The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1385 Hidden Mysteries

Chapter 1385 Hidden Mysteries
After a while, Li Ming came to a galaxy where stars gather.

The Milky Way is like a silver thread, horizontally in front of Li Ming, unable to pass by.

Li Ming was stunned, and sacrificed the Dragon Emperor Floating Pearl again.

As soon as the Dragon Emperor Floating Pearl appeared, it immediately formed a protective light curtain around the stars around Li Ming.

I only heard Li Ming secretly said: "I hope I can cross the Galaxy smoothly."

Immediately, Li Ming jumped and began to forcibly cross the galaxy.

What flows in ordinary rivers is water, and what flows in star rivers are stars.

The star was forcibly transformed into the size of a fist, but its mass did not decrease in any way.

Once you are accidentally hit by a fast star, the consequences can be imagined.

The light curtain of the Dragon Emperor Floating Pearl is really amazing, it is indeed a fetish that can withstand the blows of the Venerable and the strong.

At this time, the light curtain has already blocked the impact of three or four stars.

Li Ming could feel the powerful impact. Fortunately, he was protected by the Dragon Emperor Floating Pearl, otherwise, with Li Ming's current strength, it would be difficult to parry.

Li Ming accelerated his flight, trying to forcefully cross the galaxy in a very short time.

"Bang... bang..."

More and more stars collided with the light curtain of the Dragon Emperor Floating Pearl, and spider cracks slowly appeared on the screen-like light curtain.

Seeing this, Li Ming's expression changed involuntarily, and he said to himself: "It seems that the light curtain of the Dragon Emperor's Floating Pearl can't last long, and we have to cross the galaxy as soon as possible."

I saw Li Ming move his back, spread his golden wings, and his speed suddenly soared.

The light curtain is like glass, and the spider cracks are becoming more and more obvious. There is only a crisp sound of collapse, and the light curtain is completely shattered.

However, the other side of the galaxy was right in front of Li Ming.

Seeing the golden wings spread out, Li Ming leaped and flew out of the galaxy to the other side of the galaxy.

Looking back at the galaxy, Li Ming felt a lingering fear in his heart, and thought to himself: "The stars in the galaxy can smash the Dragon Emperor's floating pearl curtain, and its power is absolutely comparable to a blow from the Venerable Realm. Fortunately, there is the Dragon Emperor's floating pearl, otherwise I really don't know how to do it." cross the river."

Li Ming put away the tarnished Dragon Emperor Floating Pearl and moved on.

I don't know how long it will take for the Dragon Emperor Floating Pearl to re-glow and close, condensing the light curtain.

Going further, it seems to have reached the end of Xingyun Cave.

The stars here are a little different, not as dazzling as before, and look very far away.

Li Ming looked around, but he didn't see anything strange here, let alone hidden treasures.

Li Ming frowned, and said disappointedly: "It doesn't look like what I imagined."

Slightly startled, Li Ming thought of Senior Kunpeng and the others in the mirage, and couldn't help but secretly said: "Maybe Senior Kunpeng and the others can see the clues here."

Immediately, Li Ming took out Mirage from the inner pocket of the robe.

With a simple message, Senior Kunpeng and the others flew out.

Looking around, only Wen Tuntian Shengou asked: "Master, where is this?"

"Xingyun Cave." Li Ming said.

"Xingyun Cave?" Tuntian Shengou was startled, but he had never heard of it.

I only heard that Li Ming explained: "This is a secret place discovered by the leader of the rogues. It is suspected that it was cast by the Xinghai Pavilion. It is said that there are treasures hidden here. Now we are in the Xingyun Cave. However, until now I have not seen any He Bufan, take a look."

Immediately, Senior Kunpeng, Ancestor Longyu, and Tuntian Shengou looked around.

Li Ming also searched carefully again, trying to find some details that had been neglected before.

It's a pity that the final result still disappointed Li Ming, and he didn't find anything.

Slightly startled, Li Ming asked, "Senior Kunpeng, what did you discover?"

Senior Kunpeng pondered slightly, and said: "Li Ming, look at these stars, although they seem to be chaotic and irregular. However, the order in which they shine seems to hide a mystery."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but stare at the shining stars carefully, trying to gain something from them.

After observing for a period of time, Li Ming also found that these shining stars were a little different, and it seemed that there were really hidden secrets.

It's just that so far, Li Ming has not seen the profound meaning in it.

Li Ming asked, "Ancestor Dragon Fish, do you see anything unusual?"

Ancestor Longyu shook his head slightly, and said: "Master, my subordinates are dull, and I haven't been able to see it yet."

"What about you? Swallowing God Dog?" Li Ming continued to ask.

However, the swallowing dog did not answer.

Li Ming was stunned, and couldn't help but look at Tuntian Shengou.

I saw Tuntian Shengou gazing at the stars in the sky with full concentration, as if he didn't hear Li Ming's words.

Seeing this, Ancestor Arowana couldn't help scolding: "What is this thief doing? He dares not to ask questions from his master."

Saying that, the Ancestor Arowana wanted to wake up the Tuntian God Dog.

I only heard that Li Ming stopped him and said: "Don't disturb him, he seems to have some insights."

"En?" Ancestor Arowana was stunned, and looked at Tuntian God Dog suspiciously.

I saw Tuntian Shengou staring at the high hanging stars intently, his expression remained motionless, as if he had turned into a stone statue.

Li Ming and the others did not interrupt, and quietly looked around, looking for something unusual.

Tuntian Shengou kept looking up for several days, motionless, and didn't even blink his eyelids.

On this day, the aura of Tuntian Shengou suddenly changed.

Seeing this, Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, the changing breath was too familiar.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Tiantian Shengou is about to break through!"

Senior Kunpeng nodded, and said, "That's true. It seems that he has realized something in the shining stars, and only then has he touched the threshold of the half-honored realm and started to break through!"

The aura of Tuntian Shengou changes instantaneously, sometimes expanding, sometimes restraining, one after another.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Everyone stand back, so as not to be affected."

Immediately, Li Ming and his party stepped back a little.

Tuntian Shengou stared at the starry sky, and there seemed to be stars in his eyes. The bones on his body were crackling, and his momentum was very powerful.

Li Ming and his party had to use their true energy to resist.

Ancestor Longyu said enviously: "I didn't expect this thief to have such a chance to break through the realm of half-honored."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Don't be envious, sooner or later you will break through to the half-honored realm."

"Me?" Ancestor Dragon Fish was startled, and asked later, "Can I also break through?"

"Of course! I believe you." Li Ming replied noncommittally.

Ancestor Arowana paused, his heart surged, he nodded firmly, and said, "Master, I will work hard!"

"Well, I will help you too." Li Ming said.

During the conversation, the momentum of Tuntian Shengou rose sharply.

At the same time, the high-hanging stars became extraordinarily bright.

Li Ming clearly saw the starlight shed by the stars, which was completely absorbed by the Tuntian God Dog.

The body of Tuntian Shengou has changed rapidly, and it is not limited to the crackling of bones, but the whole body!

 Keep writing, there is at least one more chapter before 12 o'clock.I received everyone's blessings, rewards, and red envelopes.The baby is fine. When I went to the hospital to see him today, he was obviously different from yesterday, but he still can't breastfeed. Maybe it's because of premature birth.I hope the baby grows up healthily.

(End of this chapter)

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