said, and then said: "Although these stars are not simple, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them, they will not be in danger. "

"Understood." Li Ming nodded and said.

"Go, keep going," said the chief.

Passing through the Avenue of Stars is considered to have truly entered the Xingyun Cave.

After a little effort, we arrived at the meteorite array.

I saw meteorites passing back and forth one by one, blocking the way of everyone.

These meteorites are very fast and very dense.

If you are accidentally hit, you will be seriously injured if you don't die!
This meteorite formation is the first threshold of the Nebula Grotto.

However, the big leader and the others have been here before, and they have already felt the meteorite formation clearly, and they broke through it with ease.

I only heard that the big leader said: "The meteorite array is nothing, the front is the tricky one."

(End of this chapter)

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